New Gun Control Group Propping Up Kamala Harris

March for Our Lives, a far-left activist group that champions gun control and gun confiscations, has endorsed Kamala Harris in the 2024 election.

In their first-ever political endorsement, the organization praised Harris as an “ardent defender of democracy, a gun violence prevention champion, and a leader who will listen to young people, give us a seat at the table, and fight for our future.”

Harris became the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee following President Biden’s withdrawal from the race on July 21st.

March for Our Lives garnered nationwide prominence following the 2019 Parkland High School shooting. With the aid of their co-founder, David Hogg, a survivor of said shooting, the group encouraged nationwide school “walk-outs” in protest of gun violence. Until now, they have held a policy barring them from endorsing any political candidates.

The group has consistently called for restrictions on the 2nd Amendment and gun ownership, supporting federal bans on so-called “assault rifles,” which would entail governmental seizure and confiscation, an inherent act of aggression against law-abiding citizens.

There’s no doubt that Kamala Harris is the perfect candidate for this kind of group. The former Vice President is perhaps the most ardently anti-2nd Amendment presidential candidate in American history. She has repeatedly called for bans on some of the most popular and commonly owned guns in America and red-flag laws, which allow citizens to be stripped of their rights without due process. She even started a “Red Flag Resource Center” so that elected officials could work to implement them for their constituencies. 

Gun rights in America have been under attack for decades, and a Kamala Harris presidency could be the final nail in the Constitution’s coffin. This is truly a threat like no other against a radical leftist with no regard for the concept of God-given liberties and the inherent right of all Americans to self-defense and preservation.

Texas Gun Right’s is the Lone Star State’s premier no-compromise gun rights group, fighting to secure the essential liberties of all Texans across the state, and defend them from tyrannical infringements on their rights. Texas must stand in defiance of federal government overreach and ensure the prevention of restrictions, confiscations, and red-flag laws on its citizens. Support TXGR’s mission today by donating today!

Biden Drops Out of Presidential Race: What It Means For Gun Rights

In a widely-anticipated development, Joe Biden announced over Sunday that he will suspend his 2024 re-election campaign. His withdrawal follows mounting pressure from elite Democratic colleagues, donors, and Hollywood figures after a disastrous debate performance against President Donald Trump last month.

Biden, who has been a staunch opponent of the Second Amendment, stated in a public letter posted on X, “It has been the greatest honor of my life to serve as your president. While it has been my intention to seek reelection, I believe it is in the best interests of my party and the country for me to stand down and focus solely on fulfilling my duties as president for the remainder of my term.”

This news, while welcome, signals that the battle against the anti-gun agenda is far from over. With Biden stepping aside, he has thrown his support behind Vice President Kamala Harris as the Democratic nominee.

Biden’s entire career has been horrific for the Second Amendment, and this was only exacerbated by his time in the Oval Office. On a podcast in May, Biden revealed his radical second-term agenda He stated that the “Second Amendment is not absolute” and “The idea that we allow assault weapons to be sold with magazines with 100 rounds is just bizarre.”

In addition to an assault weapons ban, Biden championed policies like Red Flag Laws and Universal Gun Registration. Worst of all, he strongly supported the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, which allowed for continued ATF overreach. He did all of this while continuing to lie about gun deaths, push for a radical overhaul of the Supreme Court, and even threaten US citizens with fighter jets. 

Not only was Biden’s tenure terrible, but so was Kamala Harris. Harris has consistently supported stringent gun control measures, including the establishment of the National “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation Resource Center. She has worked closely with Biden and the ATF to clamp down on private gun sales and has stood by Biden as he labeled half of America as “semi-fascist” while using executive orders and federal agencies to push their anti-gun agenda.

Harris has also been at the forefront of calls for radical gun bans and attempted to conceal Biden’s mental decline from the public, further undermining her credibility. Her potential presidency poses a significant threat to gun rights, making the upcoming November elections crucial for Second Amendment supporters.

But Harris is not the only potential Democratic nominee with a troubling anti-gun record. California Governor Gavin Newsom, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, and even former First Lady Michelle Obama are rumored to be in the running.

Newsom has a long history of advocating for strict gun control laws in California, including bans on certain firearms and high-capacity magazines. Whitmer has supported similar measures in Michigan, and Obama has previously voiced support for more stringent gun regulations.

All of these candidates represent a continued threat to Second Amendment rights.

The importance of protecting gun rights ahead of the November election cannot be overstated, especially in the wake of the failed assassination attempt on former President Trump.

The incident highlights the critical need for self-defense and the preservation of the Second Amendment. It also underscores the dangers of the current political climate, where anti-gun rhetoric and policies can leave law-abiding citizens vulnerable.

This lingering threat is why Texas Gun Rights is mobilizing its members to defeat all forms of gun control and to make protecting gun rights a top issue in November. Red flag laws, in particular, pose a significant risk as they can lead to the disarmament of individuals based on unverified accusations, stripping away their constitutional rights. For these reasons, TXGR is fighting to prohibit red flag laws in the state of Texas.

As the nation heads toward the November elections, the stakes have never been higher. With Biden out of the race and Harris positioned as the Democratic frontrunner, the fight to protect gun rights intensifies. Second Amendment advocates must remain vigilant and proactive to ensure that their rights are not eroded by an administration that prioritizes gun control over constitutional freedoms. The future of the Second Amendment hangs in the balance, and the actions taken now will determine its fate for generations to come.

2024 Republican Party of Texas Convention Recap

June 3, 2024

Last week, Texas Gun Rights (TXGR) actively participated in the Republican Party of Texas State Convention, where we engaged with thousands of delegates and advocated for a ban on red flag laws.

At the previous convention, delegates prioritized “Defend our Gun Rights” as one of the top 8 legislative priorities. The language read, “Protect our gun rights against threats, such as red flag laws, federal, state or other restrictions, by strengthening and preserving our inalienable rights under the Second Amendment to protect our life, liberty, and property. The Texas Legislature should eliminate gun-free zones.”

Despite this clear directive, the priority has yet to be realized in Texas. Red flag laws are not banned, numerous “gun-free” zones still exist, and the Second Amendment faces relentless attacks from gun grabbers in Washington, D.C.

Though our priorities didn’t make the top 15 list this year, TXGR ensured that the issue remained at the forefront of delegates’ minds. We will continue our relentless fight in Austin to ensure that all gun control bills are shot down.

In addition to our advocacy efforts, we hosted meet-and-greets with Kyle Rittenhouse, which attracted a ton of support from delegates.


Kyle is now joining the Texas Gun Rights team as our Outreach Director. Rittenhouse, widely known for his dedication to Second Amendment rights, brings a passionate commitment to defending and promoting gun rights across Texas.

We are thrilled to have him on our team so that we can continue to work towards making Texas a better place for gun owners. Our mission is far from over, and with your continued support, we will continue to fight to protect and defend our Second Amendment rights.

If our gallery of photos of the RPT Photo Line with Kyle Rittenhouse does not properly display on your advice, please click here visit the Google gallery.

Pro-Gun Runoff Victories!

May 29, 2024, 

The runoff elections are officially over, and pro-gun candidates secured decisive victories in 9 out of 14 races that Texas Gun Rights was monitoring.

These nine victories were secured by candidates who returned their Texas Gun Rights candidate survey with a 100% pro-gun stance, pledging their relentless support for our rights protected by the Second Amendment:

  • HD 12: Trey Wharton
  • HD 30: AJ Louderback
  • HD 33: Katrina Pierson
  • HD 44: Alan Schoolcraft
  • HD 58: Helen Kerwin
  • HD 61: Keresa Richardson
  • HD 64: Andy Hopper
  • HD 91: David Lowe
  • CD 7: Caroline Kane

Through hundreds of thousands of mailers, text messages, and emails and nearly 10,000 door knocks, Texas Gun Rights made sure gun owners knew which candidates supported a No-Compromise approach to the Second Amendment and which didn’t.

Among the standout victories: Katrina Pierson in House District 33, a TOP priority for Texas Gun Rights.

Pierson defeated incumbent Justin Holland after he voted to ban 18-20 year-olds from purchasing guns deemed “assault rifles” by anti-gun liberals, and also walking out of a committee vote to ban Red Flag gun confiscation — empowering Democrats to kill the bill!

Holland’s record also included voting to expand the flawed NICS gun registry and the Texas Gag Act, which aimed to stifle free speech and advocacy for gun rights.

Pierson will bring a tremendous breath of fresh air to the Texas House!

Other incumbents with anti-gun records who lost include Frederick Frazier, Stephanie Klick, John Kuempel, Lynn Stucky, and DeWayne Burns. 

Each of these incumbents faced strong challengers committed to protecting gun rights, and thanks to your support, those challengers prevailed.

But gun owners didn’t win everything…

The near losses of disgraced Speaker Dade Phelan (against David Covey) in the Texas House and Tony Gonzales (against Brandon Hererra) in the U.S. House sent shockwaves through the political establishment.

Phelan has a history of empowering anti-gun Democrats by appointing them to important house committees, including a de facto gun control committee that passed a gun ban and an expansion of the NICS gun registry.

Similarly, Gonzales supported the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act in Congress, expanding the NICS gun registry, funding Red Flag gun confiscation programs, and giving the ATF the perceived power to ban private firearms sales.

But after Texas Gun Rights exposed their anti-2A records, Phelan and Gonzales nearly lost their re-election campaigns.

Gonzales will now think twice before betraying gun owners again.

And while Speaker Dade Phelan retained his seat, his weakened position offers us a golden opportunity to elect a pro-gun speaker in the Texas House.

Even better, the eight victories we saw in state legislative races build upon the eighteen victories we witnessed in the March primary…

That means the 2025 legislative session is shaping up to be the most conservative and pro-gun yet!

But first, we must get past a critical November election, where George Soros and Gun Control, Inc. are flooding Texas with millions of dollars.

Now, more than ever, we need your continued support.

After spending nearly a quarter of a million dollars this election cycle, it is critical we replenish our funds to combat the anti-gun agenda in November.

So please consider chipping in today to help us continue mobilizing pro-gun Texans across the state.

Federal Judge Blocks ATF “Dealer in Firearms” Rule in Texas

May 23, 2024

In a significant win for gun rights advocates, a federal judge has issued a temporary restraining order (TRO) blocking the Biden Administration’s new “dealer in firearms” rule from taking effect in Texas.

U.S. District Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk, presiding in Amarillo, ruled in favor of the lawsuit brought forward by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, effectively halting the enforcement of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives’ (ATF) rule, which was set to go into effect on Monday, May 20.

The controversial rule would have required many private individuals to obtain licenses and conduct background checks when selling firearms at gun shows and online, a move that gun rights groups argue infringes upon Second Amendment rights.

The restraining order also protects members of several gun rights organizations listed in the lawsuit.

“I am relieved that we were able to secure a restraining order that will prevent this illegal rule from taking effect,” Paxton said in a statement.

“This is a crucial first step in protecting the rights of law-abiding gun owners in Texas and across the country,” said Chris McNutt, President of Texas Gun Rights.

The lawsuit contends that the ATF’s rule contradicts the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, a 2022 law that expanded the category of gun sellers required to obtain licenses.

Judge Kacsmaryk agreed with the plaintiffs, noting that the rule failed to provide a statutory exemption for individuals buying or selling firearms for personal protection, thus rendering the statute’s safe harbor provision ineffective for the majority of gun owners.

“The absurdity that the statute’s safe harbor provision provides no safe harbor at all for the majority of gun owners is clear,” Kacsmaryk wrote in his ruling.

While this battle continues being fought in the court, it is critical gun owners and all members of congress support H.R. 6734, introduced by Representative Andrew Clyde, which utilizes a federal mechanism to overturn this draconian and unconstitutional Biden-ATF gun registration scheme at the Congressional level.

Gun owners and supporters of the Second Amendment are urged to take action by contacting their representatives in Congress.

Contact Congress Now!

The temporary restraining order is a significant win, but the battle is ongoing. This case highlights the need to rein in and ultimately abolish the ATF, an agency that many believe operates with unchecked power and an unconstitutional mandate.

And by sending TXGR’s pre-written email to Congress, gun rights supporters can help build the momentum needed to do away with the ATF’s draconian rule — regardless of the outcome in court.

As the legal and legislative battles continue, the importance of grassroots efforts cannot be overstated. Gun owners must remain vigilant and proactive, working together to push back against federal overreach and protect their constitutional rights.


Protect Your Second Amendment Rights in the Republican Primary Runoff!

May 17, 2024 

With early voting underway from May 20-24 and Election Day on May 28, it’s crucial for all Texans to know which candidates have committed their unwavering support for gun rights – and those who have fought against your Second Amendment (or have refused to take a strong stance.)

In recent years, we have seen an alarming rise in attempts to infringe upon our Second Amendment rights – by Democrats AND Republicans.

Whether it’s support for Biden’s gun control or the watering down of Constitutional Carry, incumbents who do not fully support the right to bear arms have posed a significant threat to our freedoms. 

Texans need representatives who will stand firm against any form of gun control and protect our constitutional rights, not compromise on them!

That’s why your participation in the runoff election is vital. Anti-gun RINOs (Republicans In Name Only) are vying for positions or another term so that they can pass laws that restrict your right to own and carry firearms. 

Your vote can make the difference in protecting our fundamental liberties here in Texas. 

Remember, a vote for true Second Amendment supporters is a vote for your rights, your freedom, and the future of gun ownership in Texas. 

To learn which candidates have pledged their unwavering commitment to protect and defend the Second Amendment in the May 28th Republican Primary Runoff, view our voter guide here! 

After Facing Backlash, Cornyn Backtracks on BSCA Support

May 15, 2024 

In the aftermath of the implementation of the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act (BSCA), Senator John Cornyn is facing intense scrutiny from Texans and advocates for Second Amendment rights. The rule, which expands background check requirements for firearms sales, has sparked outrage among gun rights supporters, who are holding Cornyn accountable for his role in its creation.

Cornyn, who championed the BSCA in the Senate, has been under fire for his role in facilitating the ATF’s overreach. The revised definition of gun dealers under the BSCA provided the legal basis for the ATF’s expanded background check policy, a clear infringement of Second Amendment rights.

Despite his efforts to challenge the policy and distance himself from its consequences, Cornyn’s actions have not gone unnoticed by Texans. He recently vowed to file a congressional resolution of disapproval over the policy despite being one of its original sponsors. 

His betrayal of the Second Amendment cannot be forgotten. As his name continues to come up in conversations about a new Senate minority leader, make sure to send our pre-written letter to Senator Cruz opposing Cornyn’s candidacy (Cornyn is also included on the letter so he hears from his constituents on the matter.)

Joe Biden Reveals Anti-Gun Second Term Agenda

May 10, 2024 

As if Biden couldn’t get any more out of touch, he recently stated on the “SmartLess” podcast that he intended to “do something about gun violence in this country”. (This is kind of an ironic name considering the fact that the three hosts agreed that “gun violence” was the biggest issue in the country). 

Up until this point, Joe has in fact, taken significant strides to something about gun violence – by working to strip law-abiding Americans of their Second Amendment rights.  

Throughout his presidency, Biden has aggressively pursued measures that undermine the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens. His push for Universal Gun Registration and the closure of the so-called “gun show loophole” have only served to infringe upon these rights. Tragically, these efforts have led to disastrous consequences, such as the recent fatal shooting of a man in Arkansas during a botched ATF raid.

He also allowed Kamala Harris to create a National Gun Confiscation Resource Center and championed the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, which infringes on our Second Amendment rights. 

Biden continued on to say, “The idea that we allow assault weapons to be sold with magazines with 100 rounds is just bizarre,” and cited his past law school teaching experience as a reason to justify that the “2nd Amendment wasn’t absolute.”

Biden’s recent remarks on the “SmartLess” podcast emphasize his disregard for the Second Amendment and the rights of law-abiding citizens. Despite claiming to address gun violence, his actions speak louder than words. The administration’s relentless pursuit of restrictive measures that undermine Second Amendment protections only exacerbates the problem. Biden’s attempt to justify his stance by questioning the absoluteness of the Second Amendment is both misguided and alarming. 

The Right to Bear Arms Should Be Universal

May 3, 2024

In light of escalating gang violence in regions like Port-au-Prince, Haiti, it becomes increasingly evident why the Second Amendment is crucial for Americans – and why other countries need a Second Amendment of their own. Many Haitian citizens are fleeing the country. However, they should have the right to defend themselves against criminal elements, including cartels.

Here in America, the Second Amendment guarantees the right to bear arms, providing citizens with a means to protect themselves, their families, and their communities. In Texas, where border security is a significant concern due to the influence of cartels, preserving this fundamental right is paramount.

Gang violence, akin to what is witnessed in Haiti, poses a serious threat to public safety. Criminal organizations often operate with impunity, terrorizing communities and undermining law enforcement efforts. Law-abiding citizens must have the means to defend themselves effectively so that they can safeguard their lives, protect their families, and preserve their communities from the tyranny of criminal elements.

Texans understand the value of self-reliance and the importance of safeguarding their liberties. The Second Amendment serves as a crucial deterrent against criminal elements, ensuring that individuals have the ability to resist tyranny and protect their lives and property.

Efforts to erode Second Amendment rights undermine Texans’ ability to defend themselves against cartels and other criminal organizations. Any attempt to restrict access to firearms only emboldens criminals and leaves law-abiding citizens vulnerable to exploitation and violence.

As responsible gun owners, Texans recognize the importance of training, education, and adherence to firearm safety measures. By upholding the Second Amendment, Texans can stand prepared to confront threats to their safety and preserve the peace and security of their communities.

The recent surge in gang violence in places like Port-au-Prince highlights the critical role of the Second Amendment in protecting Texans from similar threats. Upholding this constitutional right ensures that citizens have the tools necessary to defend themselves against cartels and other criminal elements. 



Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton Sues Biden’s ATF over Private Firearm Sales Rule

May 2, 2024 

In April, Texas Gun Rights brought you the news that the Biden administration had finalized a 450-page rule through the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) that aimed to redefine the parameters of firearm dealers, thereby expanding the scope of Universal Gun Registration. This contentious regulation, championed by President Biden, is an infringement on constitutional rights and for its circumvention of the legislative process.

Under this new rule, private individuals who occasionally sell firearms, such as to a friend or family member, could be subjected to stringent federal firearms licensing requirements. This expansion of what constitutes a firearm dealer would effectively transform law-abiding citizens into unwitting criminals for simply exercising their Second Amendment rights.

Regulations like this not only encroach upon individual liberties but also represent a flagrant violation of constitutional rights. The Second Amendment explicitly guarantees the right of the people to keep and bear arms. This has always meant that Americans have a right to sell and purchase firearms free of big government regulation. 

Yet this ATF rule effectively imposes burdensome restrictions that undermine this fundamental right. By broadening the definition of firearm dealers, the Biden administration is effectively circumventing Congress and imposing its agenda through executive action, a move that many view as an affront to the democratic process.

Furthermore, this rule is based on misleading rhetoric, particularly the notion of closing the “gun show loophole.” This term, often invoked by anti-gun activists, oversimplifies the complexities of firearm transactions and serves as a pretext for implementing broader gun control measures. By conflating private transactions with commercial activities, the ATF rule perpetuates a false narrative that undermines the rights of law-abiding gun owners.

The unconstitutional nature of this rule has galvanized opposition from states like Texas, Louisiana, Missouri, and Utah, which have joined forces in mounting a legal challenge against the ATF. Led by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, this coalition of states is pushing back against what they view as federal overreach and is seeking to uphold the sanctity of the Second Amendment.

In addition to leading this charge against the Biden ATF, Attorney General Ken Paxton has vowed to hold the federal agency accountable for any additional unconstitutional actions. Paxton’s pledge to sue the ATF every time it acts unconstitutionally demonstrates his dedication to upholding the rule of law and protecting the rights of Texans. By adopting this proactive approach, Paxton aims to ensure that the ATF adheres to its mandated role and respects the constitutional liberties enshrined in the Second Amendment. His steadfast stance underscores the crucial role of state attorneys general in safeguarding individual freedoms and preserving the integrity of the U.S. Constitution.

As this legal battle unfolds, the outcome will have far-reaching implications for the future of gun rights in America. In the meantime, Texas Gun Rights is mobilizing our supporters to fight back against this overreach. Sign our petition to demand your congressman stand up for your Second Amendment rights and support H.R. 6734 to overturn this draconian and unconstitutional Biden-ATF gun registration scheme.