Biden Announces Executive Orders on Gun Control

October 1st, 2024

The Biden-Harris administration is at it again, pushing even more anti-gun policies under the guise of “saving lives.” Their latest executive orders aim to go after law-abiding gun owners by targeting “ghost guns,” 3D-printed firearms, and machinegun conversion devices—attempting to make it even harder for responsible citizens to exercise their Second Amendment rights. They want to regulate, restrict, and ultimately confiscate your guns, while claiming it’s all about “public safety.”Let’s be clear, these so-called emerging threats are nothing more than an excuse to give more power to the ATF and federal government to further infringe on our rights. By establishing an “Emerging Firearms Threats Task Force,” Biden is doubling down on his commitment to strangle the firearm industry and target anyone daring to protect themselves.

On top of that, Biden and Harris want to impose red flag laws nationwide, funding states to strip citizens of their firearms without due process. They’re also pushing safe storage laws to further complicate your ability to defend yourself. Make no mistake, these are not “commonsense” laws—they’re dangerous restrictions meant to disarm Americans.

And their radical agenda doesn’t stop there. Harris and Biden are trying to pass assault weapons bans, mandate universal background checks, and destroy gun manufacturers by repealing their legal protections. Harris even brags about using executive orders to bypass Congress if they don’t comply.

This administration’s constant push for gun control is a direct assault on our Second Amendment rights. It’s time to stand up and fight back before they turn our country into a gun-free dystopia. Don’t let Biden and Harris steamroll your freedoms—we must resist their attempts to destroy our ability to protect ourselves and our families.

Now more than ever, gun owners must unite to stop this anti-gun agenda. Join the fight to defend the Second Amendment and defeat the Biden-Harris gun control agenda!

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