Bloomberg-Funded Group Promises to Drop $45 Million for 2024 Presidential Election

August 6th, 2024 

Everytown for Gun Safety plans to spend $45 million in the following months ahead of the 2024 presidential election. The overwhelming majority of this money is going to be concentrated in eight states that could shape the outcome of not only the presidential election, but seats in the House, Senate, and local offices. 

This campaign will feature a new student organizing drive, which consists of plans to hire 30 new organizers for volunteer recruitment drives at 32 college and university campuses across Arizona, California, Michigan, Minnesota, North Carolina, New York, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. The group’s leaders revealed that the campaign will be concentrated on younger voters, voters of color and suburban women new field offices in Arizona, Pennsylvania, and Michigan. 

“With MAGA Republicans pushing an extreme ‘guns everywhere’ agenda, this election is a life-or-death moment — so Everytown is going all-out to mobilize the majority of Americans who want to live free from the fear of gun violence,” Everytown for Gun Safety president John Feinblatt declared in a statement. “From sending Vice President Harris to the Oval Office to helping our own volunteers win office, we’ll elect gun sense champions up and down the ballot.” 

Everytown was created in 2013 through a merger of Mayors Against Illegal Guns and Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America. One of the anti-gun organization’s main campaigns is focused on passing legislation to require universal background checks on gun purchases. UBCs are precursors to firearm registration which creates a clear pipeline toward the ultimate goal of every civilian disarmament advocate — gun confiscation. 

Everytown, in addition to its grassroots networks, Moms Demand Action, and Students Demand Action recently endorsed Harris’ bid for the presidency. Roughly 80% of the $45 million will be allocated towards television and digital advertising, per an anonymous source that is familiar with the spending plan.

The entire list of candidates that will receive Everytown largesse will be announced in the coming weeks. Some of the money will go towards backing local candidates that Everytown has identified through its “Demand a Seat” program. This program calls on activists to run for higher office.

Bloomberg is a high-profile donor to Democratic candidates. Earlier this year, he cut a $19 million check to Future Forward, a super PAC backing Harris, and donated close to $1 million to the Biden-Harris campaign, prior to President Joe Biden dropping out of his re-election campaign on July 21. Bloomberg is still a big donor to Everytown and is one of the most prominent billionaires working day and night to destroy the Second Amendment. 

Everytown has been throwing its weight around in recent elections. Before the 2020 presidential race,  Everytown rolled out a $60 million spending plan in order to defeat then-President Donald Trump and elect more Democratic elected officials who back civilian disarmament measures.

Since its founding in 2013, Everytown has been one of the most prolific organizations pushing for gun control. No matter who is in office at the federal, state, and local level, Everytown is constantly pushing the envelope in terms of its advocacy operations.

This relentless political energy is what ultimately wins political battles. The gun rights movement has thankfully understood this brutal nature of politics. In these times of intense polarization, we will have to continue maintaining this intensity.

When our rights are on the line, there is no room for compromise or backing down. Our enemies will most certainly not be engaging in such behavior. They will be playing for keeps. 

One can expect the 2024 election to be a total slugfest between Bloomberg’s astroturf army and the Second Amendment community.

So buckle up.


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