Federal Gun Confiscation Would Constitute a Declaration of Civil War

August 29th, 2024

It’s no secret that our God-given Constitutional liberties have been under attack for decades. Radical Leftists in the federal government have seized every opportunity to gradually chip away at the American people’s right to self-defense and self-preservation, and Establishment Republicans have done little to defend their constituents from the ongoing assault. In the months leading up to the 2024 presidential election, Democrats have been louder and bolder than ever before in broadcasting their true intention and ultimate goal of confiscating firearms from law-abiding citizens. 

Make no mistake, the enforcement of such an act by federal authorities would be nothing short of an affirmative declaration of civil war.

With Joe Biden stepping out of the presidential race, the farthest-left-wing former senator and vice president in American history, Kamala Harris, has been undemocratically thrusted into the position of Democratic presidential nominee. Despite receiving a total of zero primary votes, she has become the frontrunner of the party by way of installation. Being one of the most liberal politicians to emerge into mainstream politics, even out of a state like California, her views on gun policy reach higher levels of tyranny than even the likes of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

The Democratic nominee recently promised to a group of journalists that should congress fail to enact a federal gun ban and confiscation within her first 100 days in office, she will take executive action to make the dystopian policy a reality. Inherent within this announcement is a direct threat of violence against the over 82 million legal gun owners in the country. Such a policy would constitute forceful invasion of homes and seizure of assets at gunpoint by the Radical Left’s equivalent of Brownshirts.

This should come as no surprise, as Kamala Harris has previously praised the Australian gun confiscation program, which took place in the 1990’s and involved the forced removal of over 700,000 legally owned firearms. It should also be noted, just as a reminder, that Australians were forced into medical containment and isolation camps during the COVID-19 pandemic. Kamala has additionally called for Red Flag laws and the institution of a federal gun registry in the past.

Consider for a moment the pragmatic application of a federal gun confiscation. This would entail millions of ATF agents and perhaps military service members invading private residences across the country by force and demanding normal people to surrender their lawfully owned firearms. Without due process or congressional authority, the Second Amendment, which was the foundation for American Independence and the bulwarking defense of all other Constitutional rights, will be reduced to ashes. Many will rightfully resist, leading to mass casualties and chaos nationwide. Those who don’t will be rendered defenseless from any subsequent governmental infringements, and tyranny will ensue with absolute impunity.

The reality is that the American people will resist. Not only the people, but entire state’s as well, granted they possess competent and courageous leadership. Society as the American people know it would descend into utter pandemonium and the country would be torn apart completely. Federal Gun Confiscation would mean the collapse of the union and the outbreak of a second civil war.

And rightfully so. 

The exact style of a tyrannical government that America’s founding fathers so clairvoyantly warned the citizenry about is at our doorstep. Some would say that we’ve been living under its boot for decades. Such radical proposals by the Democratic Party, and the very real possibility of their success in November should serve as a wake up call to all Americans that their inherent rights as human beings, bestowed upon them by their Creator and not any governing authority, are under attack like never before. 

Texas Gun Rights stands in fierce opposition to any and all violations of the rights of the people to keep and bear arms. As Texas’ premier no compromise gun rights organization, we encourage all of our followers to fight vigorously for the protection of their constitutional liberties, and the prevention of tyrants like Kamala Harris from obtaining power. To further support our work, visit TexasGunRights.org.

Article submitted to Texas Gun Rights by Blake Kresses


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