Biden LIES About Gun Deaths to Fearmonger His Base

July 17, 2024 

On Thursday night, Joe Biden parroted a commonly repeated lie, used time and again by Leftists to fearmonger the American people into willful submission of their right to self-defense.

Biden falsely claimed that guns are the #1 cause of death for children in America. “More children are killed by bullets than any other cause of death,” the President asserted to a room of reporters and journalists. This is, of course, not the first time that Biden has uttered this frequent falsehood. Biden first said that “guns are the number one killer of children,” earlier in his presidency on June 2nd, 2022.

Presumptively, the Biden Administration is referring to a CDC figure showing that the amount of people ages 0-19 who died from gun violence in 2020 is 4,368, surpassing even car crashes which totaled 4,036. As evidenced, this figure includes military and voting aged people of 18 and 19 years old, skewing the figure and misrepresenting the category of “children.”

Deaths caused by firearms for the ages 0-17 in 2020 were equal to 2,281, while car crashes for the same age group totaled 2,503. Clearly, Biden and the Democrats are deliberately misrepresenting the figures in order to fearmonger support for increasingly restrictive gun policy.

Any number of children dying from guns is cause for concern, however it should be recognized that the vast majority of these deaths occur in either Democrat run urban centers with restrictive gun laws, or in so-called “gun free zones.” 

No matter what lies and deceitful tactics the gun-grabbing Radical Left throws our way, Texas Gun Rights will continue fighting preserving our Second Amendment rights to self-defense. The fear mongering displays put on by the White House and other tyrannical forces will not deter Americans in defense of their liberties.

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