Hundreds of gun rights advocates gathered at the Texas State Capitol on March 11, 2025, to push for stronger protections of Second Amendment rights during the annual Gun Owners Lobby Day (G.O.L.D.). The event, sponsored by Patriot Mobile, was organized by Texas Gun Rights (TXGR), Gun Owners of America Texas (GOA), True Texas Project and included participation from the National Association for Gun Rights (NAGR) and Women for Gun Rights.
The day-long event focused on advocating for legislation aimed at protecting Texans’ right to keep and bear arms. The centerpiece of the rally was Senate Bill 1362 & House Bill 162 — a proposal designed to prohibit the enforcement of red flag gun confiscation-style laws in Texas.
The author of House Bill 162, Representative Briscoe Cain (R-Deer Park), referenced U.S. Military Veteran Kimberley Moyers during his speech to the crowd of gun rights activists as a driving force behind the bill.
In spite of Texas not having an official “red flag” law on the books, military veterans like Moyers can face de-facto “red flag” style policies by having their names added to the NICS Gun Ban Registry for being diagnosed with PTSD, or even receiving assistance with their financial affairs. Without any crime being committed or any threats being made, a decision can be made to strip these individuals of their gun rights without due process of the law.
Lawmakers and Advocates Urge Vigilance
Throughout the day, several lawmakers engaged directly with the attendees, emphasizing the importance of passing legislation to defend against federal overreach.
State Senator Bob Hall (R-Rockwall) laid out a robust legislative agenda for firearms, highlighting SB 1065 that would directly strike back at the State Fair of Texas by prohibiting all public events from banning the carry of firearms if they take place on taxpayer funded lands.
Representatives Mike Olcott (R-Weatherford), Wes Virdell(R-Brady), Andy Hopper(R-Decatur) and Keresa Richardson (R-Frisco) were also participants of Gun Owner Lobby Day, along with State Representative Brian Harrison (R-Midlothian) who addressed the crowd by stating, “When people fear the government, there is tyranny. When the government fears the people, there is liberty.”
State Representative Marc LaHood (R-San Antonio) echoed that sentiment, urging gun owners to remain vigilant. “The fight is long, long, long in the future. The Second Amendment is the amendment that protects all others.”
In a passionate speech, Lt. Col. Allen West fired up the crowd, encouraging attendees to stand firm in defense of their constitutional rights. His speech underscored the determination of Texans to resist any infringement on the Second Amendment.
Chris McNutt, President of Texas Gun Rights, emphasized the importance of grassroots engagement. “Gun owners cannot sit back and assume their rights will be protected. Politicians campaign on pro-gun rhetoric, but it means nothing if they don’t follow through once in office. That’s why we must turn up the heat in Austin and ensure lawmakers prioritize gun rights in 2025.”
Kyle’s Laws
Perhaps one of the most sobering legislative priorities of the day came from HB 170 by Representative Ryan Guillen, also known as “Kyle’s law.” The bill would help expand civil liability protections for gun owners who use deadly force in justified situations by prohibiting frivolous civil lawsuits. HB 170 was named after GOA Texas Legislative Director, Kyle Carruth, who was recently nearly bankrupted by a civil lawsuit for justified use of force — in spite of never facing criminal charges.
Ironically, the bill would also help protect individuals in situations like Kyle Rittenhouse, who was acquitted of all criminal charges for using deadly force in a self-defense situation in 2020 in Kenosha, Wisconsin — yet is still facing $20million in civil lawsuits.
But when NAGR President Dudley Brown introduced Kyle Rittenhouse, it wasn’t HB 170 that he spoke about, but he shifted focus back to TXGR’s top legislative priority: banning red flag laws..
Kyle Rittenhouse Testifies in Support of SB 1362
During the previous day, Rittenhouse also delivered testimony before the Texas Senate State Affairs Committee in support of SB 1362, known as the “Anti-Red Flag Act.” Rittenhouse argued that red flag laws could be easily misused and endanger the rights of law-abiding citizens.
“I know firsthand the importance of self-defense and the weight that comes with exercising that right,” Rittenhouse said. “But I also know how quickly false accusations and misinformation can be weaponized to destroy a person’s life.”
SB 1362, authored by State Senator Bryan Hughes (R-Mineola) is the companion bill to Briscoe Cain’s House Bill 162.
As the legislative session continues, gun rights advocates will be closely watching to see how lawmakers act on the proposed legislation, viewing the outcome as a defining moment for Texas’s commitment to the Second Amendment.
But the message from Gun Owner Lobby Day was clear: Texans are determined to safeguard their rights and ensure that their voices are heard in the fight against federal and state gun control measures.