Running Scared: Texas House Tried to Hide Their Anti-Gun Voting Records

January 24, 2024

If the Austin political elite had their way, you would never be able to read this article.

Under the guise of “Ethics Reform,” the majority of Texas House Republicans joined with anti-gun Democrats to try and SILENCE the grassroots just last year.

But you probably never even heard about it…

Better known as the Gag Act, HB 1585 would’ve kept Texas Gun Rights from holding your politicians accountable — by prohibiting us from telling you about their voting record!

This draconian measure would not only have suppressed our fundamental right to free speech, but it would have also invaded the privacy of our valued members.

Thanks to the pressure of Texas Gun Rights members and supporters across the state, this bill was stopped in the Texas Senate.

But do you think that because this bill failed one time, they won’t try again? Of course not!

That’s why I need you to sign our petition, instructing your elected officials to OPPOSE the Gag Act RIGHT AWAY.

Leading the charge for this draconian policy was Republican State Representative Charlie Geren — who authored the bill.

Of course, Geren (and many of the Republicans who voted for his bill) also voted to:

  • Expand the NICS Gun Ban Registry (SB 728)
  • Empower anti-gun Democrats as committee chairs
  • Impeach our pro-gun Attorney General Ken Paxton

In short, none of them want to be held accountable for their actions.

If the Gag Act ever became law, it would effectively keep their bad voting records a secret by PROHIBITING Texas Gun Rights (and others) from talking about it!

It would ban any mention of a politician’s name before a Primary or General Election, or during a legislative session.

That way, anti-gun incumbents could coast to easy re-elections without ever being held accountable for their records!

The Gag Act would force groups like Texas Gun Rights to hand over the names, addresses, and employers of anyone who contributes to any of our efforts if we dared to inform you how your elected official voted.

Leaving patriots across Texas open to retribution, intimidation, and personal attacks from vengeful politicians and the “woke” cancel culture.

Just consider the labels often applied to supporters of President Trump: “white supremacist,” “fascist,” and even “Nazi” are common terms used by the radical Left.

Absolutely ridiculous!

Rest assured, Texas Gun Rights would never, under any circumstance, roll over and give a heavy-handed government bureaucrat your personal information… 

…but I can’t say the same for any other grassroots organization or cause that you support.

That’s why I’ve got a team of lawyers ready to take the fight to the courts if the Gag Act ever became law.

This fight isn’t just about us, it’s about the right for you to hold your elected officials accountable, which is why we’re trying to avoid a costly legal battle and stop the Gag Act in the Legislature.

Making your petition so important

Still not convinced this negatively affects you? Let me explain:

Currently, your donations to groups such as Texas Gun Rights remain private — as they should!

Considering most hard-working Texans simply do not have the time to go door knock, make phone calls, or engage in local activism, you can give to a group like TXGR to advocate on your behalf.

But if the Gag Act becomes law, one day you may be called in to the boss’ office at work when suddenly you are notified your services are no longer needed there.

Did you violate any company policies? No.

Did you show up late or take too many sick days? No.

Did you fail to perform your job well? No.

However, the company’s “woke” higher-ups decided your politics are just a little too “extreme” for their taste and would rather you work somewhere else.

Even worse, as a gun owner, you may find yourself placed on any number of government watch lists or have a target on your back for simply supporting our Second Amendment rights.

All because your name appeared on a membership list.

With the hostility we see in today’s politics and cancel culture, these scenarios could easily become reality if the Gag Act became law.

Right now, Texas Gun Rights takes the brunt of the attacks from angry politicians (re: Dennis Bonnen vs Texas Gun Rights).

But if they have their way, they could instead be coming after you!

Even if they pass the Gag Act, TXGR will keep fighting for your rights.

However, it will cripple our efforts as we will be obligated to spend tens of thousands of dollars fighting it in the courts, which would leave Texas ripe for the picking for anti-gun politicians.

By signing your “Stop the Gag Act” petition, you can help STOP this draconian nightmare before it ever sees a courtroom.

Your signed petition makes it clear to your lawmakers that you are opposed to any legislation that would make it more difficult, or even illegal, for gun owners to hold them accountable.

And we need all hands-on deck for this fight.

So along with your signed petition, I’m hoping you’ll include your most generous contribution to help TXGR expose these politicians during the upcoming primary election.

But no matter what you can give, please sign your petition today. Thank you for your continued activism and support.

For Texas and Liberty,

Chris McNutt

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