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TXGR Attacked by Former Attorney to Democrat Megadonor

February 1, 2024

In the world of Second Amendment activism, one can always expect all manner of attacks from members of the political establishment. It’s the nature of the beast in a cut-throat political enterprise where expediency and backstabbing are the order of the day.

Since it was founded in 2014, Texas Gun Rights (TXGR) has known this all too well. Its staunch commitment to the Second Amendment has earned it many enemies both on the Left and the Right. The latter has been a fascinating development to observe over the course of TXGR’s rise to prominence as the #1 no compromise gun lobby in the Lone Star State.

TXGR’s willingness to take Republicans to task for their anti-gun ways and/or their inability to defend the Second Amendment has made many a party hack livid. One could write encyclopedia-length articles highlighting establishment Republicans’ long list of attacks against TXGR.

However, one recent attack launched against TXGR merits considerable attention: Mark McCaig, a well-established Texas lawyer and the publisher of a faux conservative blog, The Texas Voice:

In an attack piece titled “Affiliate of Never-Trumper Led ‘Little Nutjob’ Gun Group Engages in Texas Primaries,” McCaig tries to paint TXGR as a group with Trump Derangement Syndrome (more on that fake news later).

But McCaig’s blog is known for being the mouthpiece of the uniparty in Austin, primarily Dade Phelan, who serves as the Speaker of the Texas House. Phelan is infamous for empowering anti-gun Democrats by appointing them to chair powerful committees — and for leading a sham impeachment of Ken Paxton, America’s most pro-gun Attorney General. If you ever want to know Phelan’s position on something, one only needs to read McCaig’s blog.

McCaig, himself, is a vile creature. Groups such as Young Conservative of Texas (YCT) have previously condemned McCaig for some of the subversive activity he has engaged in. The irony here is that McCaig used to be a former YCT member. Nevertheless, he has used YCT ‘s name to attack conservative candidates through a PAC he used to run — Conservative Voters or Texas.

Worse, McCaig used to work closely with the late-Steve Mostyn — a mega-donor for Democratic causes — at his personal injury law firm, and used the resources from this gig to continue attacking conservative legislators (as if personal injury lawyers didn’t already have a bad wrap!)

McCaig is for all intents and purposes a Nikki Haley-style Republican at best — who is more than willing to support Republicans who routinely sell out their conservative constituents for political expediency.

But McCaig’s current outrage stems from TXGR deploying mailers, billboards, websites, text messages and digital ads across the state, letting Texans know about the sketchy voting behavior of their representatives in the Texas House (primarily those of Phelan and his top lieutenants — which annoyed McCaig BIGLY).

In McCaig’s hit piece on TXGR, he conveniently fails to mention that President Trump is backing TXGR PAC-endorsed David Covey against Dade Phelan. Trump even noted Covey’s commitment to gun rights when he gave him his “complete and total endorsement.”

The primary bill at the center of the “controversy” with McCaig and RINO Republicans is Senate Bill 728 from 2023, a bill suffused with nasty anti-Second Amendment provisions.

For example, SB 728 effectively complies with the Biden-Cornyn Bipartisan Safer Communities Act (BSCA) by funneling tens of thousands of juvenile records into the NICS gun ban registry, irrespective of criminal record and a person’s return to normal mental health.

It works in a retroactive manner, and otherwise law-abiding people could be deprived of their gun rights without even knowing it.

NICS is notorious for having a 94% false positive rate on firearms background check denials. False positives occur when lawful citizens’ names get mixed and matched with criminals who share similar names, which results in them being unjustly stripped of their gun rights.

For that reason, NICS needs to be abolished, not reformed, much less expanded upon. TXGR has distinguished itself from the rest of the gun rights organizations in Texas by opposing SB 728 — and being the only organization that’s calling for the abolition of NICS.

“No Compromise” isn’t just a hollow slogan for TXGR.

Sadly, the political establishment won after the Texas Senate passed SB 728 by a vote of 31-0 and the Texas House did so by a 116-28 margin.

Of course, the NRA has endorsed Speaker Phelan and many of the legislators who supported SB 728, giving them cover and zero accountability. Much like McCaig with The Texas Voice, the NRA exists to provide cover and prop up establishment Republicans no matter how suspect their voting records are.

Which brings us back to President Trump. Neither National Association for Gun Rights nor Texas Gun Rights is a “Never Trump organization.”

President Trump certainly was not perfect on gun rights, as demonstrated by his administration’s decision to ban bump stocks and expand NICS — which was noted by NAGR president Dudley Brown in his personal tweets.

But Trump seemingly represents the best alternative to defeat the Biden regime’s gun ban agenda — the agenda that Phelan and his cronies like McCaig are unwilling to fight.

The Biden regime has been relentless with respect to its efforts to undermine the Second Amendment be it through legislative means or executive fiat. Biden and company have already granted a rogue ATF the power to unilaterally impose gun control through underhanded means.

Thus far, the Biden-ATF has made attempts to impose a partial “assault weapons ban” and universal gun registration through arbitrary regulatory orders and procedures.

The Biden-ATF is essentially functioning like any unaccountable bureaucracy by imposing policies that are not subject to democratic scrutiny or pushback at the polls.

So flaws notwithstanding, Trump is still politically useful in opposing gun control. One can acknowledge this nuance of the current political reality and still criticize political figures when they slip up.

And when it comes to perfection, we know that only Jesus Christ is perfect.

Texas Gun Rights is not loyal to any of the two parties, especially the anti-gun uniparty that resides in the DC & Austin Swamp. And TXGR is certainly not in the business of schmoozing with the ruling class or selling out gun owners.

We should never forget that TXGR’s mission is to mobilize pro-gun Texans in defense of the Second Amendment and Article 1, Section 23 of the Texas Constitution. Period.

Republican Primary Accountability Critical for Defeating Biden’s Gun Ban Agenda in November

January 31, 2024 

Wake up and smell the gunpowder!

Joe Biden, backed by the deep pockets of Michael Bloomberg and George Soros, is unleashing an all-out war on gun rights in Texas.

First, Biden’s ATF is relentlessly hammering gun owners with nonsensical rule changes, bans on gun accessories and a devious universal gun registration plot by redefining what constitutes as a “dealer in firearms.”

This bypasses Congress and state legislatures, striking at the heart of our gun ownership rights.

But it gets worse.

The gun control lobby is feeling empowered after Bloomberg-funded “Everytown for Gun Control” outspent the NRA 10-1 (in their own backyard) when they flipped Virginia “blue” in November…

Now, along with the Giffords gun control group, these gun control tyrants are doubling down on Texas.

That’s why I need you to sign your pledge to “Stop the Blue Wave” RIGHT AWAY.

Let’s be clear: we don’t believe Texas is going blue this election cycle… unless gun owners sit on the sidelines.

But we know these Bloomberg & Soros-funded groups are counting on replicating the “Beto Wave” of 2018 — when a dozen down-ballot anti-gun candidates for the state legislature flipped their districts blue.

The anti-gun Left understands that they don’t need full control of the Texas Legislature to ramrod their radical agenda in Austin.

If you recall, the Republican-controlled legislature already betrayed gun owners by voting for SB 728 – a disastrous expansion of the NICS gun ban registry — earlier this year.

So, we’re making 2024 our battleground.

In fact, Texas Gun Rights is launching an unprecedented mobilization effort ahead of the March primary and November elections.

We strongly believe discipline begins at home.

That’s why our “all-in” budget for the Republican primary — to hold supposedly “pro-gun Republicans” accountable for their anti-gun votes — is bigger than it’s ever been.

But this spending is pivotal to our strategy of ensuring that protecting gun rights against the radical Left remains a TOP theme going into November… to defeat the Biden gun ban agenda, and to ensure we have a tidal wave of support to push our pro-gun legislative agenda moving into 2025.

In addition to direct mail, email, text message campaigns, and digital ads, Texas Gun Rights has been busy launching websites like — exposing the anti-gun records of Republicans across the state.

We even have plans to launch billboards, TV, and radio commercials if resources permit.

But I need to know you have my back.

Please sign your pledge to “Stop the Blue Wave” RIGHT AWAY.

Your pledge marks your commitment to help Texas Gun Rights fight back against the Biden gun control agenda.

But after you sign your pledge, I hope you’ll consider your most generous financial contribution ever to help us implement our plans in 2024.

No matter if it’s $250, $100, or even $50, every penny will empower Texas Gun Rights to mobilize pro-gun Texans and protect our rights in the face of this onslaught.

But if you’re able to part with $2,500, $1,000, or even $500, it will bring Texas Gun Rights much closer to our goal of implementing our ENTIRE 2024 election accountability plans.

Texas Gun Rights is the ONLY gun rights organization holding Republicans accountable for their anti-gun votes during the primary.

It’s time to take a stand! And we can’t get outspent 10-1 by the anti-gun Left in our own backyard.

The Biden Administration, Soros, and Bloomberg are counting on our complacency.

They believe they can steamroll over us with their executive overreaches and deep pockets.

But they’re wrong. We’re Texans. We fight back!

So please, sign your pledge and donate as generously as you can.

For Texas and Liberty,


Chris McNutt

President, Texas Gun Rights

The NRA Continues Running Cover for Texas’ Corrupt Political Class

January 30, 2024

There are certain constants in politics that one can always count on. One of those is the National Rifle Association’s penchant for running cover for unprincipled members of the Texas State Legislature. With the 2024 Republican primary elections right around the corner, the NRA is currently doling out its endorsements and defending members of the political establishment from grassroots criticism.

On January 20, 2024, Texas State Representative Jeff Leach announced to his supporters that he received the endorsement the NRA’s Political Victory Fund (PVF).

The NRA said the following about Leach:

“Jeff Leach has been a reliable and consistent friend to gun owners in the fight to defend liberty and freedom in the Texas House. Attempts by political opponents and third-party organizations to misinform voters and distort his policy positions on gun issues are false and dishonest.”

The harsh reality is that Leach is no friend of the Second Amendment.  At a time when turncoat Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) was working with Joe Biden’s administration to pass the “Bipartisan Safer Communities Act,” a gun control measure that Biden described as “the most significant gun [control] legislation to pass Congress in 30 years,” Leach drafted a bill — SB 728. This bill would establish a registry for adults who had mental health complications when they were minors. This bill was ostensibly designed to have Texas law comply with the BSCA.

Ironically, Leach co-authored Texas’ so-called “Second Amendment Sanctuary” law in 2021, granting Texas the power to resist any unconstitutional gun control measures passed by the Biden regime.

Sadly, whatever good Leach did with this Second Amendment Sanctuary law went to waste after he voted to pass SB 728, which effectively placed millions of Texans’ records into the NICS Gun Ban Registry.

Like most politicians of this epoch, Leach talks a big game about the Second Amendment. But when the rubber meets the road, Leach backs down when he has to confront the Feds.

Leach also voted to water down Constitutional Carry on university campuses by voting against an amendment that would have ended the “gun free” zones aka criminal safe spaces in institutions of higher education that are often targeted by violent gunmen. In typical establishment fashion, Leach voted against broadening Constitutional Carry to all legal adults, which includes single mothers and individuals in the age range of 18 to 20 — prime years for military service.

To make matters worse, Leach voted against extending Constitutional Carry on lands that the Lower Colorado River Authority manages, which includes many camping sites statewide. Overall, Jeff Leach’s voting record against pro-gun amendments would create a confusing maze of gun laws that could have otherwise lawful gun owners running into legal problems.

During a time when Leach could have used his precious time and political capital to pass several pro-gun reforms such as the Second Amendment Preservation Act (SAPA) and a prohibition on “Red Flag” gun confiscation orders, he decided to spend his time trying to impeach Attorney General Ken Paxton — one of America’s most pro-gun AGs.

Establishment politicians like Leach also don’t like when their voting records and political machinations are exposed by grassroots activists. Hence his decision to team up with anti-gun Democrats to vote for the Texas Gag Act. Said legislation would have compelled organizations such as Texas Gun Rights to release their whole list of membership records and donors for simply talking about a politician’s voting record.

The forced disclosure of donors could leave groups and their supporters susceptible to political reprisals from unhinged leftist organizations such as Antifa and Black Lives Matter. A chilling effect on free speech would soon surface because of such legislation, which would shield the political class from legitimate criticism.

Leach’s behavior is typical of the Texas political class. State Representative Glenn Rogers also shared the same dubious distinction of selling out gun owners by following in Leach’s footsteps in terms of his anti-gun voting behavior.

In fact, when TXGR placed a billboard to expose Rogers’ voting record on SB 728, he went on social media to complain about the billboard, calling TXGR activists liars because “other Republicans voted for it [SB 728], too.”  Rogers has a history of being rather lukewarm on the Second amendment.

Back in February 2020, when he was asked if he backed Constitutional Carry at Hood County Candidate Forum, Rogers indicated that he would only support legal carry with training mandates. In effect, when every other candidate at the forum supported Constitutional Carry, Rogers was in favor of keeping the gun licensing status quo and opposing Constitutional Carry. In this timeframe, Rogers refused to return his completed TXGR candidate survey and go publicly on important issues connected to the Second Amendment.

However, the grassroots pressure finally got to Rogers after he ended up voting for a clean Constitutional Carry bill in 2021.

What we see with Leach and Rogers is a problem that’s widespread in the Texas House. It ultimately starts at the top with House Speaker Dade Phelan. The Speaker has not only backed the previously mentioned anti-gun moves, he created a gun control committee in 2023 made up of 7 Republicans and 6 Democrats.

The Vice Chairman of the committee — Jarvis Johnson — and 3 other Democrats who have received endorsements from Bloomberg-backed gun control organizations. Further, Joe Moody, who has authored “red flag” gun confiscation legislation in the last three legislative sessions, was a part of this committee.

Two Republicans on the committee — Justin Holland and Sam Harless — teamed up with Democrats to put forward a bill to prevent lawful adults between the ages of 18 to 20 from buying or owning specific kinds of rifles.

Dade Phelan’s committee appointments ultimately enabled anti-gun liberals to prevent the passage of the Second Amendment Preservation Act (HB 5153) and the bill to prohibit “red flag” gun confiscation laws in the Lone Star State (HB 1894), the latter of which were also assisted by Holland and Harless. In all likelihood, the NRA will overlook Phelan and his cronies’ spotty Second Amendment records and endorse them.

In the case of Holland, the Republican with the worst record on gun rights in 2023, he escaped with a “C” rating by the NRA instead of an “F.” And Sam Harless’ was mysteriously not listed on the NRA’s voter guide as of the writing of this article.

That’s just how the establishment gun lobby operates. The good news is that as long as TXGR exists, gun owners in the Lone Star State who desire a restoration of the Second Amendment will always have a no compromise option to rely on for their pro-gun needs.

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Running Scared: Texas House Tried to Hide Their Anti-Gun Voting Records

January 24, 2024

If the Austin political elite had their way, you would never be able to read this article.

Under the guise of “Ethics Reform,” the majority of Texas House Republicans joined with anti-gun Democrats to try and SILENCE the grassroots just last year.

But you probably never even heard about it…

Better known as the Gag Act, HB 1585 would’ve kept Texas Gun Rights from holding your politicians accountable — by prohibiting us from telling you about their voting record!

This draconian measure would not only have suppressed our fundamental right to free speech, but it would have also invaded the privacy of our valued members.

Thanks to the pressure of Texas Gun Rights members and supporters across the state, this bill was stopped in the Texas Senate.

But do you think that because this bill failed one time, they won’t try again? Of course not!

That’s why I need you to sign our petition, instructing your elected officials to OPPOSE the Gag Act RIGHT AWAY.

Leading the charge for this draconian policy was Republican State Representative Charlie Geren — who authored the bill.

Of course, Geren (and many of the Republicans who voted for his bill) also voted to:

  • Expand the NICS Gun Ban Registry (SB 728)
  • Empower anti-gun Democrats as committee chairs
  • Impeach our pro-gun Attorney General Ken Paxton

In short, none of them want to be held accountable for their actions.

If the Gag Act ever became law, it would effectively keep their bad voting records a secret by PROHIBITING Texas Gun Rights (and others) from talking about it!

It would ban any mention of a politician’s name before a Primary or General Election, or during a legislative session.

That way, anti-gun incumbents could coast to easy re-elections without ever being held accountable for their records!

The Gag Act would force groups like Texas Gun Rights to hand over the names, addresses, and employers of anyone who contributes to any of our efforts if we dared to inform you how your elected official voted.

Leaving patriots across Texas open to retribution, intimidation, and personal attacks from vengeful politicians and the “woke” cancel culture.

Just consider the labels often applied to supporters of President Trump: “white supremacist,” “fascist,” and even “Nazi” are common terms used by the radical Left.

Absolutely ridiculous!

Rest assured, Texas Gun Rights would never, under any circumstance, roll over and give a heavy-handed government bureaucrat your personal information… 

…but I can’t say the same for any other grassroots organization or cause that you support.

That’s why I’ve got a team of lawyers ready to take the fight to the courts if the Gag Act ever became law.

This fight isn’t just about us, it’s about the right for you to hold your elected officials accountable, which is why we’re trying to avoid a costly legal battle and stop the Gag Act in the Legislature.

Making your petition so important

Still not convinced this negatively affects you? Let me explain:

Currently, your donations to groups such as Texas Gun Rights remain private — as they should!

Considering most hard-working Texans simply do not have the time to go door knock, make phone calls, or engage in local activism, you can give to a group like TXGR to advocate on your behalf.

But if the Gag Act becomes law, one day you may be called in to the boss’ office at work when suddenly you are notified your services are no longer needed there.

Did you violate any company policies? No.

Did you show up late or take too many sick days? No.

Did you fail to perform your job well? No.

However, the company’s “woke” higher-ups decided your politics are just a little too “extreme” for their taste and would rather you work somewhere else.

Even worse, as a gun owner, you may find yourself placed on any number of government watch lists or have a target on your back for simply supporting our Second Amendment rights.

All because your name appeared on a membership list.

With the hostility we see in today’s politics and cancel culture, these scenarios could easily become reality if the Gag Act became law.

Right now, Texas Gun Rights takes the brunt of the attacks from angry politicians (re: Dennis Bonnen vs Texas Gun Rights).

But if they have their way, they could instead be coming after you!

Even if they pass the Gag Act, TXGR will keep fighting for your rights.

However, it will cripple our efforts as we will be obligated to spend tens of thousands of dollars fighting it in the courts, which would leave Texas ripe for the picking for anti-gun politicians.

By signing your “Stop the Gag Act” petition, you can help STOP this draconian nightmare before it ever sees a courtroom.

Your signed petition makes it clear to your lawmakers that you are opposed to any legislation that would make it more difficult, or even illegal, for gun owners to hold them accountable.

And we need all hands-on deck for this fight.

So along with your signed petition, I’m hoping you’ll include your most generous contribution to help TXGR expose these politicians during the upcoming primary election.

But no matter what you can give, please sign your petition today. Thank you for your continued activism and support.

For Texas and Liberty,

Chris McNutt

2024 TXGR Primary Voter Guide + PAC Endorsements


The candidates listed below have returned a PRO-GUN Texas Gun Rights Candidate Survey.
Don’t see your candidate? Tell them to fill out their TXGR Candidate Survey today! Print/Download candidate survey here.
* indicates a Texas Gun Rights PAC-endorsed candidate.
**Last updated 2/20/24**
Presiding Judge, Court of Criminal Appeals: David Schenk*
Judge, Court of Criminal Appeals Place 7 Gina Parker*
Judge, Court of Criminal Appeals Place 8 Lee Finley*
U.S. Congress
  • CD 2: Jameson Ellis
  • CD 7: Caroline Kane
  • CD 23: Brandon Herrera* (dual endorsement)
  • CD 23: Julie Clark* (dual endorsement)
  • CD 26: Brandon Gill*
  • CD 27: Luis Espindola

Texas Senate

  • SD 30: Jace Yarbrough
  • SD 30: Carrie de Moor
  • SD 30: Cody Clark

Texas House

  • HD 1: Dale Huls
  • HD 2: Brent Money*
  • HD 4: Josh Fuerstein*
  • HD 5: Jeff Fletcher
  • HD 17: Tom Glass*
  • HD 19: Kyle Biedermann*
  • HD 20: Janine Chapa
  • HD 21: David Covey*
  • HD 26: Matt Morgan*
  • HD 30: AJ Louderback
  • HD 33: Dennis London
  • HD 33: Katrina Pierson*
  • HD 44: Greg Switzer*
  • HD 53: Wes Virdell*
  • HD 55: Jorge Estrada
  • HD 56: Devvie Duke
  • HD 56: Pat Curry
  • HD 60: Mike Olcott*
  • HD 63: Vincent Gallo
  • HD 64: Andy Hopper*
  • HD 65: Mitch Little*
  • HD 66: Wayne Richard*
  • HD 67: Daren Meis*
  • HD 68: Kerri Kingsbery*
  • HD 70: Joe Collins
  • HD 71: Charles Byrn
  • HD 72: Stormy Bradley
  • HD 74: John McLeon
  • HD 80: Don McLaughlin 
  • HD 83: Wade Cowan
  • HD 85: Tim Greeson
  • HD 86: Jamie Haynes
  • HD 89: Abraham George*
  • HD 91: David Lowe*
  • HD 94: Tony Tinderholt*
  • HD 97: Cheryl Bean
  • HD 99: Jack Reynolds*
  • HD 108: Barry Wernick*
  • HD 119: Brandon Grable
  • HD 121: Marc LaHood
  • HD 128: Bianca Gracia
  • HD 128: Briscoe Cain*

County Sheriff

  • Bexar County Sheriff: Nathan Buchanan*
  • Lavaca County: Micah Harmon


  • Tarrant County, Criminal District Court #2: William Knight*

Republican County Chair

  • Bandera County: Conrad Striegl
  • Collin County: Ellen Loveless
  • Dallas County: Lt. Colonel Allen West*
  • Guadalupe County: Terry Harper
  • McLennan County: Theodore Croy
  • Williamson County: Michelle Evans*
Returning a pro-gun survey does NOT constitute an endorsement of any candidate for office. The list of pro-gun survey respondents is for informational purposes so gun owners know EXACTLY which candidates for public office have pledged their commitment to protecting gun rights. 

Texas Gun Rights is the Texas affiliate of the National Association for Gun Rights, a tax exempt non-profit organization under IRC 501(c)(4) which does not endorse, support, or oppose candidates for election. Candidate endorsements are reserved for our political action committee, Texas Gun Rights PAC.

Need more context on the survey questions? Read background information here.

The Ammo Ban: Gun Control Lobby’s Backdoor Gun Ban

January 17, 2024,

The gun control lobby, facing hurdles in passing comprehensive gun control legislation, is once again changing its focus towards ammunition, targeting specific types of ammo used in popular firearms like the AR-15. This strategy aims to circumvent legislative processes, effectively enforcing a de facto ban on certain guns by restricting their ammunition.

You may remember that the Obama administration attempted to reclassify M855 rounds, commonly used in AR-15s, as “armor piercing,” sparking widespread criticism. Similar efforts are reemerging, with the gun control lobby advocating for bans on “military-grade” ammunition, particularly the 5.56×45 mm rounds. This ammunition, essential for the operation of America’s most commonly owned sporting rifle, is under threat, signaling an indirect approach to an “assault weapons” ban.

This tactic raises concerns about the infringement of Second Amendment rights, as limiting ammunition effectively restricts lawful gun ownership. Critics argue that such measures disproportionately impact law-abiding citizens while failing to address the root causes of gun violence. The debate continues as gun rights groups mobilize to protect access to ammunition, crucial for both self-defense and recreational shooting.

Texas Gun Rights is pledging to fight any ammunition ban legislatively and in the courtroom, and is even proposing that legislators in Austin file a bill that implements a “tax free” holiday on all ammunition, firearms and firearms accessory purchases in the state of Texas.

Beyond Rifles: The Broad Impact of Proposed Assault Weapons Bans

January 10, 2024 

The ongoing debate around assault weapons bans in the United States reveals a concerning trend toward broad restrictions on semi-automatic firearms, including commonly owned shotguns and handguns.

Recent legislative efforts like the GOSAFE Act, pushed by the Biden administration and supported by groups such as Giffords and Everytown for Gun Safety, are raising alarms among gun rights advocates.

These bans, often disguised as targeting “weapons of war,” or AR-15 style rifles, actually encompass a much wider range of firearms than many realize, threatening the rights of average gun owners.

The “assault weapons” bans are often predicated on cosmetic features like pistol grips or the capacity to accept detachable magazines, which are characteristics of the majority of firearms in America. This approach ignores the functional aspects of these weapons, where only one bullet fires per trigger pull, and instead focuses on superficial attributes that do not impact the firearm’s rate of fire or operational mechanism.

This issue was highlighted in the aftermath of the Perry, Iowa shooting, where a pump-action shotgun, not a semi-automatic rifle, was used. Despite this, gun control advocates Like the Newtown Action Alliance seized the opportunity to push for more stringent assault weapons bans. Such exploitation of tragedies for political ends undermines genuine efforts to enhance public safety.

In Texas, there’s growing concern about the response of some Republican legislators to these types of anti-gun initiatives. The Texas House committee responsible for gun legislation, under the leadership of Speaker Dade Phelan, has been criticized for many actions taken during the 2023 legislative session.

Notably, the committee voted to ban 18-20-year-olds from purchasing or possessing certain rifles (HB 2744), with Republicans Justin Holland and Sam Harless siding with Democrats.

Additionally, the committee failed to pass Texas Gun Rights-backed legislation prohibiting red flag gun confiscation laws (HB 1894) after the same two Republicans on the committee walked the vote, empowering Democrats to kill the bill. Another Texas Gun Rights priority, the Second Amendment Preservation Act (HB 5153), which would have strengthened Texas’ “Second Amendment Sanctuary Law” by adding penalties to agents enforcing unconstitutional gun control in Texas, was also killed without so much as a committee hearing.

Thanks to the pressure from Texas Gun Rights and other grassroots activists, HB 2744 was kept from receiving a vote by the full House of Representatives. But SB 728, which codified parts of Biden’s Bipartisan Safer Communities Act (BSCA) into law by funneling more juvenile records into the flawed nics gun ban registry, passed through both chambers of the legislature and was even signed by Governor Abbott.

Sadly (and unsurprisingly), the National Rifle Association (NRA), traditionally seen as a staunch defender of gun rights, has made things worse by endorsing Speaker Phelan and other gun control-supporting Republicans like State Representative Glenn Rogers (Fort Worth) for the 2024 Republican Primary:

While the NRA credits Republicans like Phelan and Rogers for passing Constitutional Carry in 2021, they are seemingly overlooking their more recent anti-gun actions. 

Some say it is ignorance, claiming the NRA is an out of state organization that simply isn’t paying attention closely enough before deciding to meddle in Texas elections. Others say it is a willful attempt to protect the status quo and establishment Republicans in office so that they can build loyalty among politicians instead of gun owners.

According to Chris McNutt, President of Texas Gun Rights, this perceived “lack of accountability for politicians is a key factor to the defensive position gun owners find themselves in far too often in a “red state” like Texas, as elected officials deviate from their campaign promises and constitutional oaths.”

In response, Texas Gun Rights is actively preparing for the Republican primaries to hold these legislators accountable for their anti-gun actions, regardless if they once supported Constitutional Carry legislation or not.

The organization emphasizes the need to prioritize defeating the Biden gun ban agenda in November, advocating for unwavering support for the Second Amendment, and a return to principle-based gun rights advocacy.

This approach seeks to ensure that the rights of law-abiding gun owners are not compromised in the face of political pressure and media-driven narratives on gun control.

NRA’s History of Compromise Continues with Phelan Endorsement

January 9, 2024 

As the landscape of gun rights in America evolves, the National Rifle Association (NRA), once revered as a bastion of Second Amendment defense, finds itself at the center of critique and controversy.

The organization’s approach under Wayne LaPierre’s long tenure has been marked by decisions that many staunch gun rights advocates view as compromises detrimental to the core values of the Second Amendment.

Under LaPierre’s leadership, the NRA supported measures such as Gun Free School Zones, Red Flag Gun Confiscation, and the Brady Gun Owner Registry. These stances have raised eyebrows within the gun rights community, suggesting a stark contrast from the uncompromising defense of gun rights that the NRA is known for.

Furthermore, the NRA’s track record of endorsing political figures with mixed stances on gun rights, including Democrat Harry Reid, has added to the growing discontent among hardline Second Amendment supporters. This discontent is not just about specific policies but also about the perceived shift in the NRA’s overarching approach to gun rights advocacy – from staunch defense to a more conciliatory, compromising posture.

Adding to the concerns is the NRA’s historical role in authoring the National Firearms Act (NFA) and its apparent reluctance to support the elimination of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF). Such positions have not gone unnoticed by newer, more hardline gun rights organizations that have emerged in recent years.

Chris McNutt, President of Texas Gun Rights, is among those who have voiced strong criticism of the NRA and its former leader. According to McNutt, even post-LaPierre, the NRA continues to endorse politicians who do not stand firmly for Second Amendment rights. A prime example cited by McNutt is the NRA’s endorsement of Texas House Speaker Dade Phelan.

Phelan’s record includes supporting legislation that limits Constitutional Carry and campus carry rights for 18-20-year-olds, endorsing parts of President Biden’s Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, and influencing the composition of the Texas House committee responsible for gun legislation. This committee, under Phelan’s guidance, failed to pass significant pro-gun bills, including a measure to prohibit Red Flag Gun Confiscation and the Second Amendment Preservation Act. It also supported the ‘Glock switch bill’, restricting ownership of specific gun tooling and imposed transport restrictions on young adults.

“The NRA’s pattern of backing such measures and politicians contradicts the uncompromising defense of the Second Amendment we desperately need,” said McNutt. He stressed the importance of unwavering support for gun rights and criticized the NRA for its selective acknowledgment of pro-gun actions while turning a blind eye to measures that hinder gun rights.

This approach, according to McNutt, is not just a betrayal of the Second Amendment but also undermines the integrity of the NRA’s advocacy for gun owners. The selective recognition of achievements like the passing of Constitutional Carry, coupled with a disregard for actions that negatively impact gun rights, paints a picture of an organization in a state of internal conflict about its core mission.

Texas Gun Rights, under McNutt’s leadership, remains steadfast in its commitment to holding politicians and organizations accountable. The group advocates for the full protection of gun rights without any form of compromise, emphasizing the need for a clear and consistent stance in defense of the Second Amendment.

As the debate over gun rights continues to be a prominent feature of the American political landscape, the NRA’s approach and endorsements will undoubtedly remain under scrutiny. Advocates like McNutt and organizations like Texas Gun Rights seek to ensure that the defense of the Second Amendment remains unyielding and free from the influences that they believe have led the NRA astray.

2024 TXGR PAC Republican Primary Endorsements

2024 TXGR PAC Republican Primary Endorsements

Texas Gun Rights loves holding gun grabbing liberals accountable.

But our work is even more important when the gun grabbing liberals are so-called “Republicans” selling gun owners out.

That’s why we’re excited to say it’s officially Primary season in Texas! 

On March 5th, it’s Republicans vs. Republicans, and we are fully bought in to making sure that the Republicans that voted with Democrats and other establishment Republicans to support anti-2A bills – or to weaken/kill pro-2A bills – are held accountable for their actions.

Additionally, Texas Gun Rights PAC (TXGR PAC) is endorsing several candidates who pledged their unwavering support for gun rights, so gun owners know EXACTLY who they should support. You can see our endorsements below (list will be updated regularly):

*= Incumbent 

Brent Money, State Representative, HD-2

Tom Glass, State Representative, HD-17

Kyle Biedermann, State Representative, HD-19

Matt Morgan, State Representative, HD-26

Katrina Pierson, State Representative, HD-33

Wes Virdell, State Representative, HD 53

Mike Olcott, State Representative, HD-60

Andy Hopper, State Representative, HD-64

Mitch Little, State Representative, HD-65

Andy Hopper, State Representative, HD-64

Wayne Richard, State Representative, HD 66

Abraham George, State Representative, HD-89

David Lowe, State Representative, HD-91

Nate Schatzline*, State Representative, HD-93

Tony Tinderholt*, State Representative, HD-94

Barry Wernick, State Representative, HD-108

Briscoe Cain*, State Representative, HD-128

John Perez, State Representative, HD-133

Michelle Evans, Williamson County GOP Chair, Williamson County

Brandon Hererra, US Congress, CD-23

Julie Clark, US Congress, CD-23

Stay tuned to hear about how we’re targeting some of the worst “Republicans” that teamed up with party leadership and the Democrats to try and ship your gun rights down the river.

If you or someone you know are running for legislative office, print and fill out our survey here.

TXGR PAC Survey Background Briefing.

Reminder: Early voting begins February 20, and election day is March 5.

Keep an eye out for future TXGR PAC endorsements and happy RINO hunting!

Cancelling Kyle Rittenhouse?

January 5, 2024

Earlier this week, our friend (and proud 2nd Amendment advocate), Kyle Rittenhouse, was blocked on Twitter by a politician.

This news might not surprise you. The establishment media has made Kyle into a controversial figure, so he deals with “cancel culture” on a regular basis.

But the most recent politician to block Kyle was a Dallas-area Republican, Representative Justin Holland. Kyle shared this picture with us:

Holland was one of the Republicans who voted to ban Kyle and other legal adults 18-20 from owning certain firearms for self-defense.  

TXGR was planning a debate between Holland and Kyle so Texans in Holland’s district could understand his views about basic gun rights. 

I guess Holland is afraid to defend his beliefs. *shrug emoji*

Unfortunately, Republicans like Holland exist all over Texas. And TXGR is the only group exposing their abysmal records!

Texans, like Kyle, have a right to basic self-defense just like every other law-abiding citizen.