Kamala Harris EMBARRASSINGLY Fails to Justify Gun Control Proposals, Cites False “Gun Show Loophole” HOAX

“We’re not trying to take anyone’s guns away from them. But we do need an assault weapons ban.”

Newly installed Democratic Presidential Nominee Kamala Harris uttered this remark during a discussion with the National Association of Black Journalists on September 17th. In this extended interview (an extreme rarity thus far in the novel candidates campaign) Kamala continued flaunting her radically anti-2nd Amendment agenda, while simultaneously attempting to deceitfully moderate her position in an appeal to more centrist voters. This is how such laughably contradictory sentiments could be stated in direct succession of each other.

“We’re not going to take your guns, but we are going to ban them and confiscate them from your home.” That is exactly what Kamala Harris is saying, as a so-called “assault weapons ban,” would inherently entail the forced removal of legally purchased firearms from law abiding gun owners. This, of course, tracks with Kamala’s past expressions which praised Australia for their mandatory gun buyback program, and signaled desires for similar implementations in the United States. 

Surprisingly, Kamala experienced what was perhaps her first reception of pushback or challenge from journalists since entering the presidential race. So far, Kamala has dodged fact checks, pressure, or any substantial questioning of her past policy positions from her allies in the mainstream media. She has been allowed to parrot her same old leftwing talking points, make outrageously unconstitutional claims and announce two diametrically oppositional beliefs in the same sentence with absolutely zero cross-examination, until now.

While discussing gun control policy, one of the interviewers, NPR’s Tonya Mosely acknowledged Kamala’s support for banning assault weapons, but questioned how she would address the issue of handgun violence, which is a far greater contributor to gun violence overall than that of modern hunting rifles. “In cities like Philadelphia, handguns are responsible for most homicides and violent crime,” Mosely accurately stated.

Kamala proceeded to immediately deflect back to discussing assault weapons and pushing for their banning, while reiterating that she and her running mate, Tim Walz, are “gun owners.” Mosely continued, however, demanding a direct response to her question about handgun violence, while additionally lamenting that, in the majority of cases, handguns are purchased illegally, superseding gun control measures.

Completely stumped, and unable to retreat to her memorized talking points, Kamala fumbled her way through a word salad of an answer, which included a reference to the debunked “gun show loophole” hoax. “It’s why I have also been adamant about, for years, in fact, I myself have protested at a gun show – probably ten, fifteen years ago. But the gun show loophole and why we need to close that. Because what ends up happening is that gun shows at flea markets, gun dealers are not, under existing law in the past, required to register their sales.”

Simply put, this is a non-answer, and an avoidance of the reality that gun control laws do not work. Criminals who are ready and willing to commit one of the gravest crimes of all, murder, will not be deterred by “universal background checks,” or “assault weapons bans.” All that those laws serve to accomplish are preventing law abiding gun owners from being able to defend themselves, their families, and their property from criminal wrongdoers who could not care less about what the law has to say. Additionally, the “gun show loophole,” does not exist, and data shows that a miniscule percentage (0.8%) of criminals obtained their illegally-owned firearms at gun shows.

Kamala’s true position towards how to solve handgun violence likely bears acute similarities to her beliefs on assault weapons, in that in her ideal world, they would be banned too. Of course, this is not a position she would ever publicly take, and certainly not during an election year, but this hypothesis is supported by her past stances on gun bans and confiscations. After all, the Democratic Party’s recent attempts at banning “assault weapons,” are more accurately described as a ban on all semi-automatic firearms, which includes not only the scary black rifles, but also most pistols and many shotguns.

Asking a Democrat to define “assault weapon,” will prompt a variety of answers based on ambiguous firearm characteristics. Some assault weapon bans proposed by Democrats in recent years include bans on any firearm that carries more than 10 rounds, or possesses a detachable magazine of any kind. These standards circumscribe the vast majority of modern firearms on the market. Furthermore, each time this sort of policy is proposed, additional regulations are included to encompass a greater range of firearms for prohibition.

At the end of the day, the totalitarian beliefs held by radical leftists and democrats across the country amount to the complete disarmament of the American population. That has always been the goal. Despite their fallacious attempts at rhetorical moderation, or their promotion of a walking minstrel show like Tim Walz, they are not particularly shy about their disdain for the American people’s God-given Constitutional right to self defense and preservation. At best, if it were up to them, the 2nd Amendment would pertain exclusively to muskets and flintlock pistols, leaving modern defensive technology strictly in the hands of governmental entities for unilateral control of the populace.

If Kamala Harris and the Democratic Party had any inclination to prevent violent crime and make American communities safer, they would cease their promotion of soft-on-crime policies that allow repeat offenders back on the streets. They would also stop employing anti-police sentiment and leaving the Southern Border wide open to criminal aliens from the third world. In reality, their only real concern is ammassing total and complete control, and Americans must do everything in their power to stop them.

Texas Gun Rights is the Lone Star States premier NO COMPROMISE gun rights organization. We oppose any and all forms of restriction on the 2nd Amendment, and work to ardently protect the people’s right to self-defense. Donate today to support our cause!

Article submitted to Texas Gun Rights by Blake Kresses

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