ICYMI: TXGR Influenced Paxton Lawsuit Against State Fair

August 30, 2024

Attorney General Ken Paxton just filed a lawsuit against the State Fair of Texas and the City of Dallas for their outrageous, illegal ban on firearms at the fairgrounds.

If you recall, TXGR quickly submitted a detailed legal brief to Attorney General Ken Paxton’s office, urging him to challenge this unlawful ban in court if the State Fair refused to rescind their anti-gun policy.

So we’re thrilled to report that AG Paxton has followed through on his warnings… and even more excited to learn that TXGR’s brief played a crucial role in shaping this lawsuit!

In fact, many of the key arguments we highlighted in our briefing were directly reflected in the legal arguments AG Paxton is now using in court:

  • State Law Violations: We pointed out that the ban violates Texas Government Code § 411.209, which prohibits government entities from restricting licensed carry on public property. This is now a central argument in the lawsuit.
  • Public Property Argument: We emphasized that Fair Park is publicly owned and that the City of Dallas cannot lawfully delegate its authority to ban firearms to a private entity like the State Fair. This argument is foundational in the AG’s case.
  • Government Involvement: We highlighted the significant involvement of the City of Dallas in the operation of the Fair, which makes the State Fair’s actions subject to constitutional scrutiny. AG Paxton is now using this same argument in court.
  • Lack of Legal Authority: We made it clear that both the City Manager and the State Fair lack the legal authority to enforce this ban, a point that is being vigorously argued in the lawsuit.

This lawsuit is a direct result of our hard work — and your unwavering support!

In spite of what many in the fake news media claim, this is not a cut-and-dry “private property rights” issue.

The State Fair of Texas is hosted at Fair Park, which is owned by the City of Dallas — and paid for by citizen tax dollars — making the firearms ban on fair grounds ILLEGAL.

So AG Paxton’s lawsuit not only directly challenges their illegal firearm ban — but a victory could have implications for ALL Texans wanting to protect themselves and their families on public property statewide

But the fight is far from over.

We need to keep the pressure on to ensure that our Second Amendment rights are not trampled by anti-gun bureaucrats and overreaching local governments.

Here’s what I’m asking you to do right now:

1.) Email Attorney General Ken Paxton TODAY at info@kenpaxton.com.

Thank him for taking this bold stand against the State Fair of Texas and the City of Dallas. Let him know that you fully support his lawsuit against the State Fair of Texas and the City of Dallas, and that you’re counting on him to see this fight through to the end.

2.) Rush back your most generous donation to Texas Gun Rights NOW.

We’ve come this far because of supporters like you, but we need to keep the momentum going. Your financial support is critical in helping us continue to lead the charge for gun owners across Texas.

Whether it’s $20, $50, $100, or more, every dollar you contribute goes directly to defending our rights and holding anti-gun politicians accountable.

Remember, this is not just about the State Fair — it’s about setting a precedent.

If we allow this gun ban to stand, it opens the door for every city, every county, and every anti-gun bureaucrat in Texas to try the same.

We MUST win this fight, and with your help, we will.

And when we win, this could set a HUGE precedent to OVERTURN similar gun bans on public property across the state… including the Houston Rodeo.

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