Texan DNC Delegate Falls Victim to Armed Robbery at Chicago Event

August 29th, 2024

Last week, while the Democratic National Convention was being held in Chicago, Illinois, an attending delegate from Texas was robbed at gunpoint near the hosting venue.

The attendee, whose identity has not been revealed by the press, was taking a 2:00 AM stroll with a companion through Chicago’s theater district when he was targeted by a ski mask-clad gunman. According to the Chicago police department, the assailant, along with his getaway driver in a black SUV, had been conducting a string of robberies throughout the week. Another individual, a man 25 years of age, was robbed just moments before the delegate, having his wallet and hotel room key stolen.

Since speeding off in their Range Rover, the criminals have yet to be found, although Chicago Police are currently on the hunt. The attackers have been described as two black males standing between 5’7 and 5’9, wearing all black with black ski masks. No injuries were reported.

As previously discussed here at Texas Gun Rights, Chicago was truly the perfect city to host the DNC. The left-wing stronghold city touts crime and violence rates comparable to third-world nations while simultaneously upholding some of the strictest gun control laws in the nation. Additionally, their city government takes an intensely soft-on-crime approach, emboldening the many criminals that terrorize residents and visitors in the windy city. The town serves as a perfect representation of the horrendous results of legislative rule by the Democratic Party.

Unfortunately, one such Democrat had to learn this the hard way.

Without making light of the victim’s unfortunate situation, there is significant irony in the story of this man, who attended a convention to promote the disarmament of Americans and leniency towards criminality, inevitably falling victim to an armed criminal in the city that most adequately upholds his personal values and preferred policy goals.

This event is possibly indicative of a larger phenomenon within the Democratic Party and leftwing ideology altogether. Leftists conceivably lack a very fundamental understanding of human nature, that being the reality of evil, and they possess an overly optimistic and naive view towards those who commit it. There also seems to be an intrinsically absent danger perception system in the leftist mind. What else explains one walking through Chicago at 2 in the morning? 

Perhaps at the time of his attack, the victim wished to find himself back in the great state of Texas, where the right of the people to keep and bear arms to defend themselves is valued and protected by Constitutional Carry. Perhaps the victim wished he was anywhere other than a city that continually allows hardened criminals and repeat offenders to be released on the street through the elimination of cash bail. Perhaps, even just for a moment, he developed an appreciative understanding of his pro-2nd Amendment opponents and their reasonable desires for the God-given right to self-preservation to be maintained.

This is all, unfortunately, merely wishful thinking.

Most right-wing individuals understand the dangers of walking through the most crime-ridden city in America in the dead of night and would do anything to avoid placing themselves in such a situation. They understand that no matter what laws are in place, evil people are going to do evil things, and good people are needed to stop them. Murder is illegal, but people still murder. Guns are heavily restricted and borderline illegal in Chicago, but people still get guns in Chicago.

Gun control laws only serve to disarm law-abiding gun owners and leave them defenseless against hardened criminals, as was the case here with this DNC delegate. The 2nd Amendment is necessary for individuals to maintain the safety of themselves and their families from the reality of violent, malicious, and evil people who wish harm upon the innocent. Those who wish to remove or infringe upon this most fundamental liberty, whether due to, at best, naivety or, at worst, malevolence, must be discredited and defeated.

Texas Gun Rights is the Lone Star State’s premiere NO COMPROMISE gun rights organization. We work tirelessly to defend your God-given liberties and Constitutional rights to self-defense and preservation. To assist us in our mission, donate below!

Article submitted to Texas Gun Rights by Blake Kresses


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