On February 28, 1993, ATF agents raided the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas to execute a search warrant. The raid was part of an ongoing standoff between the federal government and the Branch Davidians. The confrontation became the longest shoot-out in American law enforcement history, ending 51 days later with 75 people dead.
At the time, ATF Director Stephen Higgins had promised Treasury Under Secretary Ron Noble that the raid would be canceled if an undercover agent reported that the element of surprise was lost. However, ATF raid leaders pressed on, despite knowing that the advantage of surprise was lost. The resulting siege ended in flames and the deaths of over 80 Americans, including women and children.
No matter where one stands on David Koresh and the Branch Davidians—whether they were justified, in the wrong, or somewhere in between—one thing is crystal clear: the ATF and the federal government overstepped their bounds.
The ATF’s Escalating War on Gun Owners
In spite of the disaster of the 1993 Waco Siege, the ATF was still not an entirely unaccountable and rogue agency. However, since then, it has become a politically motivated and liberally anti-gun machine targeting law-abiding gun owners, and operating in open defiance of the courts:
- Pistol Brace Ban – The ATF attempted to criminalize millions of gun owners overnight by arbitrarily classifying pistol braces as restricted items, despite previous rulings stating otherwise.
- Banning Bump Stocks – The ATF unilaterally reclassified bump stocks as machine guns, resulting in an unconstitutional ban that was later struck down in Garland v. Cargill.
- Banning Home-Built Firearms – Under the guise of targeting so-called “ghost guns,” the ATF imposed restrictions to effectively outlaw home-built firearms, violating the rights of lawful gun owners.
- Dealer in Firearms Rule – This rule served as a de facto universal gun registration scheme, requiring background checks and tracking of private gun sales, further infringing on Second Amendment rights.
- Forced Reset Triggers & 80% Lowers – Gun owners have been harassed and threatened for possessing legal & mere firearm accessories.
- Defying the Courts – The ATF continues enforcing unconstitutional rules, even after courts have struck down their actions in these cases.
Even though all of these rules items have been halted by the courts, the ATF continues enforcing many of these unconstitutional rules, making it clear the ATF is no longer a neutral enforcement agency but a partisan tool pushing a radical anti-gun agenda.
Abolish the ATF—The Time is Now
With Republicans in control of the House, Senate, and White House in 2025, there is no excuse. The ATF must be abolished immediately, and H.R. 221 must pass without delay. If gun owners do not demand action now, this opportunity may be lost after the midterms.
Until then, Kash Patel, as Acting Director of the ATF, must immediately rein in the agency and end its war on gun owners. If rumors are true that Dan O’Kelly will replace Patel, gun owners must remain vigilant. O’Kelly has a strong record of fighting the ATF in court, but we must ensure he follows through on dismantling its unconstitutional practices.
Gun Owners Must Stay Engaged
Waco was not just a historical tragedy—it was the beginning of a slippery slope that has led to today’s full-scale war on gun owners. The only way to stop this is through action. Contact your legislators. Demand that H.R. 221 is passed immediately. Hold ATF leadership accountable.
Thirty years after Waco, it’s time to end the ATF’s reign of terror once and for all.