Pro-Gun Brandon Herrera Forces Tony Gonzales to Runoff

March 15, 2024 

Once the smoke cleared after the Republican primary in Texas’ 23rd Congressional District on March 5, 2024, incumbent Congressman Tony Gonzales (R-TX) and his challenger Brandon Herrera ended up as the top two finishers, picking up 45.4% and 24.2% of the vote respectively. Since neither obtained over 50% of the vote, Gonzales and Herrera are headed to a runoff on May 28, 2024.

This runoff is no random political development. It’s the result of Gonzales’s sketchy legislative track record on gun rights over the past two years of his congressional term. 

Since being elected to Congress in 2020 to represent Texas’ 23rd district, Gonzales has proven himself to be a loyal minion of the DC ruling class. The Uvalde shooting of May 24, 2022, was when Gonzales demonstrated his true colors on the right to bear arms. 

The shooting took place in Gonzales’s district, which naturally had a major impact on him. Instead of soberly processing the situation and focusing on the Uvalde Police Department’s cowardly decision to stand down and not deal with the mass murderer who slaughtered 21 people in a timely manner, Gonzales succumbed to the corporate media’s immediate push for gun control by playing an instrumental role in the passage of the “Bipartisan Safer Communities Act.”

This gun control package was championed by Republican Senator John Cornyn and Democrat Senator Chris Murphy in the United States Senate, and was ultimately passed with bipartisan support after weak-kneed Republicans like Gonzales got on board. 

Joe Biden described the BSCA as “the most significant gun [control] legislation to pass Congress in 30 years.”

This bill secured $750 million in federal funding for state “red flag” gun confiscation order programs that offer no due process protections. Essentially, an individual who is suspected of posing a threat to themselves or others could have their firearms confiscated without even a judicial hearing. Additionally, this bill allocated $300 million to facilitate the entry of millions of juvenile records into NICS and the reporting on them without any regard for due process. 

$200 million would also go towards the states to handle their new juvenile records reporting requirement, while $100 million would be allocated towards meeting the “additional resource needs” of the NICS system. Such a move represents a significant expansion of the NICS database, which many gun owners perceive as a step towards establishing a de facto gun registry. 

To make matters worse, the BSCA could potentially subject countless lawful gun dealers to criminal penalties. This law establishes new language for a “dealer”, thereby making numerous Federal Firearms License (FFL) holders criminally liable for “dealing without a license” for selling firearms that are later used in criminal acts. The definition of an FFL is broadened to encompass any individual who sells firearms to “predominantly earn a profit” as opposed to anyone who engages in such activity to make a living. In effect, many private gun sales could be subject to criminal penalties. 

These among other provisions make the BSCA a gun control abomination that no self-respecting conservative should ever support. Gonzales portrays himself as a staunch conservative, but in a moment of great political tension, he folded like a lawn chair. 

Thankfully grassroots conservatives in the Lone Star State did not ignore Gonzales’s Second Amendment treachery.

Gonzales’s challenger, Brandon Herrera, made his name as a firearms manufacturer and host of a YouTube channel that has over 3 million subscribers. 

Herrera felt compelled to throw his hat in the political ring because Gonzales had not lived up to his constituents’ pro-gun values during his time in office. Undoubtedly, Herrera is the candidate of the grassroots in this runoff election as he runs on a platform to fully restore the Second Amendment. 

Primaries continue serving a useful purpose as a way to expose the lackluster track record of establishment politicians and punish them for their misbehavior at the ballot box.  Primary elections are one of the democratic mechanisms that pro-gun activists can still use to keep the political class in line and even knock some of their minions if the right political stars align. These elections should not be overlooked. 

The undeniable reality of politics is that when politicians are allowed to legislate in an anti-liberty manner, they will only escalate their efforts to destroy our liberties. Only dedicated grassroots activists who are willing to inflict political pain on bad politicians will restore the sacred liberties that have been stripped from us over the past century. 

Brandon Herrera represents the will of Texas grassroots voters who have yearned for no compromise, pro-Second Amendment leadership. The pro-gun YouTuber upsetting Gonzales on March 28 will send a strong message to Texas’ political class that Second Amendment betrayals will no longer be tolerated. 

This is one race that pro-gun observers should observe with great interest.  

Call Tony Gonzales at (210) 806-9920. Tell him to reverse course and start standing up for the Second Amendment!


Exposing politicians through mail, digital ads and text messages isn’t cheap! Help fund Texas Gun Rights’ efforts to mobilize pro-gun Texans to defend the Second Amendment today:




2024 Republican Primary Runoff Voter Guide

2024 Republican Primary Runoff: May 28th (early voting: May 20-24)


The candidates listed below have returned a PRO-GUN Texas Gun Rights Candidate Survey and pledged to fight for your gun rights without compromise.


Don’t see your candidate? Tell them to fill out their TXGR Candidate Survey today! Print/Download candidate survey here.


**Last updated 5/13/24**

U.S. Congress

  • CD 7: Caroline Kane (pro-gun survey)
  • CD 12: John O’Shea (pro-gun survey)
  • CD 23: Brandon Herrera (TXGR PAC-endorsed)
  • CD 29:…awaiting survey return
  • CD 32:…awaiting survey return
  • CD 35:…awaiting survey return

Texas Senate

  • SD 30: Jace Yarbrough (TXGR PAC-endorsed)

Texas House

  • HD 1: …awaiting survey return
  • HD 12: Trey Wharton ((pro-gun survey)
  • HD 12: Ben Bius (pro-gun survey)
  • HD 21: David Covey (TXGR PAC-endorsed)
  • HD 29: …awaiting survey return
  • HD 30: AJ Louderback (TXGR PAC-endorsed)
  • HD 33: Katrina Pierson (TXGR PAC-endorsed)
  • HD 44: Alan Schoolcraft (pro-gun survey)
  • HD 58: Helen Kerwin (TXGR PAC-endorsed)
  • HD 61: Keresa Richardson (TXGR PAC-endorsed)
  • HD 64: Andy Hopper (TXGR PAC-endorsed)
  • HD 91: David Lowe (TXGR PAC-endorsed)
  • HD 97: Cheryl Bean (TXGR PAC-endorsed)

County Chair

  • Collin County: Ellen Loveless (TXGR PAC-endorsed)
Returning a pro-gun survey does NOT constitute an endorsement of any candidate for office. The list of pro-gun survey respondents is for informational purposes so gun owners know EXACTLY which candidates for public office have pledged their commitment to protecting gun rights. 
Texas Gun Rights is the Texas affiliate of the National Association for Gun Rights, a tax exempt non-profit organization under IRC 501(c)(4) which does not endorse, support, or oppose candidates for election. Candidate endorsements are reserved for our political action committee, Texas Gun Rights PAC.
Need more context on the survey questions? Read background information here.

ATF Official’s Glock Disassembly Fail Sparks Controversy and Mockery

March 11, 2024 

In a recent CBS “Face the Nation” segment that’s now making rounds across social media for all the wrong reasons, ATF’s Firearms Ammunition Technology Division acting chief, Chris Bort, found himself under fire. Billed as a “firearms expert,” Bort’s struggle with a task as basic as disassembling a Glock pistol—a procedure often regarded as straightforward within gun enthusiast circles—has ignited a flurry of criticism and ridicule.

The Glock, known for its widespread use and simple maintenance, has been a staple in the firearms community for its ease of disassembly. This routine process, achievable by individuals with minimal instruction, seemed to puzzle Bort, an official whose role significantly impacts the enforcement of Second Amendment rights in the United States. The episode has raised eyebrows and questions about the competency of those tasked with regulating firearms.

This incident caught the attention of popular YouTuber Garand Thumb, a well-known figure in the Second Amendment community for his engaging and informative firearms content. A former Air Force member, Garand Thumb, took a break from his regular postings to highlight Bort’s gaffe, further amplifying the criticism and adding a layer of embarrassment to the ATF official’s televised misstep.


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The episode adds to the ongoing narrative questioning the expertise of individuals in significant positions of authority over gun laws and regulations.

Similar instances, such as Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson’s misinterpretation of a bump stock’s function, fuel concerns over the knowledge base of those shaping firearms policy. Such misconceptions, particularly when voiced by individuals with the power to influence gun laws, underscore a worrying disconnect between regulators and the technical realities of firearms.

Critics argue that this lack of basic firearms knowledge among key figures could undermine the credibility of institutions like the ATF, tasked with enforcing gun laws. The call for more educated and proficient authorities in matters concerning firearms rights and safety is growing louder, particularly among gun owners and Second Amendment advocates.

The incident not only serves as a moment of embarrassment for the ATF but also as a stark reminder of the importance of firearms education among those in positions to regulate and influence gun policy. As debates over gun control intensify, the competency and expertise of those at the helm of regulation become increasingly crucial.

For many within the pro-gun community, this episode is a vivid illustration of the challenges facing effective firearms regulation and enforcement. It underscores the need for a better-informed approach to gun policy, one that respects the technical nuances of firearms and the rights of law-abiding citizens under the Second Amendment.

Sign our petition instructing your congressman to ABOLISH the ATF.


Soros, Giffords & Everytown Targeting Texas in 2024

March 11, 2024 

In the ongoing debate over Second Amendment rights in the United States, prominent gun control organizations like Giffords and Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Control have positioned themselves at the forefront of the movement as leaders for restricting the right to keep and bear arms.

These groups have taken a particular interest in states they perceive as having lax gun laws, advocating for comprehensive legislative changes that, from a pro-gun perspective, threaten the foundational principles of American liberty and self-defense.

Giffords’ recent assessment identifies states such as Wyoming, Arkansas, Missouri, Kentucky, and Idaho, along with Texas — ranked 20th by Giffords —as having the “worst” gun laws due to their strong protections for gun rights (Texas was ranked 19th “worst” by Everytown, respectively.)

For pro-gun advocates, however, these states represent beacons of freedom and firearms liberty, exemplifying a commitment to upholding the freedoms enshrined in the Second Amendment.

And in the case of Texas, many pro-gun advocates believe Texas should be first when it comes to firearms freedom — not 19th or 20th.

But the legislative priorities proposed by Giffords in Texas, echoed by Bloomberg’s Everytown, underscore a broad agenda to reshape the landscape of gun ownership in the Lone Star State.

These priorities include the implementation of universal gun registration, under the guise of “universal” or “expanded” background checks. Such a system not only raises concerns about privacy and governmental overreach but also lays the groundwork for potential future confiscations, undermining the very essence of the right to keep and bear arms.

Furthermore, the advocacy for extreme risk protection orders, or red flag gun confiscation laws, has been met with significant resistance from pro-gun factions. These laws, which allow for the confiscation of firearms based on unverified allegations, are viewed as a direct violation of due process rights, stripping individuals of their constitutional protections based on mere suspicion.

The call for a ban on so-called “assault weapons” and “large-capacity” magazines represents another contentious issue. Proponents of gun control mischaracterize these firearms and accessories, branding them as inherently dangerous and without legitimate civilian use.

In reality, the term “assault weapon” is a nebulous and politically charged label often applied to a wide range of semi-automatic firearms, including many that are popular among law-abiding gun owners for sport, self-defense, and recreational shooting.

The push to ban these firearms and their standard-capacity magazines, which often hold more than ten rounds, include most 9mm handguns and threaten to encompass the majority of modern handguns and rifles, disregarding their prevalent and lawful use across the country.

Additional legislative goals outlined by Giffords and Everytown include the implementation of waiting periods for firearm purchases, the repeal of Constitutional Carry, and requiring a permit to purchase or possess a firearm.

Each of these measures introduces significant barriers to exercising Second Amendment rights, treating law-abiding citizens as potential criminals and impeding their ability to protect themselves and their families in a timely manner.

Bloomberg’s Everytown takes an even more aggressive stance, advocating for the same priorities as Giffords, but also includes the repeal of Texas’ “Stand Your Ground” and Campus Carry laws.

Everytown is also seeking to undermine recent school security bills that passed in the Texas legislature by disarming teachers in public schools. Worse, they are calling for legislation that would penalize individuals for firearms stolen from them, coupled with a proposal for mandatory firearms storage laws that demand gun owners store their firearms locked, unloaded, and separate from ammunition — a requirement that could prove fatal in many home invasion and self-defense scenarios.

This overarching strategy seeks not only to regulate the tools of self-defense but to reshape the culture of gun ownership in America, casting it in a negative and dangerous light.

The narrative pushed by these gun control groups, particularly in the wake of mass shootings that often take place in “gun free” zones, overlooks critical data and the complex nature of crime in America.

For instance, FBI crime statistics reveal that rifles, including those vilified by the left like the AR-15, are used in a fraction of homicides compared to other means such as handguns, knives, or even hands and fists.

This statistical reality underscores the fallacy of targeting specific firearm types as a solution to violence, ignoring the broader societal issues that contribute to criminal behavior.

Joe Biden’s recent directive to the ATF, aimed at expanding the definition of a dealer in firearms to include private sellers, represents a significant escalation in the push for universal gun registration.

By attempting to regulate all firearm transactions through governmental approval, the administration sets the stage for a comprehensive database of gun owners, a precursor to potential confiscation efforts, especially in the context of any future semi-automatic firearm bans.

Of course, Everytown and Giffords isn’t holding their breath waiting for the Federal Government to pass extreme gun control.

Giffords is backing four candidates running for public office in Texas, including Colin Allred who is challenging the pro-gun U.S. Senator from Texas, Ted Cruz.

Everytown is going further by backing 11 candidates for Texas offices, targeting mostly state legislative races. In Texas, Democrats only need to maintain their current seats and pick up 10 seats to take majority control of the State House.

Between Everytown and Giffords’ meddling in the Texas elections, coupled with the creation of Texas Majority PAC — a newly formed group run by former Beto O’Rourke presidential campaign staffers — it seems the anti-gun Left are not giving up on attacking Texas’ gun laws. Worse, Texas Majority PAC has raised $2.1 million from notoriously anti-gun George Soros and his affiliated “Democracy PAC” — and have spent over $1.5 million of it on the 2024 election cycle so far.

That’s why Texas Gun Rights has been at the forefront of championing the Second Amendment during this year’s Republican primary and runoff elections, solidifying gun rights as a paramount concern.

By diligently working to ensure that the anti-gun actions of politicians are exposed, TXGR aims to maintain the momentum of the pro-gun agenda heading into the November elections. This strategic focus is critical in positioning Texans to effectively counteract Biden and the gun control machine’s relentless anti-gun measures.

As the political landscape heats up, TXGR’s efforts are vital in safeguarding Texans’ right to bear arms and standing firm against any encroachments on their constitutional freedoms.

But as the debate over gun control continues to unfold, the fundamental question remains: will America uphold the Second Amendment rights of its citizens, or will it succumb to a narrative that seeks to disarm the populace under the guise of safety?

For pro-gun Americans, the answer is clear: the right to keep and bear arms is non-negotiable, and they stand ready to defend it against any and all encroachments.

Will you stand with Texas Gun Rights in 2024?

SOTU: Biden Demands Extreme Gun Control

March 8, 2024 

In Joe Biden’s State of the Union address on March 7, 2024, he renewed his call for sweeping gun control measures, focusing particularly on the ban of so-called “assault weapons” and “high-capacity” magazines, alongside tightening background checks.

While the narrative pushed by the administration and anti-gun politicians seeks to paint these measures as common-sense steps towards curbing gun violence, a closer examination reveals a fundamentally flawed approach that disproportionately affects law-abiding citizens while doing little to address the root causes of crime.

Central to Biden’s agenda is the demonization of semi-automatic firearms, misleadingly labeled as “assault weapons.” This term, however, is a broad and inaccurate classification that encompasses the majority of American-owned firearms, including not just AR-15 rifles but also many handguns and shotguns.

Legislation like the GoSafe Act targets these semi-automatic firearms, not just AR-15s as often portrayed by media and anti-gun politicians. Such measures ignore the reality that, according to FBI crime statistics, an individual is statistically more likely to be killed by hands or fists than by an AR-15 rifle.

The administration’s focus on “high-capacity” magazines is another misnomer, as the magazines in question are standard 30-round magazines for many firearms, not the outliers they are made out to be. Proposed legislation seeks to limit Americans to firearms that hold no more than 10 rounds, a restriction that would invalidate the majority of 9mm handguns, demonstrating an all-out war on gun owners.

Furthermore, Biden’s recent directive to the ATF to expand the definition of a “dealer in firearms” to include virtually all private gun sales is a perilous step towards universal gun registration.

This maneuver not only infringes upon Americans’ Second Amendment rights but sets the stage for potential confiscation should any future semi-auto ban pass. It’s a blatant attempt to catalog every gun owner in America, laying the groundwork for a system where government oversight extends into the private lives of its citizens.

Throughout his presidency, Biden has consistently advocated for these measures in the aftermath of mass shootings, pulling on the heart-strings of Americans and exploiting their grief to position himself as a proactive force against the NRA’s influence.

During his SOTU speech, he stated “We must beat the NRA again.” His repeated exhortation, “Stop it. Stop it. Stop it,” echoed throughout his address, as he called on both lawmakers to pass his extreme gun control measures.

However, while Biden and many others often cast the NRA as the primary obstacle to gun control legislation, the reality is that a coalition of hard-line, no-compromise gun rights organizations — such as the National Association for Gun Rights, Texas Gun Rights, and Gun Owners of America — play a significant role in opposing such measures.

These groups, more uncompromising and to the “right” of the NRA, have consistently mobilized its members to thwart legislative attempts at gun control, underscoring a deeply rooted belief in the protection of Second Amendment rights without concession.

Texas Gun Rights has been vocal in their opposition to these policies both federally and at the state level, recognizing them as part of a broader assault on gun ownership. They are sounding the alarm, particularly this election cycle, to educate Texans on where their candidates stand on Second Amendment rights.

The narrative pushed by Biden and his supporters fails to recognize that gun control measures, particularly those targeting so-called “assault weapons” and standard-capacity magazines, will not deter crime but rather penalize the vast majority of gun owners who abide by the law. The focus ought to be on addressing the underlying causes of violence without infringing on the rights of law-abiding citizens.

As history has shown, gun registration and excessive control measures are the hallmarks of tyrannical governments, not free societies.

Breaking Down Gun Rights Victories in the 2024 Republican Primary

March 7, 2024 

Texas Gun Rights is thrilled to announce the victory of 26 pro-gun  candidates during the recent Republican primary election. These significant wins highlight the power of grassroots activism and the unwavering commitment of Texans to safeguard their constitutional rights.

The success of these candidates is a direct result of your outstanding support. Despite the obstacles posed by the establishment gun lobby’s defense of incumbents who have compromised on gun rights, your votes made a decisive impact. TXGR and TXGR PAC was on the frontline, ensuring the voices of pro-gun Texans were heard, utilizing every tool at our disposal from direct mail to digital campaigns to expose the anti-gun actions of incumbent politicians.

However, our fight is far from over!

19 races are now heading to a crucial runoff on May 28. Among those facing this next challenge are TXGR PAC-endorsed champions like Brandon Herrera, Jace Yarbrough, David Covey, Katrina Pierson, Andy Hopper, David Lowe, Keresa Richardson, A.J. Louderback, and Cheryl Bean.

These individuals have pledged their dedication to protecting our right to bear arms, and they need our continued support to overcome the final hurdle in their election campaigns.

And Texas Gun Rights will continue exposing the anti-gun actions of candidates during the runoff so pro-gun Texans understand exactly who is trying to represent them in elected office.

This moment is crucial for the future of gun rights in Texas, and every contribution counts. Whether it’s $100, $50, $25, or even $10, your donation will bolster our efforts to educate voters and champion pro-Second Amendment candidates across the state.

If we want to make gun rights a winning issue come November — and continue taking Joe Biden’s gun control agenda head-on — identifying pro-gun candidates in the Republican Primary runoff must happen NOW.

Our commitment is to provide Texans with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions at the polls, advocating for no compromises and a refusal to back down in the face of opposition.

Thank you for your support!

For Texas and Liberty,

Chris McNutt

President, Texas Gun Rights

P.S. Here is the breakdown of pro-gun Republican Primary victories below:

26 pro-gun victories (21 TXGR PAC-Endorsed wins, 5 wins w/ pro-gun survey return):


Presiding Judge, Court of Criminal Appeals: David Schenk (TXGR PAC-Endorsed)
Judge, Court of Criminal Appeals Place 7 Gina Parker (TXGR PAC-Endorsed)
Judge, Court of Criminal Appeals Place 8 Lee Finley (TXGR PAC-Endorsed)


CD 26
Brandon Gill 58.4% (TXGR PAC-Endorsed)
Scott Armey 14.5%

State Legislative

HD 2
Brent Money 56.9% (TXGR PAC-Endorsed)
Jill Dutton Incumbent 43.1%

HD 10 – Uncontested
Brian Harrison (TXGR PAC-Endorsed)

HD 15
Steve Toth 67.9% (TXGR PAC-Endorsed)
Skeeter Hubert 32.1%

HD 18:
Janis Holt 53.1% (pro-gun survey)
Ernest Bailes Incumbent 39.1%

HD 26
Matt Morgan 53.8% (TXGR PAC-Endorsed)
Jacey Jetton Incumbent 38.6%

HD 53
Wes Virdell 60.5% (TXGR PAC-Endorsed)
Hatch Smith 39.5%

HD 55
Hillary Hickland 53.1% (TXGR PAC-Endorsed)
Hugh D. Shine Incumbent 39.5%

HD 56
Pat Curry 58.1% (pro-gun survey)
Devvie Duke 41.9% (pro-gun survey)

HD 60
Mike Olcott 63.4% (TXGR PAC-Endorsed)
Glenn Rogers Incumbent 36.6%

HD 62
Shelley Luther 53.4% endorsed (TXGR PAC-Endorsed)
Reggie Smith Incumbent 46.6%

HD 65
Mitch Little 50.7% (TXGR PAC-Endorsed)
Kronda Thimesch Incumbent 49.3%

HD 80
Don McLaughlin Jr. 57.9% (pro-gun survey)
JR Ramirez 2,836 25.8%

HD 93 – Uncontested
Nate Schatzline (TXGR PAC-Endorsed)

HD 94 – Uncontested
Tony Tinderholt (TXGR PAC-Endorsed)

HD 119
Brandon J. Grable 56.1% (pro-gun survey)
Dan Sawatzki 43.9%

HD 121
Marc LaHood 53.9% (pro-gun survey)
Steve Allison Incumbent 38.9%

HD 122 – Uncontested
Mark Dorazio (TXGR PAC-Endorsed)

HD 128
Briscoe Cain Incumbent 70.2% (TXGR PAC-Endorsed)
Bianca Gracia 29.8%

County Sheriff

Bexar County Sheriff: Nathan Buchanan (TXGR PAC-Endorsed)


Tarrant County, Criminal District Court #2: William Knight (TXGR PAC-Endorsed)

Republican County Chair

  • Dallas County: Lt. Colonel Allen West (TXGR PAC-Endorsed)
  • Williamson County: Michelle Evans (TXGR PAC-Endorsed)

19 Runoffs (9 TXGR PAC-Endorsed candidates in runoff and 2 opportunity runoffs w/ a pro-gun survey candidate facing a non-survey return candidate,):

CD 7
Kenneth Omoruyi 44.5%
Caroline Kane 23.6% (pro-gun survey)

CD 12
Craig Goldman 44.4%
John O’Shea 26.4% (pro-gun survey)

CD 23
Tony Gonzales Incumbent 45.4%
Brandon Herrera 24.2% (TXGR PAC-Endorsed)

CD 29:
Christian V. Garcia 44.3%
Alan Garza 30.0%

CD 32
David Blewett 43.3%
Darrell Day 40.3%

CD 35
Michael Rodriguez 27.1%
Steven Wright 24.6%

SD 30
Brent Hagenbuch 36.5%
Jace Yarbrough 33.9% (TXGR PAC-Endorsed)

HD 1
Gary VanDeaver Incumbent 45.5%
Chris Spencer 43.1%

HD 12
Trey Wharton 35%
Ben Bius 32.7%

HD 21
David Covey 46.3% (TXGR PAC-Endorsed)
Dade Phelan Incumbent Speaker of the House 43.2%

HD 29
Jeffrey Barry 48.4%
Alex Kamkar 44.1%

HD 30
Jeff Bauknight 42.1%
A.J. Louderback 40.5% (TXGR PAC-Endorsed)

HD 33
Katrina Pierson 39.5% (TXGR PAC-Endorsed)
Justin Holland Incumbent 38.7%

HD 44
Alan Schoolcraft 10,910 48.1%
John Kuempel Incumbent 45.0%

HD 58
Helen Kerwin 48.9%
DeWayne Burns Incumbent 41.2%

HD 61
Keresa Richardson 38.7% (TXGR PAC-Endorsed)
Frederick Frazier Incumbent 32.6%

HD 64
Andy Hopper 46.7% (TXGR PAC-Endorsed)
Lynn Stucky Incumbent 10,875 43.3

HD 91
Stephanie Klick Incumbent 48.1%
David Lowe 46.1% endorsed (TXGR PAC-Endorsed)

HD 97
Cheryl Bean 49.6% (TXGR PAC-Endorsed)
John McQueeney 29.7%

Why Gun Owners Should Oppose John Cornyn as Senate Minority Leader

March 7, 2024 

In a significant shift within the Senate’s Republican hierarchy, Senator Mitch McConnell has announced his decision to step down as Senate Minority Leader come November. Senator John Cornyn of Texas quickly emerged as the first to throw his hat in the ring to fill McConnell’s shoes.

But Cornyn’s bid has sparked immediate concern among pro-gun Americans, who fear his leadership could further erode the Second Amendment rights due to his history of supporting gun control measures.

Cornyn, a central figure in crafting the 2022 Bipartisan Safer Communities Act (BSCA), has faced criticism for leading efforts that expanded and incentivized gun control nationwide. The BSCA, touted as a measure to prevent tragedies like the Uvalde school massacre, has been widely regarded as a failure by gun rights advocates, doing little to address the root causes of gun violence while imposing more restrictions on law-abiding gun owners.

During this massive political fight, Biden and Cornyn were thick as thieves, and Biden even referred to Cornyn as a “Rational Republican” on gun control.

The fallout from the BSCA’s passage was vividly illustrated at the 2022 Texas GOP state party convention, where Cornyn was met with a chorus of boos and chants of “no red flag” from attendees.

This opposition was not just a reaction to Cornyn’s stance but a reflection of widespread concern among Republicans and Second Amendment supporters about red flag laws that the BSCA incentivized states to adopt.

More troubling for gun rights proponents is the BSCA’s empowerment of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) to pursue an aggressive agenda that could potentially ban all private firearm sales and lay the groundwork for universal gun registration.

The ATF’s rule change, defined in a controversial 108-page proposal and encouraged by the Biden administration to be further expanded in a leaked 1,300-page document, suggests a drastic redefinition of who qualifies as a “gun dealer.”

This redefinition is seen as a backdoor attempt to impose universal background checks and a de facto gun registry, circumventing federal laws explicitly prohibiting such a registry.

The implications of these moves have been stark, and coupled with the ATF’s “zero tolerance” policy leading to the crackdown on Federal Firearms Licensees (FFLs) over minor paperwork errors, things could get much, much worse for gun owners in the near future.

The case of Tom Harris, owner of the Sporting Arms Co. in Lewisville, Texas, exemplifies the potential for abuse under this policy. Despite being cleared of minor errors by the ATF during the Obama administration, Harris faced renewed scrutiny under the Biden administration, highlighting a broader effort to squeeze out small firearms dealers.

This expansion of federal power and the push for more stringent gun control measures have not gone unnoticed.

In 2021, it was revealed that the ATF had compiled a digital database containing nearly a billion firearm transactions. Efforts by the Biden administration to track firearm purchases through credit card merchant codes have been met with resistance, including legislative pushback from the Texas State Legislature, spurred by advocacy from Texas Gun Rights.

Did Cornyn unwittingly play right into the Left’s Universal Gun Registration scheme? Or was he complicit? Sadly, Cornyn’s history of capitulating to anti-gun Democrats on gun control was even happening when Republicans were in the majority!

Countless Americans have been funneled into the federal gun registry thanks to the 2018 FIX NICS gun grab that was penned by. . . you guessed it, John Cornyn.

Chris, any Republican who’s done this much damage to YOUR gun rights deserves to be kicked out of the party… not promoted to party leadership.

The push towards a universal gun registry and the potential for widespread confiscation echoes troubling precedents set in Australia, Canada, and the U.K., where similar registries were used to justify the banning and confiscation of firearms.

As Biden continues advocating for the banning of all semi-automatic guns, Cornyn’s leadership bid raises significant concerns for those who champion the Second Amendment, prompting calls for increased scrutiny and opposition from pro-gun Texans and advocacy groups.

Click here to tell Senator Cruz and Senator Cornyn that you OPPOSE Cornyn as Senate Minority Leader.

ATF’s ‘Zero-Tolerance’ Crackdown Escalating Rapidly

February 20, 2024 

Under the Biden Administration, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) has ramped up its enforcement actions against firearm retailers to an unprecedented level, significantly increasing the revocation of Federal Firearms Licenses (FFLs) under a stringent “zero-tolerance” policy. This aggressive stance towards minor clerical errors not only threatens small businesses but also infringes upon the constitutional rights of law-abiding Americans to access firearms.

In 2023 alone, the ATF revoked 157 FFLs, a drastic rise from 88 in 2022 and a mere five in the latter half of 2021. This spike is part of a broader campaign that has seen 80 FFLs voluntarily surrender their licenses to avoid the burdensome process of rectifying often minor errors. Moreover, the ATF’s decision to publicly “name-and-shame” affected businesses adds insult to injury, tarnishing their reputations over issues that typically involve simple paperwork mistakes.

The implications of this policy extend far beyond the individual businesses impacted. By effectively weaponizing the ATF, the current administration undermines the cooperative relationship that has historically existed between firearm retailers and regulatory bodies—a relationship crucial for preventing illegal gun trafficking. The majority of leads on suspected illegal activities traditionally come from the retailers themselves, who are now being alienated and punished under these harsh measures.

This punitive approach marks a departure from previous practices where the ATF would guide retailers in correcting minor errors, fostering a regulatory environment focused on compliance rather than punishment. The shift towards a “zero-tolerance” policy reflects a politicization of the ATF, with significant consequences for the firearm industry and the Second Amendment rights of Americans.

The introduction of the Reining in Federal Licensing Enforcement (RIFLE) Act by U.S. Rep. Tracey Mann (R-Kan.) represents a legislative effort to curb the ATF’s overreach and protect FFLs from unjust closure. This proposed legislation seeks to redefine what constitutes a “willful violation,” ensuring that minor clerical errors do not lead to draconian penalties. It aims to restore a fair and constructive relationship between firearm retailers and the ATF, emphasizing the importance of supporting lawful businesses rather than dismantling them through politically motivated policies.

The “zero-tolerance” policy and the ATF’s aggressive enforcement tactics highlight the need for a balanced and rational approach to firearms regulation—one that respects the rights of law-abiding citizens and the businesses serving them. As the debate over gun control continues, it is crucial to recognize the role of responsible firearm retailers in supporting public safety and the constitutional rights of Americans, rather than treating them as adversaries in the fight against crime.

Click here to tell your elected officials in Congress to ABOLISH THE ATF!





Corporate Gun Control Becoming More Common

February 19, 2024 

Major credit card companies such as American Express, Mastercard, and Visa recently implemented a special merchant code to track firearm and other firearm-related purchases taking place in California.

Per a CBS News report, this new merchant code will be used to stay in compliance with a “California law that will allow banks to potentially track suspicious gun purchases and report them to law enforcement.”
This move is not an isolated incident. Initially, leading credit card companies embraced to subsequently walk back from plans to use a new merchant code to track firearms and other purchases connected to firearms nationally.

These efforts by getting credit card companies to track gun sales have been several years in the making.

Back in September 2022, Visa originally folded to pressure from civilian disarmament organizations and New York Democrats by reaching an agreement to single out flag gun and ammunition purchases through the merchant code. The Associate Press also reported that Mastercard and other credit card heavyweights have agreed to single out firearm sales.

On March 2, 2023, Breitbart News published a report highlighting Discover was expected to start tracking firearm and ammunition purchases via the new merchant category code (MCC) in April 2023. At first glance, it looked like Gun Control Inc. was about to open up another avenue to regularly attack gun rights.

However, a week later, Mastercard and Visa changed their position and announced that they would not follow through with their plan of tracing ammunition and firearms purchases for the time being.

However, these new anti-gun schemes appear to be taking a local turn with credit card companies now planning to use a merchant code to track firearms and similar sales in order to stay in compliance with the newly passed law in California. According to a Washington Examiner report, the  California law will go into effect in 2025.

North Carolina Congressman Richard Hudson — a seasoned champion of the Second Amendment —  sounded off on the plan to trace firearm purchases, declaring, “Once again, credit card companies are attempting to track the information of lawful gun owners. This is yet another egregious ATTACK by the Far Left on Americans’ Second Amendment rights to bear arms.”

The cold hard truth is that California remains a trend setter for gun control and other freedom-destroying policies nationwide. It’s naive to treat the passage of any gun control law in California as some regional idiosyncrasy that’s just confined to the Golden State. Such legislation will invariably be passed in other blue states to later make its way to red states if gun owners slack off in terms of their vigilance.

In Texas, financial institutions were prohibited from using merchant codes to track the purchase of firearms, ammunition and firearms accessories thanks to the Second Amendment Financial Privacy Act (HB ) that was passed during the 2023 legislative session.

But before the legislature had an opportunity to act on this latest threat, Attorney General Ken Paxton has been resisting the “woke” corporations and their attempts to subvert traditional freedoms in the Lone Star State.

When this credit card company-led gun control push was first taking off, Paxton signed a multi-state letter spearheaded by Montana and Tennessee that was directed to the CEOs of American Express, Mastercard, and Visa.

Paxton and other attorneys general in red states were particularly concerned with Gun Control Inc.’s and the International Organization for Standardization scheme to target law-abiding gun owners by setting up a merchant category code to track purchases at gun stores.

Paxton’s office was particularly concerned with how the code was structured and its vague wording. It argued that this code did nothing to promote public safety. Instead, the AG’s office believed that this code was designed to gather data on millions of lawful Americans who carry out transactions at firearm stores and to even keep tabs on merchants. Essentially, it would function as a mass surveillance program that could result in the violation of millions of Americans’ privacy rights.

Moreover, Paxton’s office feared that this system could potentially infringe Americans’ constitutional freedoms such as “hacking this confidential information and misusing the data to punish law-abiding gun owners merely for exercising their 2nd Amendment rights.”

The letter signed by the red state attorneys general read as follows:

“As our respective States’ chief legal officers, we are tasked with protecting the constitutional rights of our citizens, defending our consumers from privacy intrusions and other abuses, and enforcing antitrust laws. Accordingly, we share our concerns and ask that you take immediate action to comport with our consumer protection laws and respect the constitutional rights of all Americans.”

It’s good to see Texas standing up against corporate gun control. Future leaders in the Lone Star State will continue to have to be aware of this issue because the gun control crowd does not rest plain and simple.

While it’s natural for gun owners to focus their attention on gun control coming from state actors, one cannot just ignore gun control schemes coming from the corporate sector.

Gun Control Inc. is relentless when it comes to how it advances gun control. When it gets shut out from the federal level and even some state legislatures, the gun controllers will then proceed to use private vehicles to push their freedom-destroying schemes.

To address these unique political challenges, tough legislative decisions will have to be made. This could entail the use of prudential state power to rein in corporations that lend their services to Gun Control Inc’s unholy agenda.

At this critical moment in American history, half-measures simply won’t cut it in containing the tyrannical Left.

Negotiating Rights Away: The NRA’s History of Compromise

February 14, 2024 

Of all gun lobbies, the National Rifle Association has the most name recognition among American households. When the topic of gun policy is brought up, the NRA is the first organization that usually comes to mind.

Founded in 1871, the NRA initially served as an organization that taught millions of Americans basic marksmanship. Over the past century-and-a-half, the NRA was able to build a broad base of support among competitive shooters, gun collectors, hunters, law enforcement, and other gun aficionados.

During its initial stages, the NRA mostly focused on teaching millions of Americans on how to properly use firearms. It established a reputation as an organization that sponsored various programs dealing with firearm safety for children and adults. The NRA’s “Eddie Eagle” program for K-12 children is among its most famous.

However, over the course of the 20th century, the NRA began adding a political dimension to its activism.  During the Prohibition era of the 1930s, the United States was mired by organized crime. Notable mafia outfits and criminals equipped with machine guns captured national attention and prompted the political class to take action at the federal level. At the time, the administration of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt passed the National Firearms Act and the 1938 Gun Control Act — the first gun control measures passed at the federal level.

In a Time article titled “When the NRA Supported Gun Control”, Arica Coleman observed that the NRA played an instrumental role in drafting these gun control measures. These gun control laws imposed heavy taxation and regulatory requirements on firearms such as machine guns, sawed-off shotguns, and silencers — firearms that were generally associated with organized crime at the time. Additionally, these laws required gun vendors and owners to register their firearms with the federal government.

During a testimony before Congress in 1934, then-President Karl T. Frederick gave the greenlight to these unprecedented gun control measures, stating the following:

“I have never believed in the general practice of carrying weapons. I do not believe in the general promiscuous toting of guns. I think it should be sharply restricted and only under licenses.”

The 1960s were a tumultuous decade filled with mass riots in the summer of 1967 and high-profile assassinations of public figures such as Martin Luther King Jr. and Robert F. Kennedy. This wave of gun violence spurred Congress to build upon New Deal-era gun control measures through the passage of the 1968 Gun Control Act.

This law featured minimum age and serial number mandates, and broadened the scope of gun prohibitions to individuals who are mentally ill and are addicted to drugs. On top of that, this legislation placed limits on the shipping of firearms across state lines by only allowing federally licensed dealers to engage in such activity.

The NRA ostensibly road-blocked the strictest part of the law, which would have created a national registry of all firearms and licenses for all individuals who wanted to carry a firearm. Though the gun organization was not completely disturbed by the passage of this legislation as evidenced by then-NRA Executive Vice President Franklin Orth revealing in an interview in American Rifleman — the NRA’s premier magazine — that despite several parts of the 1968 Gun Control Act being restrictive in nature, “the measure as a whole appears to be one that the sportsmen of America can live with.”

After the NRA established itself as a political force in the 1970s, it made a point of being an active participant in national policy making, even to the point of compromising on critical gun legislation.

For example, the NRA was able to pass the 1986 Firearm Owners’ Protection Act albeit with a catch: The NRA agreed to a compromise that would result in a prohibition on the future sale of machine guns.

During the 1990s, a renewed push for gun control took place under then-President Bill Clinton’s watch. While the passage of the Brady Act of 1993, which established the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, was largely perceived as an anti-gun Democrat project, groups like the NRA have boasted about their role in passing said legislation.

Outgoing NRA CEO and Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre has previously praised his organization for the role it allegedly played in the establishment of NICS.  “The best kept secret is that the national instant check system wouldn’t exist at all if it weren’t for the NRA,” he claimed.

In a similar vein, CNN pundit S.E. Cupp observed that “we only have background checks because the NRA fought for them as opposed to a five-day waiting period. The NICS system exists because the NRA helped get it passed.”

Curiously, the NRA initially opposed the Brady Act, but ended up being one of the key actors in passing it after the NRA put forward multiple amendments. At first, the Brady Act featured a provision to establish a five-day waiting period to purchase a gun. The NRA ended up agreeing to compromise language that ultimately created the NICS Gun Ban Registry while scrapping the waiting period.

The NRA has also worked with the likes of former Sen. Harry Reid (R-NV), whom LaPierre has described as a “true champion of the Second Amendment.” The NRA Executive VP added that “no one has been a stronger advocate for responsible gun ownership than him [Reid].” Due to outrage from no compromise pro-gun constituencies, the NRA ended up not endorsing Reid in 2010 after much speculation that the organization would have backed the then-Senate Majority Leader.

The NRA would also be active during gun control debates in the aftermath of the 2012 Sandy Hook massacre. Two Senators Joe Manchin (R-WV) and Pat Toomey (R-PA), who enjoyed A ratings from the NRA at the time, introduced legislation that would mandate universal background checks for commercial firearm sales. The aforementioned Brady Act federally imposed background checks for gun purchases from licensed dealers since 1994. The Toomey-Manchin bill would have background checks extended to gun shows and all Internet sales.

No compromise gun organizations like the National Association for Gun Rights, warned about Manchin secretly negotiating with the NRA to hammer out a compromise gun control bill.  In an email directed to NAGR members,  President Dudley Brown declared the following:

“It’s happening. . . . According to Politico, Sen. Joe Manchin is in secret negotiations with unnamed N.R.A. officials to sell out our gun rights. I’ve warned you from the beginning that our gravest danger was an inside-Washington driven deal.” In the email, Brown damningly referred to the deal as “the Manchin-N.R.A. compromise bill.”

Because of the pressure from NAGR and other no compromise gun rights organizations, the NRA was compelled to publicly distance itself from the Toomey-Manchin gun control bill, thereby scuttling this legislation.

In 2022, gun control advocates were able to score a victory with the passage of the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act (BSCA). The bill changed the definition of what a “gun seller” is. More specifically, the BSCA made changes to the text of Section 921(a) of Title 18, United States Code. The definition was changed from an individual “engaged in the business” of selling guns from “with the principal objective of livelihood and profit” to a less clear description of “to predominantly earn a profit.”

Furthermore, the BSCA allocated funds through the Department of Justice’s State Crisis Intervention Program (SCIP) to states in order to incentivize them to start implementing “red flag” gun confiscation orders.

The BSCA was ultimately signed into law on June 25, 2022. It enjoyed the support of 15 Republicans in the US Senate. Several of these senators enjoyed A+ ratings — Mitch McConnell (R-KY) & John Cornyn (R-TX) — and A ratings — Mitt Romney (R-UT), Thom Tillis (R-NC), & Lindsey Graham (R-SC) — from the NRA, respectively.

With Biden’s recent 1300 page directive given to the ATF, the NICS Gun Ban Registry is on its way to becoming a full-blown Universal Gun Registration scheme, thanks to the NRA.

Overall, the NRA has positioned itself as the most renowned gun lobby in the US. However, its track record mostly demonstrates its penchant for trying to occupy the national spotlight as opposed to passing clean pro-gun legislation and legitimately rolling back gun control. Grassroots gun rights activists have increasingly referred to the NRA’s acronym of standing for “Negotiating Rights Away,” rather than National Rifle Association.

As a result, a vacuum has emerged for no compromise organizations to fill such as NAGR at the national level and state-based organizations like Texas Gun Rights. In doing so, these organizations have worked to pass legislation such as Constitutional Carry, which has often been opposed by regional NRA lobbyists, even though they inevitably always swoop in to take credit during bill signing ceremonies. Gun owners looking for genuine change in gun policy are largely gravitating to the two aforementioned organizations as the NRA itself is going through a number of internal struggles.