More gun control hearings scheduled in Texas
October 15, 2019,
The fight against gun control in Texas is raging on…
Three more gun control hearings are scheduled across the state in just the next couple of weeks.
Following the recent tragedies in El Paso and Midland-Odessa, politicians are eager to strike a “deal” on gun control and “do something” to get the heat off their backs from the anti-gun media.
And the Texas House and Senate committees taking testimony are stacked with anti-gun voices…
That’s why pro-gun Texans must send a resounding message: No gun control, no compromise!
So please sign your “No Gun Control Mandate” RIGHT AWAY.
Pro-gun Texans swarmed the committee hearing in Dallas last week, dominating the public testimony portion of the hearing.
Activists repeated for over three hours the best way to make Texas safer is to allow law-abiding citizens to carry firearms for self-defense.
They called for an end to “gun-free” zones and government permission slips to exercise their Second Amendment rights.
With three more hearings coming up in the near future, it is important TXGR members flood the hearing rooms and put the politicians on notice.
- October 17th, 2PM, Odessa College, Deaderick Hall (Auditorium), 201 W. University Blvd. Odessa, TX 79764
- October 21st, 2PM, University of Texas at El Paso, Natural Gas Conference Center, 2051 Wiggins Way, El Paso, TX 79902
- October 30th, 10AM, Texas Capitol Hearing Room E1.036, 1100 Congress Ave. Austin, TX 78701
Despite pro-gun activists overwhelmingly outnumbering the anti-gunners in the room, committee members were still bombarded with proposals like Universal Gun Registration and “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation.
“Red Flag” legislation would allow government agents to seize every firearm you own with ZERO due process.
That means your guns are confiscated without a trial being held or a crime being committed. Only a simple accusation is required.
They just need someone who’s mad at you and willing to testify in a secret, “ex parte” hearing (where you’re not present and cannot defend yourself)!
Then, of course, Lt. Governor Dan Patrick is already leading the charge for Obama-era Universal Gun Registration that would ban the private sale of firearms.
Shepherding the names of all would-be gun purchasers into a federal database. A de facto gun registry.
And registration is a TOP priority for Bloomberg-funded “Moms Against Guns.”
As most Second Amendment supporters know, registration is just the FIRST step toward outright confiscation.
Worse yet, anti-gun Democrats are showing their true colors by revealing confiscation is on the top of their wish list.
Presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke openly declared, “hell yes, we’re gonna take your AR-15!”
On top of that, Governor Greg Abbott hinted toward the possibility of a special session of the Legislature for the purpose of taking up gun control.
And Lt. Governor Patrick’s lead on Universal Gun Registration is laying the groundwork.
So it’s critical you sign your “No Gun Control Mandate” to your lawmakers.Capitulating to the anti-gun lobby could spell utter disaster leading into the 2020 elections -– especially in Texas.
That’s why I recently delivered nearly 20,000 signed “No Gun Control Mandate” petitions to Lt. Governor Patrick.
But with the next gun control hearing scheduled for October 17th in Odessa, I’m hoping to gather even more petitions from pro-gun Texans across the state.
So please forward this article to all your pro-gun family members, friends, and neighbors to help us recruit them into the fight for our gun rights!
For Texas and Liberty,
Chris McNutt
Executive Director
Texas Gun Rights