TXGR Legislative Alert News

Why hasn’t Abbott signed Constitutional Carry?

Why hasn’t Abbott signed Constitutional Carry?

June 3rd, 2021

Thanks to your hard work and constant activism, the Texas Legislature finally passed Constitutional Carry after nearly a decade of fighting for it.

But Governor Greg Abbott still hasn’t signed the bill!

Sign your petition instructing Governor Abbott to sign Constitutional Carry into law without delay!

Even though Governor Abbott publicly declared he would sign Constitutional Carry into law once it reached his desk — we must not rest until the deed is done!

After all, anti-gun zealots and gun control-supporting law enforcement brass are pressuring Governor Abbott to veto this critical legislation.

What better way to send a message to the Michael Bloomberg’s and the Beto’s of the world by quickly making Texas the 21st Constitutional Carry state?

That’s why I need you to help me encourage Governor Abbott to keep his promise and sign this bill NOW instead of waiting until the June 20 deadline.

The good news is, even if the Governor fails to sign HB 1927, Constitutional Carry will still go into effect on September 1st.

The only thing that can stop Texas from becoming the 21st Constitutional Carry state at this point is a Governor’s veto.

So please sign your petition to Governor Abbott today.

We’ve already delivered over 118,000 of your petitions to all 150 Texas State Representatives earlier this year.

If Governor Abbott fails to act quickly, we will dump even more petitions on his desk, letting him know Texans want him to act quickly — no excuses!

Thank you for everything you continue to do.

For Texas and Liberty,

Chris McNutt
Executive Director
Texas Gun Rights


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