Gun control demagogue David Hogg announced on Dec. 16. 2024 his decision to run for Vice Chair of the Democratic Party National Committee. Hogg is a survivor of the 2018 Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School (MSD) shooting in Parkland, Florida, where an unhinged individual murdered 17 people in cold blood.
Hogg took advantage of the hysteria following the Parkland mass shooting and instantly became a member of Never Again MSD, a student-oriented political action committee focused on promoting gun control. Hogg has advocated for the repeal of the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms and was firmly against the Supreme Court’s landmark NYSRPA v. Bruen decision.
The gun control proponent would later create Leaders We Deserve, an organization dedicated to electing young people for public office at the local and national level.
Hogg’s vice chair run is focused on courting young voters who have increasingly moved towards the Republican Party. Donald Trump’s 2024 election performance among voters under 30 was surprisingly strong. According to NBC News polling, Trump beat Kamala Harris among young men by 2 points, while he closed the gap with young women. For reference, Joe Biden won the young female vote by a 35-point margin in 2020, while Trump lost the young female vote by a 24-point margin in 2024.
“Moving forward, we must have a renewed focus on our youth outreach in all states and territories to rebuild our coalition after the massive shift to the right among young voters this election,” Hogg proclaimed in a statement.
Additionally, Hogg told ABC News the following:
“I think this role is a great way of, for one, bringing newer voices into the Democratic Party…I just want to be one of several of those voices to help represent young people and also, more than anything, make sure that we’re standing up to the consulting class that increasingly the Democratic Party is representing instead of the working class.”
Hogg revealed that he’s taking bold steps to woo DNC members. He has claimed to have already sent emails to all of the 448 active members of the DNC.
Democrats are still reeling from the results of the 2024 election cycle where they not only lost the presidency but also lost the Senate and could not retake the House. The gun issue definitely played a role in Republicans’ successes in the recent election cycle. Since COVID-19, record numbers of Americans have become first-time gun buyers. Additionally, Americans are starting to question the merits of gun control altogether.
There is clear momentum on the pro-gun side of the aisle, as seen with the overwhelming success of the Constitutional Carry movement in the United States over the last decade. The rise of alternative media, especially pro-Second Amendment channels, have also broken the traditional legacy media‘s grip on the flow of information. In turn, many young Americans have grown skeptical with the political system and now have access to unprecedented amounts of information that counters the prevailing leftist narrative on gun control.
Due to this change in the information landscape, the Right has been able to make significant inroads with younger voters, thereby shifting their opinions in a more pro-gun direction. The very fact that Hogg is throwing his hat in the ring shows that there are elements of the Left who believe they are losing the youth vote.
At the end of the day, young people are the future of society. If their minds are corrupted with anti-gun talking points, they will ultimately usher in an anti-gun era once they politically come of age. This is why it’s so important for the Second Amendment community to pass on their pro-gun legacy to their posterity. That consists of imparting a high-quality pro-Second Amendment education, in addition to teaching the basics of responsible gun ownership.
Any political movement that doesn’t cultivate future generations of leaders will not be long for this world. You can help the Texas Gun Rights Foundation train and develop the next generation of gun rights activists with a generous tax-deductible contribution today.