Urgent: Help BAN “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation in Texas!

April 6, 2023

Fellow Patriot,

I have some tremendous news, and I just can’t wait to share it with you.

State Representative Briscoe Cain has taken a stand and filed HB 1894 to put an end to “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation in the great state of Texas!

But I also have bad news.

This bill MUST be scheduled for a hearing within a matter of days. Otherwise, the policy will be a dead duck.

So please call Community Safety Committee Chairman Ryan Guillen at (512) 463-0416 and tell him to schedule a hearing for HB 1894.

 After that, please sign your petition, instructing your elected officials to BAN “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation in Texas!

These so-called Extreme Risk Protection Orders (ERPOs), or “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation, would let government agents take away your guns based on nothing more than an accusation.

Perhaps your “Let’s Go Brandon” and “Come And Take It” bumper stickers triggered the neighborhood Karen who recently relocated to Texas from California, so they reported that you “might be” a threat.

No due process, no opportunity to face your accuser, and no crime committed.

Just your legally-owned firearms taken away, leaving you to fight a costly court battle without any guarantee of getting them back…

…and that’s exactly what these gun grabbers want – to take your guns and never let you have them again!

Ever since Sleepy Joe Biden took office, the Gun Control Lobby has been plotting to push “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation into law any way they can.

Thankfully, they’ve been unsuccessful at the federal level…

…but, RINO Republican U.S. Senator John Cornyn paved the way last year (S.2938) for the federal government to BRIBE state legislatures to pass “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation with millions of dollars in grant money.


Now, the Texas Legislature is in session, and politicians are clamoring for Cornyn’s gun control cash by filing EIGHT “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation bills in Austin (SB 144, SB 529, SB 1274, HB 123, HB 136, HB 1398, HB 3057 & HB 3996).

Even worse, Republican Speaker Dade Phelan created a special committee for gun bills STACKED with anti-gun voices:

House Select Committee on Community Safety

  • Ryan Guillen, Chair (R)
  • Jarvis Johnson, Vice Chair (Bloomberg Democrat)
  • Rhetta Andrews Bowers (Bloomberg Democrat)
  • Dustin Burrows (A weak Republican who attacked Texas Gun Rights in 2019 and voted against every amendment to strengthen Constitutional Carry in 2021)
  • Terry Canales (D)
  • Mark Dorazio (R)
  • Vikki Goodwin (Bloomberg Democrat)
  • Sam Harless (R)
  • Justin Holland (A Republican who has already supported NICS Gun Ban Registry Expansion this year)
  • Tracy King (Uvalde Democrat)
  • Brooks Landgraf (R)
  • Joe Moody (Bloomberg Democrat and author of “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation HB 1398)
  • Ellen Troxclair (R)

Four of the six Democrats on the committee are designated as “Gun Sense” politicians by Bloomberg-funded Everytown for Gun Control. To earn this “Gun Sense” designation, they must pledge their loyalty to Bloomberg’s radical gun control agenda, including “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation.

And as you can see on the committee list, AT LEAST two of the Republicans are questionable at best.

With such a slim, unreliable pro-gun majority, we’re just one tragedy away from the committee succumbing to media pressure and punishing law-abiding gun owners for the actions of a deranged criminal in another Democrat-created “gun free” zone..

In the past, even top statewide “Republicans” caved on “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation and Universal Gun Registration – even launching a Gun Control Roadshow of legislative hearings to find “reasonable” gun control solutions.

But in 2021, Texas Gun Rights members and supporters made them change their tune and pass Constitutional Carry instead!

With your help, we can stop ANY attempt to force gun control through the Texas Legislature.

So please call Community Safety Committee Chairman Ryan Guillen at (512) 463-0416 and tell him to schedule a hearing for HB 1894.

And after that, sign your petition instructing your elected officials to BAN “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation in Texas!

Your action today could make all the difference…

Your petition shows your politicians that you want them to oppose “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation and to demonstrate true leadership by supporting Briscoe Cain’s HB 1894 to BAN “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation in the state of Texas.

The louder we make our voices heard in the legislature, the better chance we have of scaring off those weak Republicans from becoming a squish.

But it will require constant vigilance from EVERY pro-gun Texan.

So after you sign your petition to BAN “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation, I hope you’ll chip-in $10 or even $25 to help TXGR turn up the pressure on your politicians in Austin.

Every dollar we receive right now will go directly into mobilizing more pro-gun Texans across the state on this issue.

So if you have the means to give more than $25, your generous contribution of $50 or even $100 will give us the resources needed to put the heat on your elected officials.

But no matter what you can or can’t give, please at call Rep. Guillen and sign your petition today.

Thank you for your continued activism and support!

For Texas and Liberty,

 Chris McNutt


Texas Gun Rights


Please call Community Safety Committee Chairman Ryan Guillen at (512) 463-0416 and tell him to schedule a hearing for HB 1894 to BAN “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation in Texas.

 After that, please sign your petition, instructing your elected officials to support the fantastic HB 1894 in our great state of Texas!

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