Duke University Study Proves Gun Control Laws Do NOT Lower Homicide Rates

August 9th, 2024 

Confirming what most law-abiding gun owners and 2nd Amendment activists already knew, gun control laws serve no purpose in preventing homicides or lowering homicide rates, according to a new study published by Duke University.

Using both the CDC-provided homicide and suicide rates of children under the age of 18 between 2009 and 2020, researchers at Duke studied the effects of 36 different forms of firearm restriction, regulation, and control. The varying laws examined in the study included Red Flag laws, background checks, waiting periods, and even “stand your ground laws,” concluding that no “notable distinctions between states with and without the identified laws” were found.

Laws pertaining to proper gun storage and child access prevention were found to have a minimally positive relationship with child suicide rates, although no significant suicide reductions were found in states that have implemented minimum age restrictions for purchasing a firearm.

The primary author of the study, Krista Haines, relayed her shock and disappointment from finding that gun control laws do not effectively prevent gun deaths in a news release by Duke Health. Despite the contradictory results of her own study, she persisted in demanding increased gun control measures, stating that “Our study clearly points to a need for more laws and controlled access to these guns, especially given the high rates of death among children in the United States.” 

This insistent and conclusive statement reveals the premeditated biases of the study itself and the initial goals of its core author in advocating for stripping away 2nd Amendment rights from law-abiding citizens. Unfortunately for Haines, she incontestably proved that the facts simply aren’t on her side. 

Contrary to Haines, pro-gun activists aren’t surprised in the slightest by the findings of this study. Gun control laws serve only to strip lawful citizens and gun owners of their God-given right to self-defense while doing nothing to prevent criminals from obtaining deadly weapons. Men with the intent to murder are not going to be dissuaded by laws preventing gun ownership; murder itself is already illegal. Gun control laws simply disarm good people and leave them defenseless from the abuses of bad men. 

It is also no secret that states and localities with the strictest gun laws also happen to be epicenters for gun crime. New York City, Chicago, and Los Angeles are perhaps the most notable examples of this phenomenon. Criminals find ways to obtain guns illegally and willingly use them against normal people, whose right to self-defense has been stripped away by gun-grabbing tyrants.

Although truth, the Constitution, and the math are all on our side, we will continue to face fierce opposition and deceitful lies from those who wish to take away our God-given liberties. Texas Gun Rights is the premier NO COMPROMISE gun rights group in the Lone Star State, fighting against all forms of infringements on our Constitutional freedoms. Support our cause and preserve your rights by contributing here.

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