URGENT: Dan Patrick Gun Registry Expansion passed Texas Senate!

March 14, 2023

The never ending battle to defend gun rights from the left is already exhaustive enough.

Now, we have Republicans in Austin locking arms with radical Texas Democrats to make Texas law mirror Biden’s gun control agenda!

Call Republican Speaker Dade Phelan at (512) 463-1000 and urge him to OPPOSE ALL gun control, especially Dan Patrick’s Gun Registry Expansion (SB 728).

Last summer, Republican turncoat US Senator John Cornyn compromised with anti-gun Democrats to dump millions of juvenile records into the National Instant Check System (NICS) and expand the list of prohibited persons for purchasing firearms.

In-spite of the Texas Second Amendment Sanctuary law being passed in 2021 — which was meant to protect Texans from Biden gun control — anti-gun Republican Sen. Joan Huffman is side-stepping the law by opting to bring state law in-line with federal law by filing SB 728.

This draconian scheme will funnel millions more records of law-abiding Texans into NICS, banning them from possessing or purchasing firearms.

Worse, SB 728 already passed through the Senate and is waiting to be referred to committee in the Texas House.

Proponents claim the intent is to “keep guns out of the hands of dangerous individuals.” If that were the case, we wouldn’t be opposing this bill. 

But the reality couldn’t be further from the truth, and the devil is ALWAYS in the details.

Under SB 728, adult residents of Texas with certain juvenile offenses will be barred from possessing firearms due to indiscretions as a youth.

Worse, the bill FORCES state reporting to NICS on ALL future juvenile inpatient mental health cases, and opens the records of individuals retroactively who received inpatient mental care after the age of 16 – including the overwhelming majority of cases where there is NO violent risk, and the mental health issue is resolved.

More plainly stated, SB 728 discourages kids from coming forward to seek help for mental health issues by stigmatizing them and removing their Second Amendment rights for the rest of their lives.

NICS is a broken system that needs to be abolished, not expanded.

In fact, more than 94% of firearms purchase denials from NICS are false positives, meaning 94% of those individuals are falsely denied — often because individuals have the same name, or a similar name, to someone who is prohibited from possessing firearms.

Simply put, funneling millions more names into this already flawed system is a recipe for disaster.

We must take action to ensure that these bills – or any bill to expand the Federal gun registry – don’t see the light of day.

It’s sad but not surprising that Senator Joan Huffman is pushing this gun ban database expansion: she’s Lt. Governor Dan Patrick’s pet RINO and is often used to do the anti-gun dirty work he doesn’t want to take the blame for.

I’m sure you will remember how both Huffman and Patrick were the thorn in gun owners’ side for open carry, campus carry, and Constitutional Carry – fighting AGAINST the restoration of our Second Amendment rights every step of the way over the past decade… trying to keep Texas in lock-step with liberal, anti-gun bastions like California, New York, Illinois and Connecticut.

And of course, as recently as 2019, Lt. Gov. Patrick called for a MASSIVE NICS expansion through Universal Gun Registration, just as we’re seeing President Biden now ram through by executive order at the federal level.

Thanks to the overwhelming, relentless pressure from Texas Gun Rights members and supporters from across the state, we were able to overcome the hurdles from Lt. Governor Patrick and Senator Huffman to FINALLY make Texas a pro-gun state.

But to make sure Texas remains strong on gun rights, I need you to call House Speaker Dade Phelan at (512) 4631-1000 and tell him to OPPOSE Dan Patrick’s Gun Registry Expansion (SB 728).

Together, we will protect Texans from this assault on their gun rights.

For Texas and Liberty,

Chris McNutt
Texas Gun Rights

Want to help hold politicians accountable on our Second Amendment rights?

Consider chipping in $5 or $25 to help Texas Gun Rights continue fighting for you in Austin!

Four Dozen Gun Control Bills Filed in Austin

February 14, 2023

Fellow Patriot,

The Texas Legislature is in session and nearly FOUR DOZEN gun control bills have been filed in Austin.

Worse, Astroturf groups funded by Michael Bloomberg’s millions are planning a huge rally and lobby day at the capitol on February 28… with plans to bus in hundreds of gun control activists from every liberal city across the state.

Here is a short list of the radical bills they’re pushing:

  • A Semi-auto Ban on most rifles, shotguns, and handguns owned by Texans, thinly veiled as an “Assault Weapons” ban (SB 32 & HB’s 817 & 925)
  • “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation allowing government agents to seize legally-owned firearms based on a mere accusation or a difference in political beliefs (SB 144 & HB’s 123 & 136)
  • Forced Gun Registration on firearms sales to state and local officials (HB’s 22, 106, 284, 324 & 662)
  • Repealing Campus Carry, disarming college students and their family visitors and turning them into sitting ducks for an attacker (SB 205)
  • Open Carry Ban, penalizing gun owners who don’t want to hide their firearm behind a coat in the Texas summer months (HB’ 179, 216 & 244)
  • Criminalizing the private sale, gift, or borrowing of a firearm without first going through the NICS gun owner registry and paying a tax (SB’s 370 & 170, HB’s 155 & 236)
  • A ban on firearms transfers at gun shows (SB 360, HB’s 110, 146 & 308)
  • A ban on magazines that hold more than a handful of rounds (HB 197)
  • Raising the age to purchase a firearm in Texas (HB’s 128 & 565)
  • Implementing waiting periods for law-abiding citizens to purchase a firearm (HB 298)
  • Criminalizing the tradition of building your own firearm, under the guise of a “ghost gun” ban (HB 887)
  • Adding a state tax to all firearms, accessories, and ammunition (HB’s 88 & 447)

Marxists will stop at nothing to push their extreme, far-left agenda in Austin to hold power over you — and ruin our great state forever.

In a “red” state like Texas, you’d think any type of gun control would be a non-starter. But you’d be wrong.

Our Republican Speaker of the Texas House, Dade Phelan, would not even allow a motion to BAN anti-gun Democrat Chairs from powerful legislative committees when session began just last month.

That means anti-gun politicians WILL have a say of what becomes law in Texas — despite voters choosing to send supposedly pro-gun Republican majorities to Austin.

I need every pro-gun patriot across the Lone Star State to help me hold the line on the Second Amendment.

Your petition to your elected officials will send a LOUD AND CLEAR message that your guns (and your rights) are NOT up for grabs.

Not ever!

Not only that, but you will also remind far-left Democrats — and weak-kneed Republicans tip toeing the moderate line — that gun owners will continue REJECTING their gun control agenda!


I’ve seen firsthand anti-gun politicians sweating as TXGR staffers haul tens of thousands of petitions through their hallways and offices…

…each petition representing a voter in their district.

All I need is your petition signature. No donation is required.

But if you don’t step up, we’ll assume you’re not going to join the fight to save our great state.

And if you do have the means, I hope you will make your most generous contribution of $25 or even $15 today.

Or consider chipping in only $5 to help us mobilize more pro-gun activists JUST LIKE YOU — all across the state.

For Texas and Liberty,

Chris McNutt
Executive Director
Texas Gun Rights

Marxist gun control filed in Austin!

January 10, 2023

Biden-backed Marxist Democrats in Texas didn’t seem to get the hint when pro-gun Texans made Beto a three-time-loser in November…

More than two dozen gun control bills were filed in Austin just days after the November midterm election!

Sadly, because the “red wave” was nothing more than a ripple (and because of the horrific actions of a deranged criminal in Uvalde last summer) lawmakers are under immense pressure to “do something” now that they are finally in session.

These radical bills must be SWIFTLY defeated!

Please sign your petition urging lawmakers in Austin to Oppose Marxist Gun Control RIGHT AWAY.

Let’s face the facts: there isn’t a single piece of gun control legislation hoplophobes in the Democrat Party find unreasonable.

Coincidentally, even the father of communism, Karl Marx himself, supported gun rights for citizens…because he knew they were a “means to an end.”

Yet all of his modern-era followers — like Lenin, Mao, and Castro — banned and CONFISCATED citizens from having guns AFTER assuming power in their countries.

“There’s a reason you never see a Communist, a Marxist, or even a Socialist politician support the right of common people to keep and bear arms: Those forms of government require more submission to the state than armed citizens would tolerate.” – U.S. Congressman Thomas Massie (Kentucky), Chairman of the U.S. House Second Amendment Caucus

Thankfully, the U.S. has the Second Amendment (and Texas has Article 1, Section 23 of the Texas Constitution) preserving our inalienable rights to keep and bear arms.

But that’s also why Marxists in the Democrat Party continue pushing everything from open carry bans (HB 179, HB 216 and HB 244) to waiting periods (HB 298), magazine bans (HB 197), raising the age of purchasing firearms (HB 129 and HB 565)… and confiscation under the guise of “buy backs.”

Their hope: if they can’t get rid of the Second Amendment in one fell swoop, they will slice away at it until it receives a death by a thousand cuts.

Of course, that isn’t stopping them from going for the big stuff like a semi-auto ban (SB 32), thinly veiled as an “Assault Weapons” Ban.

And as of the writing of this email, there are eight bills filed in the Texas House requiring Universal Gun Registration or a piecemeal approach to it.

These bills would require law-abiding Texans to beg for government approval of every firearm purchase or require you to report legal sales of firearms to law enforcement.

You wouldn’t even be able to loan a friend or family member a hunting rifle without first getting government permission or risk being charged with a crime (HB 155 and HB 236).

The fact is there’s no way this draconian scheme wouldn’t create a de facto gun registry, giving the government a list of all guns and legal gun owners in the state.

And it’s been proven throughout history that registration schemes like this will inevitably lead to confiscation.

That makes “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation (House Bills 123 & 136) an even bigger threat — allowing government agents to seize legally-owned firearms based on a mere accusation.

Especially after RINO U.S. Senator John Cornyn championed expansive gun control over the summer, incentivizing state legislatures to pass “Red Flag” laws!

Joe Biden said Cornyn’s bill with Democrat Senator Chris Murphy was the most significant gun control to pass in 30 years!

That’s why it’s so crucial to sign your Oppose Marxist Gun Control petition right away.

Your petition sends a reminder to the legislature that pro-gun Texans are watching them like hawks — and that your Second Amendment rights are NOT negotiable.

After all, it was as recent as 2019 when Governor Abbott and Lt. Governor Patrick launched a gun control roadshow after caving to the anti-gun media to punish law-abiding gun owners.

And year after year, they made excuses to kill Constitutional Carry until those excuses ran dry.

Thanks to the pressure of relentless grassroots activists like YOU, Governor Abbott and Lt. Governor Patrick not only stopped caving to the anti-gun mob, but they also buckled under YOUR pressure to pass Constitutional Carry and other pro-gun reforms instead of gun control in 2021!

Help me keep the momentum going in 2023 by signing your Oppose Marxist Gun Control petition TODAY.

TXGR’s hard-nosed, no compromise approach is now a proven model here in the Lone Star State.

And it is the groundswell of grassroots activism that pushes pro-gun legislation over the finish line — not politicians pontificating and negotiating your rights away in a secret, smoke-filled room at the capitol.

But only through your continued support can we continue defeating the growing threats to our right to keep and bear arms –- and passing pro-gun reforms.

That’s why I’m hoping you’ll go above and beyond signing your Oppose Marxist Gun Control petition with your most generous contribution to start off the new year!

As you can imagine, defending and restoring gun rights against the left-wing machine isn’t easy or cheap.

Especially with the deep pockets of Michael Bloomberg and George Soros funding a relentless war on gun owners.

That’s why I’m hoping you’ll include your most generous contribution of $100 or $50 to Texas Gun Rights today.

I know that’s a lot to ask, but the legislative session is underway RIGHT NOW — we must have the resources to fight and WIN!

But if $100 or $50 is out of the realm of possibility, I hope you’ll consider $25 — or you can even spread your activism out over time with just a $10 recurring donation today.

I’m sure you agree it’s crucial we keep our recent pro-gun progress from being erased.

No matter what you can (or can’t) afford, please sign your Oppose Marxist Gun Control petition today.

Thank you for all you do for the Second Amendment!

For Texas and Liberty,

Chris McNutt
Executive Director
Texas Gun Rights

Three Gun Confiscation Bills already filed for the new legislative session!

December 27, 2022

I hate to say it, but our dire warnings have come true.

Before the 2023 legislative session even begins, Democrats are already making moves to enact gun confiscation all across Texas.

State Senator Gutierrez (SB 144), Rep. Goodwin (HB 123), and Rep. Reynolds (HB 136) have filed THREE “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation bills that not only endanger gun owners, but law enforcement as well. 

If passed, “Red Flag” will allow government agents to storm the homes of gun owners and seize their firearms all without due process or even a crime being committed.

This tyrannical disarmament MUST be stopped at all costs.

That’s why I need your help to stave off this attack by signing your BAN “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation petition immediately.

So how would “Red Flag” affect you?

It can all begin with a crazy ex, disgruntled co-worker, or anti-gun neighbor that doesn’t like your Texas Gun Rights sticker on the back of your truck.

A simple accusation of mental deficiency could have government agents knocking on your door.

All local law enforcement needs to do is convince a judge the complaint is true and then send their “Gun Confiscation Squad” to your house to seize your guns without notice.

The hearing is conducted in secret (called “ex parte”), where you are not allowed to defend yourself in court.

You won’t even know anything about it until government agents show up at your door to take your guns.

Since this law was enacted in Florida, an average of five petitions have been filed each day to seize the guns of law-abiding citizens.

If you find yourself in this situation you don’t even have a right to an attorney because you were never charged with a crime.

That means YOU will be forced to pay for legal representation out of pocket and give the court thousands of dollars just to get your guns back.

So please, sign your BAN “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation petition right now to put your elected officials on notice.

Many would say that “Red Flag” will never come to the “deep-red” Lone Star State.

However, turncoat Senator John Cornyn cut a deal with D.C. Democrats to bribe Texas elected officials with federal tax dollars to pass “Red Flag.”

If you follow Texas politics, you know just how hard it is for our lawmakers to pass up federal funds.

To put it lightly, the possibilities of this draconian nightmare becoming law are quite real and we must act now.

So after you sign your BAN “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation petition please consider the most generous donation of $60 or even just $30.

Our country was built on individual responsibility and sacrifice.

The beloved values of that country will be defended with nothing less.

So if $60 or $30 is too much right now you can also spread your activism over time with a $10 recurring monthly gift.

As we know, “freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction”.

So much has been given for the rights we hold so dearly.

I hope I can count on you to continue that tradition.

For Freedom,

Chris McNutt
Executive Director
Texas Gun Rights

Republicans helping anti-gun Democrats!?

November 17, 2022

We’re in some crazy times.

The dust is clearing from the election and the results in the Lone Star State are about final.

Gun grabbers looking to build their lineup in Austin saw their hopes crash and burn on Tuesday.

Texas voters overwhelmingly voted to build upon Republican majorities in both the State House and State Senate… and to REJECT Beto O’Rourke and his anti-gun agenda.

This is great news, but our work isn’t done, Chris. A brand-new legislative session begins in January.

It is IMPERATIVE we remind our elected officials that voters expect them to make good on their promises to protect, defend, and RESTORE the Second Amendment in Texas.

Maintaining the status quo is NOT enough.

And I’ve got good news and bad news, Chris.

The good news is pro-gun champion Representative Tony Tinderholt is running for Speaker of the Texas House.

Even better, Tinderholt is running on a platform to END the tradition of appointing anti-gun Democrats to key committee chairmanships!

The bad news is, Speaker Phelan and many of his “Republican” allies support maintaining the tradition of handing power to anti-gun Democrats!

Chris, I’ve fought for gun rights in multiple state legislatures across the country and I can tell you with certainty that the party in power almost NEVER rewards the minority party with chairmanship and legislative power.

Why should Texas be any different?

After all, that is part of the reason it took so long to make Texas the 21st Constitutional Carry state — in spite of 20 years of Republican majorities!

If anti-gun Democrats were in power, do you think they would appoint pro-gun Republicans to important committees?

Absolutely not!

They would make good on their promises to ramrod radical gun control in the form of gun bans, Universal Gun Registration and “Red Flag” gun confiscation!

So click here to email your State Representative RIGHT AWAY!

Your message can be simple: elect a pro-gun speaker who will NOT appoint radical, anti-gun Democrats as committee chairs! Texas Gun Rights will keep me informed of your actions.

There should be no excuses to not continue going on the offensive in the Texas Legislature, especially after the resounding victories pro-gun Texans celebrated on election night.

So after you contact your State Representative, I hope I can count on your generous contribution to help us make sure your politicians live up to their pro-gun campaign promises.

Even $10 will help us mobilize more pro-gun activists across the state.

You can also forward this email to your friends to get them in on the fight.

With your continued support, we will continue changing the status quo in Austin.

Thank you for all you do!

For Texas and Liberty,

Chris McNutt
Executive Director
Texas Gun Rights

A list of anti-gun candidates running in Texas

October 11, 2022

They could be anywhere…

State House, Senate, candidates for Governor, even your neighbor could be an anti-gun communist.

Okay, so we don’t know about your neighbor, but we do have a list of gun-grabbing candidates that YOU should carefully vet before pulling the lever in November.

Anti-gun New York billionaire Michael Bloomberg is nosing around in our elections again.

This time, he’s utilizing the Karens at Moms Against Guns to hand-pick candidates willing to promote his tyrannical agenda.

Fortunately, these candidates have made no qualms about their opposition to the Second Amendment and have made their draconian views public.

In order to get the “Gun Sense Candidate” Award from these Leftist shills, one must vow their allegiance to a radical ideology targeting law-abiding gun owners.

Among these tenets of radicalism are so-called “assault weapons” bans.

These bans would outlaw hundreds of types of firearms based solely on cosmetic features; turning law-abiding gun owners into felons overnight.

“Gun Sense Candidates” must also pledge to fight for draconian “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation laws that put both law enforcement and law-abiding gun owners at risk.

“Red Flag” laws allow government authorities to enter the homes of law-abiding gun owners and seize their firearms, solely based on any accusation questioning your mental stability.

Without any crime being committed.

Without any due process.

And it’s all up to you to front the legal costs to get your guns back.

And if that wasn’t bad enough, Bloomberg backed candidates must also pledge to push for a de facto gun registration scheme under the guise of “Universal Background Checks.”

Universal Gun Registration would require every single gun sale to be approved by the government, giving the government a record of every firearm you own.

After all, the only way to enforce this system would be to register every single firearm to ensure it had been through the government-mandated red tape.

And we all know that gun registration is just the prior step to gun confiscation.

Should these MDA backed candidates gain a foothold in our state legislature, it could spell disaster for Texas gun owners.

If any of your candidates show up on this list, I’m urging you to call them and demand they renounce their tyrannical ideology and start supporting the Second Amendment.

Here’s the list of candidates being backed by Moms Against Guns:


Beto ORourke

State House

HD 6 Cody Grace

HD 15 Kristin Johnson

HD 17 Madeline Eden

HD 20 Raul Camacho

HD 23 Keith Henry

HD 24 Michael Creedon

HD 26 Daniel Lee

HD 27 Ron Reynolds

HD 31 Martha Gutierrez

HD 33 Graeson Lynskey

HD 45 Erin Zwiener

HD 46 Sheryl Cole

HD 47 Vikki Goodwin

HD 50 James Talarico

HD 51 Maria Flores

HD 53 Joe Herrera

HD 54 Jonathan Hildner

HD 61 Sheena King

HD 63 H. Denise Wooten

HD 65 Brittney Verdell

HD 66 Jesse Ringness

HD 67 Kevin Morris

HD 70 Mihaela Plesa

HD 71 Linda Goolsbee

HD 73 Justin Calhoun

HD 74 Eddie Morales

HD 76 Suleman Lalani

HD 85 Larry Baggett

HD 92 Salman Bhojani

HD 94 Dennis Sherrard

HD 98 Shannon Elkins

HD 101 Chris turner

HD 102 Ana-Maria Ramos

HD 103 Rafael Anchia

HD 104 Jessica Gonzalez

HD 105 Thresa Meza

HD 107 Victoria Neave

HD 108 Elizabeth Ginsberg

HD 112 Elva Curl

HD 114 John Bryant

HD 115 Julie Johnson

HD 116 Trey Martinez Fischer

HD 118 Frank Ramirez

HD 121 Becca Defelice

HD 122 Angi Aramburu

HD 124 Josey Garcia

HD 134 Ann Johnson

HD 135 Jon Rosenthal

HD 136 John Bucy

HD 137 Gene Wu

HD 138 Stephanie Morales

HD 139 Jarvis Johnson

HD 148 Penny Shaw

HD 150 Ginny Brown Daniel

State Senate

SD 4 Misty Bishop

SD 9 Gwenn Burud

SD 12 Francine Ly

SD 14 Sarah Eckhardt

SD 16 Nathan Johnson

SD 17 Titus Benton

SD 29 Cesar Blanco


If one of your candidates is on this list, it’s imperative you help us EXPOSE their anti-gun agenda.

You can do so by emailing this article to your friends and family to notify them of the dangers lurking on their ballots.

You can also help us mobilize even more gun owners across the state by chipping in $30 or $15.

Even a $10 recurring donation goes a long way to helping us stay in the fight for your gun rights.

The price of liberty is eternal vigilance and I hope you join me in that crusade.

I’m counting on you, Chris.

For Texas and Liberty,

Chris McNutt
Executive Director
Texas Gun Rights


The good, the bad & the ugly

October 7, 2022

With all eyes on Texas for the November midterm election, I’ll cut straight to the point.


Through your hard work — identifying pro-gun candidates in the primaries and EXPOSING gun ban politicians — we’re making gun rights a TOP issue in November.


We’re just 32 days away from Election Day (November 8th.)

Sadly, the abortion issue is STILL making many folks gloss over the anti-gun, defund the police stance of many gun ban politicians.

Worse, our war chest is getting low and Beto is gaining ground in the polls after promising to pass a semi-auto ban, a “red flag” gun confiscation law, and to repeal Constitutional Carry!

Win or lose, we MUST be prepared to spend BIG when the Legislature reconvenes in Austin — just two short months after the election is over – to ensure ONLY a pro-gun agenda is considered in Austin!

I’ll be frank — our resources are getting dangerously low if we want to continue bringing the fight to the anti-gun left!


Gun ban politicians like Beto have a virtually UNLIMITED war chest being filled from coastal elites in California and New York.

Their goal: flip Texas “blue” and turn us into another failed gun control haven just like California.


That’s why I need your help!

Please activate your Texas Gun Rights membership for 2023 RIGHT AWAY!
 The message from the Left is clear: “I know better than you, now hand over your guns!”

That is why it is so important that we can count on Texans like you to give us the resources needed to fight back against these would-be tyrants and their anti-gun backers!

With your help, Texas Gun Rights will continue exposing ALL anti-gun politicians who dare negotiate your rights away — no matter their party affiliation!

Your support will make all the difference in the fight against the gun control machine in Texas.

— Murphy M.

They’re caving to the mob!

October 4, 2022

Beto O’Rourke’s campaign for Governor is boosting the campaigns of anti-gun Leftists down ballot.

Even worse, Republicans are caving on guns out of fear of another “Beto-wave” in November.

Governor Abbott is allowing DPS to appeal a Federal Court decision allowing young adults to obtain a license to carry a handgun — and Attorney General Paxton is choosing to take on the fight for DPS!


Once Republicans start caving — and becoming afraid of their own shadows — who knows what other threats may be lurking around the corner.

The last time Republicans in Texas caved to the gun control lobby they tried pushing “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation and Universal Gun Registration.

Thankfully, Texas Gun Rights members and supporters were able to STOMP OUT those threats in 2018 and 2019.

But we cannot sit idly by and ignore these looming threats.

Please call Attorney General Ken Paxton at (512) 463-2100 and tell him to reverse course!

After you call AG Paxton, I hope you’ll activate your Texas Gun Rights membership right away.

Your support is absolutely critical.

The future of our state is at risk if radical gun control groups and spineless establishment shills get a free ride to power. We can’t let that happen.

Without our members, we never could have stopped the onslaught of gun control bills filed in 2021, and we definitely would not have made Texas a Constitutional Carry state!

You helped accomplish these HUGE victories. But we cannot rest. I need your continued support to hold politicians accountable this election season.

Please show your commitment to the Second Amendment in Texas by renewing your TXGR membership today>>

And don’t forget, please call AG Paxton at (512) 463-2100 and politely encourage him to reverse course and start standing up for the gun rights of ALL legal adults!

Houston Mayor demanding repeal of Constitutional Carry

September 15, 2022

The November election is less than two months away and left-wing extremists are going all-out to make sure their gun control agenda stays at the forefront of debate.

Just last week, former Democrat State Representative and current Mayor of Houston, Sylvester Turner, blamed pro-gun Texans as the cause for dramatic rises in violent crime — and has demanded more gun control to combat it!

Mayor Turner even had the audacity to blame Constitutional Carry as the reason for a spike in gun crime in 2021 — and is now calling to repeal it!

Help TXGR Defend Constitutional Carry by chipping in $10/mo!

Like clockwork, the anti-gun media is parroting Mayor Turner’s talking points by blaming Constitutional Carry for a spike in crime that began MONTHS before Constitutional Carry was even enacted on September 1 (the latter part of the year!)

What Mayor Turner fails to remember is the year and a half of government overreach and lockdowns that caused unprecedented financial burden and mental health struggles for the most vulnerable members of our society.

That is why we’ve seen spikes in crime in major cities across the country — regardless if they are Constitutional Carry states or not.

And that is why Houston’s spike started in 2020 — not in 2021 like Mayor Turner claims — which also mirrors the timeline of homicide increases in major cities across the U.S.

Mayor Turner and other anti-gun leftists are also refusing to recognize the MAJOR shortages of police officers in Houston (and cities across the country) thanks to anti-police sentiment and pushes to “defund the police” by left-wing extremists over the past two years.

Imagine that.

Of course, these same anti-gun leftists continue turning a blind eye to the “mostly peaceful protests” of two years ago, where BLM and Antifa rioted in the streets and burned police stations and businesses to the ground. How pathetic!

But we must not let pesky facts get in the wa…

Sadly, the repeal of Constitutional Carry isn’t the only policy our lawmakers are being pressured to pass in Austin.

Draconian gun control in the form of and “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation laws, Universal Gun Registration, under the guise of “expanded background checks,” bans on building homemade firearms (now being called “ghost guns”), and increasing the age of gun purchases are all on the board for Mayor Turner and top-of-the ballot Democrats like Robert Francis O’Rourke and even Sleepy Joe Biden.

That is why we MUST continue exposing politicians running for office who refuse to protect and defend the Second Amendment BEFORE the November election. And that is why we must continue going on the offensive with pro-gun reforms like a Second Amendment Preservation Act (SAPA), which would empower sheriffs to lock-up Federal agents who dare to enforce unconstitutional gun control on law-abiding Texas gun owners.

So please consider becoming a monthly donor with Texas Gun Rights for $10, $20, or even $30 per month TODAY!

Your generosity will give us the resources needed to continue responding to threats against our Second Amendment rights at a moment’s notice.

But if a monthly commitment is not in the cards for you right now, please consider your most generous one-time contribution to Texas Gun Rights today!

Thank you for all you’re able to do!

For Texas and Liberty,

Chris McNutt
Executive Director
Texas Gun Rights


Freedom restored for some gun owners!

August 26, 2022

Have you heard?

Some Texas gun owners just scored a MAJOR victory after the law banning Constitutional Carry for 18-20 year olds was struck down in a Fort Worth Federal Court.

That means law-abiding gun owners between the ages of 18 and 20 will no longer have to beg for government permission to carry their legally possessed firearms!

“The issue is whether prohibiting law-abiding 18-to-20-year-olds from carrying a handgun in public for self-defense is consistent with this Nation’s historical tradition of firearm regulation,” wrote Judge Mark Pittman in his Opinion.

“Based on the Second Amendment’s text, as informed by Founding-Era history and tradition, the Court concludes that the Second Amendment protects against this prohibition. Texas’s statutory scheme must therefore be enjoined to the extent that law-abiding 18-to-20-year-olds are prohibited from applying for a license to carry a handgun.”

Texas Gun Rights led the charge for Constitutional Carry in Texas over the past decade before it was finally passed into law in 2021.

A Texas Gun Rights-backed amendment, offered by Representative Jeff Cason last year, would’ve strengthened the Constitutional Carry bill to allow law-abiding 18 to 20-year-olds to carry, but it was overwhelmingly voted down by RINOs and anti-gun Democrats alike in a 12-121 vote.

I can’t say I’m surprised WE were on the right side of Constitutional Law and the politicians were not…

Constitutional Carry is a simple concept: if you can legally possess a firearm under federal law, you should be able to legally carry it to protect yourself and your loved ones WITHOUT a government permission slip.

That means we still have a few more things to clean up with the Texas Constitutional Carry law that lawmakers left unaddressed after voting against TXGR-backed amendments last year.

Constitutional Carry is STILL not allowed on lands managed by the Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA), which covers a few dozen parks and lakes throughout central Texas.

Law-abiding adults are also still prohibited from Constitutionally Carrying on college campuses and must DISARM and dangerously leave their firearm unattended in their vehicle.

These ridiculous exclusions from the Texas Constitutional Carry law only create a confusing patchwork of laws that will cause otherwise law-abiding Texans to run afoul of the law by accidentally carrying in places where prohibited.

Licenses should NOT grant special privileges, so if you’re able to carry in an area with a license, you should be able to Constitutional Carry there as well.

And as Judge Pittman pointed out in his ruling, we cannot have certain gun owners treated as second class citizens… and as the Second Amendment clearly states: the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED!

That’s why I hope you’ll help Texas Gun Rights continue fighting to defend and RESTORE the Second Amendment with a generous contribution TODAY!

Of course, the Biden-led Democrats are still promising to chip away at the Second Amendment.

Dementia Joe JUST doubled down on his commitment to ban so-called “assault weapons” if Democrats retain control in November .

If you recall from our earlier communications, Pelosi’s House already passed a sweeping “assault weapons” ban (H.R. 1808) that would ban hundreds of commonly owned rifles, shotguns AND handguns.

Here in Texas, Robert Francis O’Rourke has doubled down on his demand for an “assault weapons” ban and even dangerous “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation laws without due process.

That’s why it is critically important gun owners do not back down over the next few months as our Second Amendment rights are literally on the chopping block. Your support is needed more now than ever.

So please give whatever you can generously afford and stay tuned for future updates.

For Texas and Liberty,

Chris McNutt
Executive Director
Texas Gun Rights