NRA’s History of Compromise Continues with Phelan Endorsement

January 9, 2024 

As the landscape of gun rights in America evolves, the National Rifle Association (NRA), once revered as a bastion of Second Amendment defense, finds itself at the center of critique and controversy.

The organization’s approach under Wayne LaPierre’s long tenure has been marked by decisions that many staunch gun rights advocates view as compromises detrimental to the core values of the Second Amendment.

Under LaPierre’s leadership, the NRA supported measures such as Gun Free School Zones, Red Flag Gun Confiscation, and the Brady Gun Owner Registry. These stances have raised eyebrows within the gun rights community, suggesting a stark contrast from the uncompromising defense of gun rights that the NRA is known for.

Furthermore, the NRA’s track record of endorsing political figures with mixed stances on gun rights, including Democrat Harry Reid, has added to the growing discontent among hardline Second Amendment supporters. This discontent is not just about specific policies but also about the perceived shift in the NRA’s overarching approach to gun rights advocacy – from staunch defense to a more conciliatory, compromising posture.

Adding to the concerns is the NRA’s historical role in authoring the National Firearms Act (NFA) and its apparent reluctance to support the elimination of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF). Such positions have not gone unnoticed by newer, more hardline gun rights organizations that have emerged in recent years.

Chris McNutt, President of Texas Gun Rights, is among those who have voiced strong criticism of the NRA and its former leader. According to McNutt, even post-LaPierre, the NRA continues to endorse politicians who do not stand firmly for Second Amendment rights. A prime example cited by McNutt is the NRA’s endorsement of Texas House Speaker Dade Phelan.

Phelan’s record includes supporting legislation that limits Constitutional Carry and campus carry rights for 18-20-year-olds, endorsing parts of President Biden’s Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, and influencing the composition of the Texas House committee responsible for gun legislation. This committee, under Phelan’s guidance, failed to pass significant pro-gun bills, including a measure to prohibit Red Flag Gun Confiscation and the Second Amendment Preservation Act. It also supported the ‘Glock switch bill’, restricting ownership of specific gun tooling and imposed transport restrictions on young adults.

“The NRA’s pattern of backing such measures and politicians contradicts the uncompromising defense of the Second Amendment we desperately need,” said McNutt. He stressed the importance of unwavering support for gun rights and criticized the NRA for its selective acknowledgment of pro-gun actions while turning a blind eye to measures that hinder gun rights.

This approach, according to McNutt, is not just a betrayal of the Second Amendment but also undermines the integrity of the NRA’s advocacy for gun owners. The selective recognition of achievements like the passing of Constitutional Carry, coupled with a disregard for actions that negatively impact gun rights, paints a picture of an organization in a state of internal conflict about its core mission.

Texas Gun Rights, under McNutt’s leadership, remains steadfast in its commitment to holding politicians and organizations accountable. The group advocates for the full protection of gun rights without any form of compromise, emphasizing the need for a clear and consistent stance in defense of the Second Amendment.

As the debate over gun rights continues to be a prominent feature of the American political landscape, the NRA’s approach and endorsements will undoubtedly remain under scrutiny. Advocates like McNutt and organizations like Texas Gun Rights seek to ensure that the defense of the Second Amendment remains unyielding and free from the influences that they believe have led the NRA astray.

2024 TXGR PAC Republican Primary Endorsements

2024 TXGR PAC Republican Primary Endorsements

Texas Gun Rights loves holding gun grabbing liberals accountable.

But our work is even more important when the gun grabbing liberals are so-called “Republicans” selling gun owners out.

That’s why we’re excited to say it’s officially Primary season in Texas! 

On March 5th, it’s Republicans vs. Republicans, and we are fully bought in to making sure that the Republicans that voted with Democrats and other establishment Republicans to support anti-2A bills – or to weaken/kill pro-2A bills – are held accountable for their actions.

Additionally, Texas Gun Rights PAC (TXGR PAC) is endorsing several candidates who pledged their unwavering support for gun rights, so gun owners know EXACTLY who they should support. You can see our endorsements below (list will be updated regularly):

*= Incumbent 

Brent Money, State Representative, HD-2

Tom Glass, State Representative, HD-17

Kyle Biedermann, State Representative, HD-19

Matt Morgan, State Representative, HD-26

Katrina Pierson, State Representative, HD-33

Wes Virdell, State Representative, HD 53

Mike Olcott, State Representative, HD-60

Andy Hopper, State Representative, HD-64

Mitch Little, State Representative, HD-65

Andy Hopper, State Representative, HD-64

Wayne Richard, State Representative, HD 66

Abraham George, State Representative, HD-89

David Lowe, State Representative, HD-91

Nate Schatzline*, State Representative, HD-93

Tony Tinderholt*, State Representative, HD-94

Barry Wernick, State Representative, HD-108

Briscoe Cain*, State Representative, HD-128

John Perez, State Representative, HD-133

Michelle Evans, Williamson County GOP Chair, Williamson County

Brandon Hererra, US Congress, CD-23

Julie Clark, US Congress, CD-23

Stay tuned to hear about how we’re targeting some of the worst “Republicans” that teamed up with party leadership and the Democrats to try and ship your gun rights down the river.

If you or someone you know are running for legislative office, print and fill out our survey here.

TXGR PAC Survey Background Briefing.

Reminder: Early voting begins February 20, and election day is March 5.

Keep an eye out for future TXGR PAC endorsements and happy RINO hunting!

Cancelling Kyle Rittenhouse?

January 5, 2024

Earlier this week, our friend (and proud 2nd Amendment advocate), Kyle Rittenhouse, was blocked on Twitter by a politician.

This news might not surprise you. The establishment media has made Kyle into a controversial figure, so he deals with “cancel culture” on a regular basis.

But the most recent politician to block Kyle was a Dallas-area Republican, Representative Justin Holland. Kyle shared this picture with us:

Holland was one of the Republicans who voted to ban Kyle and other legal adults 18-20 from owning certain firearms for self-defense.  

TXGR was planning a debate between Holland and Kyle so Texans in Holland’s district could understand his views about basic gun rights. 

I guess Holland is afraid to defend his beliefs. *shrug emoji*

Unfortunately, Republicans like Holland exist all over Texas. And TXGR is the only group exposing their abysmal records!

Texans, like Kyle, have a right to basic self-defense just like every other law-abiding citizen.

Triumphs in Court and Legislature in 2023

December 27, 2023 

It has been a landmark year for Texas Gun Rights, marked by major legal and legislative victories. In a significant courtroom success, TXGR secured preliminary injunctions in two lawsuits against the ATF, challenging overreaching firearm regulations. This legal achievement underscores TXGR’s commitment to protecting gun owners’ rights at the federal level.

In the Texas Legislature, pivotal bills like HB 1760, HB 2837, and HB 3137 passed, bolstering Second Amendment rights in the state. HB 1760 reined in the misuse of “gun-free” zones, while HB 2837 and HB 3137 respectively ensured financial privacy for gun owners and strengthened firearms preemption laws. These legislative victories represent a significant step forward in safeguarding the rights of gun owners in Texas.

Despite these successes, TXGR faced a setback with the passage of SB 728, which aligns Texas closer to universal gun registration. Recognizing this as a temporary loss, TXGR is gearing up for a robust advocacy program in the 2024 Republican primary, aimed at exposing the voting records of politicians who supported SB 728.

In addition to these efforts, TXGR defeated nearly two hundred gun control bills proposed during the session, marking a record-high number of thwarted gun control measures. This achievement highlights TXGR’s relentless defense against any legislation that threatens Second Amendment rights.

Looking ahead, TXGR remains unwavering in its mission to ban red flag laws in Texas and to expand Constitutional Carry for more Texans. The organization continues to stand at the forefront of the fight for gun rights, ready to tackle new challenges and ensure that Texas remains a stronghold for the Second Amendment.

Gun Control Group Launches Disgusting Ad

December 23, 2023 

Earlier this week, we saw a truly disgusting ad put out by some gun grabbers:
We’re not going to show it to you here because we don’t want to boost their views, but here’s the gist: a young girl falls into a pool, and her mom gets down on her knees to pray instead of jumping in the pool to save her. Then random people show up and say, “We’re sending you our thoughts and prayers,” while the girl drowns.
It ends by saying guns are the #1 killer of American children.
It’s despicable.
The sentiment is obvious: prayers don’t do anything, and if we could stop the death of our children by taking action, we should do that instead of praying.
First of all, I’d argue we should always pray before we undertake anything. But that’s not the point.
These PACs and gun control groups just want one thing: to take away the rights of law-abiding citizens. Because we’re the ones who are actually going to follow the laws in the first place!
A deranged lunatic doesn’t care what the laws are before he commits a heinous crime, he just acts.
But if the groups responsible for this ad have their way, the 2nd Amendment will be completely eroded for every law-abiding citizen. And Gun Control Inc. is planning to spend millions in the upcoming election to make sure they get their preferred guys into office.
That’s why we have to match them, punch for punch, dollar for dollar. We know our supporter base doesn’t have billions of dollars to protect our rights, but we do have thousands of members. If every person reading this email right now chipped in $25, we’d have enough money to go after every single cowardly Republican in the upcoming primary.
We know some of you can give even more than $25. We’d be grateful if you could give $50, $100, or even $500 for this fight.
We can’t stand passively by while the gun grabbers come for our rights. We must arm ourselves with wisdom and prayer before we fight and then stand up courageously when the attacks come.
And they are going to keep coming.
But we are grateful to be working and fighting with people like YOU every single day.
For Texas and Liberty,
Chris McNutt
President, Texas Gun Rights

Texas Freedom Under the Stars: A Pro-Gun Christmas Poem

December 22, 2023

In Texas, where the Lone Star shines bright,
We celebrate Christmas with all our might.
Respecting our rights, in the Second’s true light,
We stand firm for freedom, day and night.

From El Paso to Austin, our spirits are high,
With family and friends, under the wide Texas sky.
Our firearms secured, as traditions apply,
We remember the Alamo, and the heroes that did not shy.

So here’s to Texas, and the liberties we hold tight,
Wishing all a Merry Christmas, and a New Year that’s right.
For in this great state, we stand united and upright,
Happy holidays from TXGR, keeping our gun rights in sight!

Setting the Stage for 2024 Elections

December 15, 2023

Texas Gun Rights (TXGR) is making strategic moves for the 2024 election cycle. In fact, TXGR is planning to spend more than we have ever spent in a Republican Primary before! Our plans focus on incumbents who voted against gun rights during the 2023 legislative session.

Public Awareness Campaigns

TXGR has already taken significant steps to hold anti-gun politicians accountable. We launched a billboard campaign in State Representative Glenn Rogers’ district and introduced, exposing Rogers’ anti-gun voting record.

This initiative is just a preview for what TXGR hopes to replicate across the state. In addition to billboards, TXGR is also planning to deploy a range of media, including TV and radio commercials, over-the-top ads, direct mail, text messages, and email campaigns, ensuring that gun rights remain a central issue of political discussions leading up to November.

Counteracting National Anti-Gun Forces

The urgency of TXGR’s efforts is amplified by the intensified focus of national figures like Michael Bloomberg and George Soros on Texas politics.

Following their success in turning Virginia blue, these influential figures are doubling down on Texas. The Giffords Gun Control group, supported by their funding, is actively hiring highly-paid staff in Texas, signaling a major continued push for gun control in the state.

Democratic Strategy in Texas

Democrats, drawing inspiration from the 2018 “Beto wave,” are rallying behind Congressman Colin Allred and State Senator Roland Gutierrez, both of whom are championing strict gun control measures in their campaigns against Ted Cruz.

This strategy, which saw several legislative seats turn blue in 2018 despite O’Rourke’s loss, poses a significant challenge to Texas’ pro-gun stance.

Mobilizing for Gun Rights

TXGR’s mobilization efforts over the next year will be critical in ensuring that Texas remains a stronghold for gun rights — by ensuring gun rights remains a top priority for state legislators heading into future legislative sessions. 

Texas Gun Rights Foundation bringing TXGR’s ‘No Compromise’ Tactics to the Courtroom!

December 14, 2023

Texas Gun Rights Foundation was established in February 2023 and has quickly emerged as a pivotal force in defending Second Amendment rights! In collaboration with the National Association for Gun Rights, Texas Gun Rights Foundation launched two significant legal challenges against the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), targeting their unconstitutional bans on pistol stabilizing braces and forced reset triggers.

Understanding the ATF Bans and Their Impact

The ban on pistol stabilizing braces sought to reclassify firearms equipped with these braces as short-barreled rifles. This would subject them to more stringent regulations under the National Firearms Act. This move could have dramatically restricted the use of these braces, popular among disabled veterans and other shooters for providing stability and accuracy, and arbitrarily turned tens of thousands of law-abiding gun owners into criminals overnight!

The forced reset trigger was another device targeted by the ATF. The triggers allowed semi-automatic firearms to reset the trigger more quickly. According to the ATF, firearms with such triggers were to be considered “machine guns” which, like the pistol stabilizing brace ban, would put the triggers under strict regulation of the NFA… implementing a de facto ban for the majority of lawful gun owners.

Thanks to Texas Gun Rights’ lawsuits spearheaded by the Foundation, preliminary injunctions have temporarily blocked enforcement of these bans for members of the organization as they wait for a permanent ruling.

Facing the Threat of Universal Gun Registration

The Foundation is also closely watching the ATF’s proposal to redefine “dealer in firearms.” This change could mean many individuals, including private sellers, might be classified as dealers. This would prevent gun owners from selling, gifting, or lending firearms to others without first getting government approval, inching the U.S. closer to a form of universal gun registration without congressional approval. As every gun owner knows, registration is just the first step toward outright confiscation. Texas Gun Rights Foundation is preparing to sue the ATF in another lawsuit if the new rule is finalized and implemented as expected!

Supporting Kyle Rittenhouse in Civil Litigation

Beyond these regulatory battles, the Foundation has taken a proactive stance in supporting Kyle Rittenhouse. Facing multiple civil lawsuits, Rittenhouse’s legal battles continue despite his acquittal in criminal court. The Foundation has contributed several thousand dollars to aid his legal defense in 2023, emphasizing its commitment to individuals embroiled in self-defense cases.

Empowering the Grassroots Movements

Recognizing the power of grassroots activism, Texas Gun Rights Foundation is collaborating with Young Americans for Liberty and the Foundation for Applied Conservative Leadership to train activists in Texas. This initiative focuses on equipping individuals with the skills needed to run for political office and manage campaigns, essential for building a robust opposition to gun control initiatives.

Forging a Future for Gun Rights

Texas Gun Rights Foundation’s multifaceted approach — from challenging federal regulations to nurturing grassroots political engagement – helps position the Foundations as a key player in the ongoing effort to safeguard gun rights. As the Foundation continues its work, it stands as a beacon of hope for gun owners, not just in Texas but across the United States!

Biden launches renewed gun control assault!

December 6, 2023

Every day that congress is in session, our rights are at risk.

That doesn’t matter if it is Joe Biden or a Republican at the helm of the White House (although with Biden, things are MUCH WORSE)!

But with the recent introduction of the Gas-Operated Semi-Automatic Firearms Exclusion (GOSAFE) Act in Congress, Biden has launched yet another full-throated attack on gun owners across America.

This overreaching bill, introduced by Sens. Angus King (I-Maine) and Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.), aims to ban standard-capacity magazines and many firearms that accept detachable magazines… and even goes as far as proposing a gun “buy-back” program!

As an ardent defender of the Second Amendment and a valued member of the TXGR community, I’m urging you to take immediate action.

Please contact Congress today and express your strong opposition to the GOSAFE Act!

Just click the link above and fill out your information on the page to look up YOUR elected officials in Washington.

When the pre-filled message loads, all you need to do is hit send! Or feel free to edit the script and write a message of your own.

If you feel so inclined, a phone call will help pile on the pressure!

Unsurprisingly, the GOSAFE ACT is supported by Bloomberg-backed “Everytown For Gun Control.” If passed into law, it would prohibit most Semi-automatic firearms — which are among the most used handguns, rifles and shotguns in America.

It’s kind of like Dianne Feinstein’s notorious “Assault Weapons” ban wrapped up in a new package.

Using the actions of a criminal in Maine as a basis for this bill, the GOSAFE Act would penalize MILLIONS of law-abiding citizens across the country and does NOT effectively address the root causes of gun violence (which have NOTHING to do with firearms laws).

Worse, such a ban sets a precedent for further restrictions — and could lead to a slippery slope where more types of firearms are targeted, gradually eroding our constitutional rights.

Nancy Pelosi would call it “a slippery slope.”

Not to mention, the bill already directly defies the Supreme Court’s 2022 decision in the Bruen case.

In that case, the Court emphasized that gun laws must be “consistent with the nation’s historical tradition of firearm regulation” and pass Second Amendment scrutiny.

Bills aimed at limiting magazine capacity or banning an entire class of firearm are often sold as ways to reduce crime and “save lives”, but evidence shows time and again criminals do not adhere to such restrictions.

In reality, these types of bills limit the ability of law-abiding citizens to defend themselves effectively.

In a life-threatening situation, the capacity to fire multiple rounds without reloading can be crucial for self-defense.

That’s why your voice is crucial in this fight.

By speaking out, you are not just defending your rights, but those of every American gun owner. It’s imperative that our representatives in Congress hear our collective stance against such restrictive measures.

Even if you know your congressman has a strong, pro-gun voting record, it is important they hear your voice — so they know you have their back!

But the time to act is now!

Together, we can ensure the protection of our Second Amendment freedoms for generations to come.

For Texas and Liberty,

Chris McNutt
Texas Gun Rights

P.S. After contacting your congressman, please consider supporting Texas Gun Rights with a donation. Every contribution helps us fight for our rights and keep America free and safe.

Texas Gun Rights Braces for a Tidal Wave of Gun Control Spending by Bloomberg, Soros in Texas

November 18, 2023

In a bold move that echoes their success in Virginia, billionaire activists Michael Bloomberg and George Soros are funneling unprecedented funds into Texas through gun control groups like Giffords, aiming to turn the historically red state blue and push through radical gun control measures. This initiative represents a significant escalation in their nationwide campaign to reshape America’s gun laws.

The strategic shift to Texas, a state known for its robust support of the Second Amendment, signals a new chapter in the battle over gun rights. The recent political shift in Virginia, which saw the state turn blue on election night due to similar efforts, stands as a stark warning to gun rights advocates in Texas. The playbook used in Virginia, heavily funded by Bloomberg and Soros, successfully swayed the political landscape in favor of more restrictive gun laws. This same formula is now being applied to Texas, with the Giffords group doubling down on its spending to achieve a similar outcome.

Texas Gun Rights, a stalwart defender of gun rights, is bracing for this intensified assault on the Second Amendment. The organization, renowned for its unyielding stance on gun freedom, is gearing up to counter this wave of anti-gun activism. The challenge is formidable, as these gun control groups are not only well-funded but also strategically savvy in influencing public opinion and electoral outcomes.

In response to this looming threat, Texas Gun Rights is not only rallying its base but also expanding its efforts to hold all politicians accountable for their stance on gun rights, regardless of party affiliation. The group has made it clear that it will actively participate in the upcoming election cycle, including the 2024 Republican Primary Election, to ensure that candidates who support gun control measures, whether on the left or the right, are challenged and held accountable.

The battle lines are drawn, and Texas Gun Rights stands ready to defend the state’s long-standing tradition of supporting the Second Amendment. The organization is calling on all Texans who value their gun rights to join in this fight against the well-oiled machine of Bloomberg and Soros-funded groups. The message is clear: Texas will not capitulate to outside influences seeking to erode its constitutional rights.

As the political landscape heats up, Texas Gun Rights remains vigilant, committed to preserving the freedoms that are fundamental to the Lone Star State’s identity. The fight to keep Texas a bastion of gun rights is more crucial than ever, and the organization is poised to lead this crucial battle for the soul of Texas.