In recent years, Gun Control Inc. has been obsessed with banning rifles such as AR-15s. These rifles’ cosmetic features look intimidating, but their single-shot fire setting makes them no different from most rifles millions of Americans own.
However, media depictions of these rifles have made countless people believe that AR-15s and similar rifles are burst or automatic-fire rifles that criminals and terrorists regularly used to mow down innocent people. In the post-truth society we live in, often perception can become reality.
As a result, many people have been bamboozled into believing such weapons are so dangerous that they must be banned by state governments and even Congress. This has inspired the perennial push for so-called “assault weapons” ban by gun control controllers at all levels of government.
The good news is there are an increasing number of pro-gun outlets, leaders, and organizations that have been setting the record straight on gun control myths for multiple decades. Now that work has snow-balled into a political moment where gun owners could potentially score big wins on gun rights on Capitol Hill.
For example, Rep. Claudia Tenney (R-NY) recently put forward legislation that would bar states from prohibiting rifles and/or shotguns that are already legal at the federal level. The bill in question, the Second Amendment Guarantee Act (SAGA), would function as a nationwide preemption law that would prevent state governments from banning weapons that federal law has not yet banned.
More importantly, this legislation would repeal prohibitions featured in laws such as the SAFE Act — a comprehensive gun control law the New York state government passed in the aftermath of the Sandy Hook massacre. The SAFE Act imposed universal background checks for all gun purchases, broadened the category of so-called “assault weapons”, established a state database for handguns, and prohibited the purchase or sale of magazines that could hold over seven rounds of ammunition.
Tenney said the following: “The SAGA Act nullifies New York’s unconstitutional SAFE Act and prevents other states from enacting laws that violate the Second Amendment. This legislation upholds our country’s founding principle of protecting the rights of law-abiding Americans, even from liberal states with anti-gun policies.”
According to the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA), Reps. Doug LaMalfa (R-CA), Nick Langworthy (R-NY). This legislation is long overdue. Thanks to the 14th amendment, rights like the Second Amendment have been incorporated at the state level, thereby making any gun control measures passed by state governments as unconstitutional.
The SAGA Act would allow for countless gun owners in blue states to have a large portion of their gun rights restored. The passage of this law goes a long way in rolling back countless unconstitutional laws that anti-gun states have passed. The fact is many blue states are next to impossible to do legislative activism in.
Due to this reality, gun owners may have to play an intolerable long game to have their rights restored. But with a pro-gun judiciary and now a nominally pro-gun Congress, there are new opportunities for gun owners all over the nation to see whole improvements in their right to bear arms. When gun owners use multi-pronged strategies to resist Gun Control Inc., the chances for achieving success increase dramatically.
As always, it pays to continue being relentless is our advocacy for the Second Amendment. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. Provided that gun owners maintain their pressure on Republicans, from the United States House all the way down to their state legislatures, there’s room for massive progress.
Now it’s just a matter of hitting the pavement and holding the political class’s feet to the fire.