Texas Gun Rights 501(c)(4) mobilizes grassroots activists to lobby their elected officials to pass pro-gun policy — and DEFEAT gun control — in Austin and Washington.
There is no limit on what you can donate, but your contributions are NOT tax deductible.

Texas Gun Rights Foundation 501(c)(3) brings TXGR’s NO COMPROMISE approach to the court room and teaching gun owners how to be an effective activist.
There is no limit on what you can donate, and your donations are tax deductible.

Texas Gun Rights PAC supports pro-gun champions who pledge to be stalwarts for your rights protected by the Second Amendment.
As a political action committee, donations are unlimited and NOT tax deductible.
Leave a Lasting Legacy on the Second Amendment in Texas
Long-Term Giving Options:
In Your Will
You know as well as anyone that the Second Amendment protects all of our other Constitutional rights. Your legacy of support will help ensure the Second Amendment is protected for future generations with the number one No Compromise gun rights organization in Texas.
Your Last Will and Testament is the ultimate statement of what matters most to you—the people you love and the values and principles you hold dear.
That is why many freedom-loving Texans choose to include Texas Gun Rights in their estate planning.
This isn’t just an exercise for the wealthy. No bequest is too small. Every bequest is appreciated.
Each of these gifts is a testament to our members’ love of individual liberty. Together, their collective strength serves as a bedrock for ensuring that the Second Amendment stands as the biggest bulwark against tyranny!
Gift Appreciated Stock
Donating appreciated stock or mutual funds that you’ve owned for at least one year is another way you can give to Texas Gun Rights. In doing so, the Texas Gun Rights Foundation, as a 501(c)(3), can recognize the entire contribution without paying long-term capital gains tax. Additionally, this method of giving will allow you to avoid paying capital gains tax on the gifted appreciated stock and also count as a charitable income tax deduction for the full market value of the stock.
Make us a Life Insurance Beneficiary
Life insurance is a tool with many purposes. Perhaps when your children were young, you purchased policies to provide them with financial protection. But if your situation has changed, you might be interested in one of the more satisfying uses for life insurance you no longer need—donating it to the Texas Gun Rights Foundation so we can take our No Compromise, bare-knuckled tactics to defend the Second Amendment in the courtrooms.
Gifting an existing policy, naming us as a beneficiary of an existing policy, or purchasing a new policy for future charitable gifts are all ways in which you can leave a lasting legacy on Texas Gun Rights through your life insurance.
Gifting Through Retirement
Did you know that retirement accounts are exposed to federal income taxes that could be as high as 37% upon your death? The good news is that these taxes can be eliminated or reduced through a carefully planned charitable gift.
Consider leaving your loved ones less heavily taxed assets and leaving your retirement plan assets to Texas Gun Rights Foundation to support our work. As a nonprofit organization, we are tax-exempt and will receive the full amount of what you designate to us from your plan. You can take advantage of this gift opportunity in several ways, such as listing us as a beneficiary of your account, making us a contingent beneficiary, and giving through your IRA.
You may consider giving through Stocks, Bonds, Mutual Funds, ETFs, UITs, Broker-Deal CDs, or Cash. If you desire to help Texas Gun Rights Foundation through one of these ways, please let us know!