BREAKING NEWS: We’re suing the ATF!

we have filed a federal lawsuit against the Biden Administration’s ATF to defend our right to keep and bear arms.
Texas > California

Without ammunition, a firearm is merely a paperweight.
Press Release: Texas Gun Rights Files Lawsuit Against ATF

Our lawsuit argues that a new rule from ATF usurps Congressional authority by significantly expanding the definition of “rifle” under federal law, imposing potential criminal liability on millions of Americans for exercising their Second Amendment rights.
The Legal Assault on Gun Owners

Gun control groups are expanding their anti-gun agenda on university campuses by urging law students to pledge to NEVER represent the firearm industry or its interests in court.
It’s over… for now (2023 Legislative Wrap-up)

The Texas Legislature gaveled out Sine Die earlier this week, declaring an end to an underwhelming legislative session.
Texas Gun Rights intention to litigate Texas Gag Act (HB 1585)

If the gun-grabbing politicians in Austin can’t beat us politically, they’re ready to resort to harassment and legal intimidation. But we will take it to the courtroom — and win!
Help us STOP the Texas Gag Act (HB 1585)!

Under the guise of “Ethics Reform,” a majority of Texas House Republicans joined with anti-gun Democrats to silence the grassroots with HB 1585.
Texas Gun Rights Action Alert: HB 2837 & SB 728

House Bill 2837 is a crucial piece of legislation that will prohibit financial institutions from using merchant codes to track, report, or disclose lawful purchases of firearms, ammunition, and accessories.
Republicans killed pro-gun bill in Austin!

We need to know: do you support Democrat & RINO Republicans who support “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation?
Kyle Rittenhouse Joins Texas Gun Rights to Fight Military-Age Gun Ban

Chris McNutt, President of Texas Gun Rights, promised to defeat HB 2744 in the Texas Legislature and hold Republicans who support it accountable in their elections.