It’s Not Just About “Assault Weapons,” Kamala Supported BANNING HANDGUNS

October 4th, 2024

The modern, gun owning, home defending, 2nd Amendment respecting, “we’re not going to take your guns, only the scary black ones,” version of Kamala Harris that is seen in the media today would be a complete stranger in every conceivable way to the Kamala Harris of 2005 – or even the one of 2020.

Although her rhetoric has pragmatically shifted to cover for her more totalitarian tendencies in the leadup to the 2024 election, Kamala Harris’ 2020 presidential campaign was essentially centered around gun bans and confiscations. Similarly to Beto O’Rourke, she employed the use of a more “hell yes, we’re going to take your AR-15’s,” attitude, repeatedly calling for mandatory buyback programs akin to that of Australia. Kamala scoffed at assertions that rounding up the legally owned firearms of everyday Americans couldn’t be done with the simple stroke of a presidential pen.

But the Kamala Harris of 2020 doesn’t hold a candle to the type of woman that she was in 2005; a malevolent tyrant who, by every metric, would make the likes of Stalin, Lenin, Mao, and Hitler blush.

Resurfaced details reveal that, while acting as the San Francisco District Attorney, newly installed Democratic Presidential nominee Kamala Harris supported a ballot measure known as Proposition H. This measure, which did inevitably pass with 58% of voters in favor, effectively banned the manufacture, distribution, sale and possession of all firearms, including handguns, within the city. The only people allowed to possess or carry handguns under Proposition H were active duty law enforcement, military members, and professional security guards.

Not only did Kamala Harris support this ballot measure, she was listed as a sponsor of the policy, and served as a prominent advocate for its passing. Even far-left Gavin Newsom, then Mayor of San Francisco and now Governor of California, as well as late-California Senator Diane Feinstein, withheld their support for this initiative based on its overreaching and clearly unconstitutional nature.

Proposition H faced immediate legal challenge upon its passing from pro-2nd Amendment and gun rights organizations across the country for its inherent violations of Constitutionally protected liberties. The law was eventually struck down in January of 2008 by a California state appeals court in the case of Fiscal v. San Francisco, and the city was mandated to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars in restorative fines to the plaintiffs. 

Later that year, the tyrannical desires of Kamala Harris and others like her faced another roadblock in the Supreme Court case District of Columbia v. Heller, in which a similar law enacted in Washington D.C. was struck down. While Kamala Harris was not particularly involved in this case, or even Washington D.C. at the time, she has expressed her belief that the Supreme Court made the wrong decision. 

This story serves to show the full extent of Kamala’s willingness to completely eviscerate the 2nd Amendment rights of American citizens, which is seemingly endless. She has also reminded voters repeatedly that “her values have not changed,” and fellow radical left Democrats like Bernie Sanders and Rafael Warnock have asserted to their progressive followers that she maintains her extreme beliefs. According to Sanders, Kamala is merely toning down her rhetoric in a pragmatic attempt to attract the support of moderates in order to win the election. 

In contemporary American politics, gun grabbers primarily focus their attention on the scary looking, so-called “military grade assault weapons.” Leftists call for the total and complete ban of these modern hunting rifles, which include the most popular firearm in the nation, the AR-15. Deceptively, anti-2A activists will simultaneously assert that they aren’t trying to take or confiscate anyone’s firearm, despite the fact that inherent to the very concept of banning something is confiscating it as well.

But it’s never just been about the scary black guns. Leftist definitions for the term “assault rifle” vary tremendously, with almost every single one of them being unable to provide a coherent answer. Many of the arbitrary standards that gun grabbers apply to the ones that they want banned include things like having a detachable magazine, or a magazine capacity greater than ten rounds, or being semi-automatic. Notice that many of these qualifications apply not only to modern hunting rifles, but also the majority of handguns, and even some shotguns, that are on the market today. Their fight does not end at banning AR-15’s, their goal is to ban all guns from the American public.

The fundamental, Constitutional, God-given right to self-defense and preservation is under attack like never before. A sponsor of one of San Francisco’s most virulently authoritarian and totalitarian policies is now the frontrunner for the Democratic Party, and a coin flip away from the White House. Kamala Harris has promised to take executive action in banning assault weapons, should Congress fail to enact her will. She has expressed plans to pack the Supreme Court, should the current justices refuse to bend to her will. She will gleefully oversee tyrannical firearm confiscations on law abiding gun owners across the United States.

Kamala Harris must be kept out of the presidency at all costs! Texas Gun Rights stands firm as the Lone Star State’s premier NO COMPROMISE gun rights organization. We work to defend the right of the people to keep and bear arms against all forms of infringements. To support our work and secure your liberties, donate today!

Article submitted to Texas Gun Rights by Blake Kresses

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