Four Dozen Gun Control Bills Filed in Austin
Astroturf groups funded by Michael Bloomberg are planning a huge rally and lobby day at the capitol to push everything from Universal Gun Registration to gun bans and outright confiscati
Marxist gun control filed in Austin!
If they can’t get rid of the Second Amendment in one fell swoop, they will slice away at it until it receives a death by a thousand cuts.
Three Gun Confiscation Bills already filed for the new legislative session!
RINO U.S. Senator John Cornyn championed state legislatures to pass “Red Flag” laws over the summer — and now the bills are filed!
Republicans helping anti-gun Democrats!?
Republican “Leadership” in Austin is doubling down on their commitment to uphold the tradition of appointing anti-gun Democrats to powerful committee chair positions.
A list of anti-gun candidates running in Texas
In order to get the “Gun Sense Candidate” Award from these Leftist shills, one must vow their allegiance to a radical ideology targeting law-abiding gun owners.
The good, the bad & the ugly
Sadly, the abortion issue is STILL making many folks gloss over the anti-gun, defund the police stance of many gun ban politicians.
They’re caving to the mob!
Abbott needs to get Paxton and DPS in line!
Houston Mayor demanding repeal of Constitutional Carry
Left-wing extremists are going all-out to make sure their gun control agenda stays at the forefront of debate.
Freedom restored for some gun owners!
I can’t say I’m surprised WE were on the right side of Constitutional Law and the politicians were not…
Your membership is more important now than ever!
Texas Gun Rights memberships run from summer through summer of each year, and they are the life-blood of our organization, giving us the resources we need to monitor gun legislation in Austin (and D.C.) — and enable us to respond to any threats at a moments notice!