They’re not done yet
July 20, 2019,
Michael Bloomberg’s “Everytown Against Guns” admitted defeat for the 2019 Texas Legislative Session in an email to their members on Wednesday.Thanks to your relentless phone calls and petitions to your lawmakers earlier this year, Texas Gun Rights members and supporters put a halt to the gun grabbers’ #1 legislative priority: “Red Flag” gun confiscation orders.
Sadly, Governor Greg Abbott gave the Gun Control Lobby something to celebrate: One million dollars in funding towards a firearms storage campaign.
According to Dr. John Lott of the Crime Prevention Research Center, firearm storage requirements effectively disarm citizens in a time of urgency.
Not only that, Lott’s study in the Journal of Law and Economics shows that there were 300 more total murders and 4,000 more rapes occurring each year in the states that mandated firearms storage.
Simply put, Texas politicians are using YOUR tax dollars to promote the talking points of failed gun control policies.
Of course, I don’t need to remind you how these same extremists celebrated as Constitutional Carry went down in flames at the hand of the “Republican” Speaker of the Texas House, Dennis Bonnen.
And they’re not done yet.
Bloomberg’s “Moms Against Guns” is already building up its war chest to continue funding their anti-gun efforts.
And they’re organizing in communities all across Texas, vowing to come back stronger than ever during the 2020 elections!
For Texas and Liberty,
Chris McNutt
Executive Director
Texas Gun Rights